T:D3 S T.~TE; OF TEKd3 , COUi]TY OF K&RR. 1 BH IT itar~.r~'r?ntza~D, Tnat on tnis, tna 13tH au;~ ox rpril, a.D. 1925, taste was begun and Holden a regular term oY the Commiaaionera' Court oY Kerr Count y,Texas, at the Court house tnereoi, in the town of Kerrville, Texas, OFFICERS PRE.iENT: Hon. Lee wall ace, ------------------- County Judge. alley Beitel. -------------------- Commissioner, Preoinct 80.1, 8.6 Jgdene, ----------------------- Oommissioner, Preoinct IPo,2, Hugo wlade7lYeld, ------------------ Commissioner, Preoinct 80.3, Roy LittleYield, ------------------ Oommiaaioner, preoinot Ido .4, sad J.T.Moore, Sheriff and Jno.$.Leavell, County Olark, and the Court having been regularly opened, the followiag prooeedinga were had, So-wit: KERR COURT Y. 80.1245. Oanvassing Returns of Sohooi Trustee Election. The return oY Oounty trustee and County 'Trustee at large, eleotion held in Kerr County, on Saturday April 4t u, 1925, were oanvassed Ana results deolarea as shown by minutes oY Returns oY Elections in BOOK 80.2 on page 58, to wnioh reference is hereby mane. KERB CJUB'1'Y. Io.1246. Claims Ysid. Yarioue bills and aooounts against County were allowed oy the Oourt, as w111 oe ano~vn in Sook 8o.b on page 233 aoa 234 Of ige ltlihutes oY aooounts allowed by said Court, to whioh refarenoe is hereby made. SERR COUNTY. 80.1247. -si3t3t:------------- Pauper allowanoe. Tire sum oY ~4.OU was allowed to Mre. $omona $evaloeda Ramos, wife ox Joae $amoe, as pauper allowanoe for the month oY 4,pri1,1925, to be paid by olork of this Court out ox ddvalorem Bund. !3__-- YERR COUNTY. 80.1248. Final Estimate on Highway X41. Final Eatimat• Yor Colglazier & YofY, San ..ntonlo, Texas, Yur a period itrom May lst,l:f24 to °ob.l6,lyl0, 1nb1ualve. Highwi~y No.41, in Karr Oounty, oei ng Job 80.133-8 State rid Yrojeot 8o.4s1, Federal aid rrojaot 8o.4U5. .rmount approves for payment arum Esoro~ Yunde, #62470.?O;yrotmt due on Ooatract, Sala estimate, ~6481.uT, urea ordered paid by clere ox SriS3 court, as boon ae euYTiCient Yunas are re081ved Yr oID State and Federal Depar tmente to take oars oY said sum. Kerr, Ooanty, 80.1249. Paymont of R.D.(~3 Boada. The County Tressarer 1e hereby instruotod to pay off two of $oad Dietriot 80.3 Boada, of Bew Issue, KERB COUBTY 80. 12b0. Claim of C. .C. Covert. C1s1u of C. 0. Covert for $40.00 damages done by hauling gravel sorosa fenbe and Sn front of hie house on Highway 80. 41, is hereby rejaoted by the Court. `~-'~' "- The miantey oa pag9,lb2 hereoY having bean read in open Court and found OOrr eet"rTe heliY'9'abbie7d. - ~ - ' i 5.~.