T=om sTaTx uF TExas. ~ C OUiITY OF KBRR . BS IT au:~rz:nrnxuyrD, That on tnis, tna 13tH da oY ,ipril, .:.D. 19'Lb, tnera was begun and Holden a regular term of the Commissioners' Court oY Kerr Count y,Texae, at the Ccurt house tnereor, in tab town oY Kerrville, Tessa, CFFIC$B~ PRE.ii3DPT: Hon. Lee Wallaca, ------------------- County Judge, vlley Beitel, -------------------- Commissioner, Praoinat Iio.l, H.CDSdene, ----------------------- Commissioner, Precinct Wo,E, Hugo R1ade11Yeld, ------------------ Oommiesioner, Preoinct Ho.3, Roy LittleYield, ------------------ Commissioner, Preoinot Ro.4, and J.T.Moore. SheriYf and Jno.$.Leavell, County Clark, and tna Court Having been regularly opened, the Yollowlag prooeeainga were had, to-wit; YERR COUS81'Y. Ro.1245. Canvassing Raturna of 9ohool Trustee Sleation. The return oY County Trustee ana County 't'rustee at Serge, election held in Kerr County, on Saturday ,lpril 4th, 1925, ware oanvasaed and results declares as shown by minutes oY Returns oz Electlona in Booe Lio .L on pie 58, to which reference is hereby meas. KERB CUUN'1'Y. T1o.1246. Claims -&Sd. Varloue bills and aooounts against County were allowed ny tna Oourt, ee will ne an own in Hook $o.b on page 233 and 234 !d t$e ifb9utes oY acoonnte allowed by said Court, to whioh referenoe is hereby made. SERR COU:TTY. Ho.1247. Pauper auowanoe. 'T;:e Sum of $4.OU was allowed to Mre. Romona Reval0atl8 Ram Oa, t71Ye oY Joae Ramos, as pauper allowance for the month oY kpri1,1925, to be paid by olorK of this Court out oY ddvalorem Fund. 3~----------------- SERR COUb1TY, 80.1248. Final Fratimate on Highway X41. Final Ystimate Yor Colglazier & T{oYY, San .wtonio, ~exaa, fur a per ioa $r om May lyt,ltl24 to °eb.16,1720, inOlualve. H1ghWay 110.41, in Kerr County, nel ng JOb ffi0.133-$ State aia Yroleot $o.4yl, Federal rid Yro~eat Wo.4Ub. rmount approved Yor payment Yrum Searo >t'unda,62470.70 ;,~meupt due on Contract, tnis estimate, ~6481.u7, Has or aerea paid by cle rd or tnia Court, as soon ae auffialent funaa era reoeived Prom State and Federal Departments to take oars oY said sum. Serr. County, Wo.1249. Paymo~ oY R.D.~3 Honda. The County Treaanrse ie hereby instruotod to pay oYf Lwo of $oe.d Diatriot Ro.3 Bonds, oY Maw Iaanes KERB COUSTI'Y No. 12b0. Claim oY C. .C. Covert. Claim oY C. 0. Covert For ~4D.00 damages done by hauling gravel sorosa Yenae and in Yront oY hle house on Highway Ro. 41, is hereby reJeatod by the Court. ~~~ ~ The minnteq oil p~g•,152 hereo3 having been read in op on Court and found oorrut~ire heriDy~appiovei. i S),