KERR OOIIBTY Bo. 1E87. TRANSFERS. t ' This 12th day oY may, 192b, it ie ordered Dy the Court that all fnnde now in the State nighway Fund of Kerr Couuiy be and same are hereby transferred to. the Road & Bridge Fund of Kerr County, and it ie further ordered that the anm of $b7.Ob bs and same is hereby franeferred from the Uld Sinking Fund of goad Distriot ˘3 to the 1920 S. F. of Road Diatriot #3, and the Yorther sum of ~7.Ob be and same is hereby transferred from the Road & Bridge #3 Fund to said 1920 3. F. R. D. ~3. KERR COUNTY No. 12b8. ~ APP$OYAL tAH' TREA~FRER'S QUARTERLY RE?ORT. This 12th day of Yay, 1926, acme on to ba audited by the Court the Quarterly Report of our Courrt y Treasurer fos quarter ending Apr. 30, 18Eb, whioh report was found oorreot and same wsa approved in open Court and ordered spread upon the minutes of this Coact. iiERR COIIB'PY So• 1E69. PAUPER ALLOBANCB. On this the 12th day ofYgy, 192b, theCoart allowed the following named persons the sum of #4.00 eaoh far months of Y6y, Juna and July,~1925, as pauper allowanos, via: W. T. Moyer, mice F'. Gilman, tics. John Story, J. B. Clement, tdr. & idre. dose Ramos, Jim Tuttle, aLr. ac Yra. (Vary) G. e. nexmody, and the Clerk ie authorised and dirooted to pay said ellowanoa on or after Yirst of eaoh month by proper vouohar drawn against Ad Valorem It ie Yurth~r ordered that Yrs. daoob xainhard and Jesse Reinhard be and they are hereby allowed the sum of X6.00 eaoh fot said three months, se pauper sllowanoe, the same to be furnished them eaoh month by the Chas. ~ehreiner Company in grooeriee. .................... F:FSiR COIINTY. No. 1260, aDVANCE ON 18Eb ASSESSOR'S CcYda1SS10N. This 12th day ot~may, 19Eb, the Olerk was authorised and dirooted by the Court to drat following voaohere favor M. G. retereon, as advanoe on hie 192b Tea Assessor's oam- mission, to-wit: Against Ad valorem rand Yor 4100.00, Against ttoed & Bridge Fund for X300.00, an$ Against improvement Fund for ~p100,00. KEBR COUBTY, Eo. 1261. APYROYAL ~ Te% OOLL~TOR'S AN1dUnL REPORT. On this th• lEth day of Ysy, 192b, Dame on to be esamined by the Coact the Annual reports by Taz Colleotor of tries eolleoted, delinquent, eto., which reports were in all respeots Yound oorreot and in proper farm and were appr oved and signed in open Court, and said Tas ~olleotar was ordered oharged and credited with amounts ae hereinafter shown in the minutes of this terY of Court. R~Cd)T OF A. B. •ILLL9M80R, County Treasurer of Kerr County, Tezae, err Reoeipta and 3zpeoditnree from February let to April'30th, 19Eb, dneluei va:- NRY FUND let Class. Belanoe Test $eport,- Amount reoei»d einos last report, dmonnt paid out sines last Report, 2 Per Dent Oommission on amount received, 2 per oeM Commission on amount paid out, Lnlt to Balance, 76B.b3 2200.00 936.b0 44.Ob 19.73 1918.30 /Sf~