K&8R COIIBTY No. 1267. TRAN58ER3. r ' ~Thie 12th day of asy, 192b, it ie eldered Dy the Court that all Yunde now in the State Righway rand oY Kerr County be and same are hereby transferred to. the Road & Bridge rand of Kerr County, sad it ie further ordered that the sum of $b7.06 ba and same is hereby franeferred from the Uld Sinking rand oY aced District #3 to the 1920 5. 8. oY Road District #3, and the further sum of ~7.Ob be and same is hereby transferred from the Road & Bridge #3 Fund to said 1920 S. F. R. D. ~3. KERR COUNTY Ho. 1268. ~ APPROVAL OF TREASURER'8 QUARTERLY $E?OR1'. This 1 2th dey of May, 192b, cams on to be audited by the Court the Quarterly Report oY our County Treasurer Yor quarter ending Apr. 30, 19Eb, which report was found correct sad same was approved in open Court and ordered spread upon the minutes oY this Court. iiERR CODBTT No. 1269. PAUPER ALLOBADTCS. On this the 12th day of May, 1925, the~Court allowed the following named persona the sum oY $4.00 eaoh for months of May, Juns and duly, 1925, sa pauper allowance. via: w. T. Moyer, miss r. Gilman, ndrs. John Story, J. B. Ulement, Mr. do r[re. dose Ramos, dim Tuttle, ,ir. d~ Mrs. (Mary) G. w. sennady, and the Clerk ie authorised and directed to pay said allowance on or after first of sash month by proper voucher drawn against Ad Valorem it is further ordered that Mrs. Jacob Reinhard and daaee Reinhard be and they are hereby allowed the sum oY X6.00 eaoh far said three months, ae pauper allowance, the same to be Yurniehed them eaoh month by the Chae. So hreiner Company in groceries. YSRR COUNTY, Bo. 1260. ADVANCE UN 192b ASSESSOR'S CckU,,:13310N. Phis 12th Bay oY~xay, 1926, the Clerk was authorised and directed by the Court to draw,Yollowtng vouchers Yavor W. G. reteraon, sa advance on hie 192b Taz Assessor's oam- mission, to-wit: Against Ad Yalorem rend for X100.00, dgainat ttoad & Bridge rand for X300.00, and Against Improvement rand Yor X100,00. KERR COUHTY. $o. 1261. nPYROYAL OF Tes% OOLLBrTOR'S ANNUni, REPORT. On this the lEth dqy oY May, 192b, came on to be ezemined by the Court the dnnual reports by Tea Colleotar of ta:ee oolleoted, delinquent, eta., which reports were in all respects Pound oorrset sad in proper Yarm and were appr cued and signed in open Court, and said Taz wlleotor was ordered charged and credited with amounts as hereinafter shown in the minutes of this taro oY Court. RBPO$T 08 A. B. wILL1kM80N, County Treasurer oY Kerr County, Te=as, oY Receipts and ~penditnree Yrom retiruary let to April'30th, 1926, inolueivs:- JURY FUND let Close. 'Belanoe'lest Report,' o Amount received sines leer report, y emouat paid oat sines last Report, y 2 par sent Commission on amount received, y 2 per cent Cammiselon on amount paid out, 768.63 2200.00 986.SD 44.00 19.73 is~ to Balanw, 1918.30