Dietriot School Ho. 4 tez of 16 oonte on eaoh $100.00 valuation, mainteneme; Distriet Sohoel.BO. 6 tez of b0 Dente on eaoh $100.00 valuation, maintemnoe; Bigtriat Sohool Do. 7 tez of 16 Dents on eae6 $100.00 valuation, maintemnoe; Dietriot Sohool Bo. 8 taz of 30 Dente on eaoh ~100.,g1!'~valaetloa, maintemnoe; Dietriot Sohool Ho, 8 taz of EO Dente on eaoh $100.00 valuation, bond building Land; Dietriot Sohool So. 9 tez of ED Dante on eaoh $100.00 valuation, meintenenoe; Dietriot Sohool Ho. 10 tsz of b0 Dente on eaoh $100.00 valuation, maintemnoe; Dietriot Sohool Ho. 11 ta: of lb Dente oa eaoh X100.00 vat ration, maintemnoe; Dietriot Sohool Bo. lE taz.ot 16 Dente on •eoh $100.00 valuation, maintemnoe; Dietriot Sohool Ho. 14, taz of lb aante on eaoh $100.00 valuation, maintemnoe; Dietriot Sohool ETD. 16 tez of EO Dente on eaoh $100.00 vsl m tion, maintemnoe; Dietriot Sohool Bo. 19 tez of bb Dente on eaoh $100.00 valmtion, Bond Iesne; Dietriot Sohool Ho. 18 taz of 10 Dente oa eaoh X100,00 valuation, maintemnoe; Dietriot Sohool Ho. 18 Lez of 60 Dente on •eoh $100.00 vet ration, meintenanos; Dietriot Sohool Bo. EO tez of $1.00 on eaoh $100.00 valuation, maintemnoe; Dietriot Sohool Ho. E1 tez of 60 asnta on eaoh $].00.00 valmtion, maintemnoe; Confederate Pension tivs (6) Dente on eaoh $100.00 valuation; Oooupation.Taz, om-halt of that oharged by the State of Tezee; County Poll Taz of Eb Dente on eaoh male and female; o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o KYHB COUEITY #1E66. Bemwal o! Home Demonstration Work. On this, the 8th day of June, 18Eb, Dame on to be oomiQered by the Court the the oontinuation of the HooN Demomtration Work La Kerr County, end it appearing to the Court that the people ai Kerr County ors setieileQ with the work done by Eilea Zetha 11oInnie, Home Demonstration Agent and wish to have the esrvio• oontinued, it la ordered by the Court that said Home Demonstration Work ba sad la la reby oontinued 2or another year on same baste as heretofore oerrled on, nnleea aoonar terminated by order of this Court. The monthly report of said AgsnL, Hive YoInnie for YBy was oleo heard and approved em sooepted by the Court and ordered tiled. KiBB COUNTY #1E67. I.BTTIHC OF CUBB AE[D SIDBWAliK CODTTRACT OH 1LIH STHBBT. On this, the Bth day of Jum , 18Eb, o~ on to be ooasidsred Lhe bLde of Z. A. Bond, T. w. Baywsre and Bruno Sohott, end oontraot was let to Bruno Sohott by the Coiat ae tallove: 68 Dente per lineal foot for oonorets ourb amt 18 oonts per agnate toot for oonorete side walk, both along the S. W. aide of publlo square on Haia Syseet, all to bs made is sooordence with speoiiloatiom for ea i4 work in oonaeation with present paving proJeot of said Street. K8H8 OOUHTY ~lE6B. PBTITIOH E'OH 1ST Cl;-BS BOAD HI4HW-Y TO OAK Pb,88. On this, 8th day of Jnm , 18Eb, after thorough in~eetigation, it ie ordered by the Court that the pat Ltioa of H. Onlperper, at. al., asking the Oourt to open sad setablieh a first olasa road tram Highway Lo Oak Park Addition eiong the Yeeker lam , be and the name le hereby in ell things re~eoted. IiHR COUDTY ~1E68. AP?NOVAE Ol' QOIHTSBLY HEU.'OBT OP =. H. TUBHBB, J. of P. This 8th lay of Juae, 18Eb, Dame oa to bs ezamim d tlu gnarterlp report o! ~~ ~ Z, H. Tnrmr, Juetioe of tW Peace of Prealmt ˘l, Karr County, for gmrter ending Apr. SOt