/7 ~ right, privilege and authority, for a period oY YSYty (b)) years Prom this data, to oon- etruot, maintain and operate suitable poles or towers along, over and aoroea the publio roads and highways oY Kerr County Yor the purpose oY aupp orting its tranamiaeion lines oY •leotrloity Yor light, heat, power and other pureoees. ReepeotYully submitted, i 'TEX4S PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPaH7C III By (Signed) J. H. Carpenter, Vioa-P rs eddant". dud ea ld epplioatd on having been heard and duly oonsid ered by the Court and the evideno• relative thereto having been prase ^ted, and the Court having been advised Ot all the Yaote, Sa oY the opinion that same should be allowed, and the righ to and privi loges therein reque eted, granted, aubieot to the terms and oonditiona hereinaYter stated. It da therefore, OHD°]3ED: That the right, license, privilege and Yranohi as ie here- by graerted to TEXd9 PUBtiIC UTILITIES COMPAIIY, its azooeeeora and ensigns, Yor a term op i1PtW1:,(b0) years Yrom the 9th day oY Rovember, 192b, to cone tract, maintain and operate eultaDle poles or towers sl ong, over and nor ose the publio roads and highways of as id County q Yor th• purpose oY aupp orting its tranamisai on lines Yor el eatrioity Yor light, heat, power, and other purposes: provided, howe-ei, (11 That whar• it osa De rase onaDly acne, poles or Lowers shell not be plsoad upon .. sny part oP the road, and the wl rs serene the road shall be suspended at a Lei ght oP net lees than twenty-two (22) Peet Yrom the our Yaoe oP the ground, and, 1a all oases v~ere the pol se ' on any art oY the road, the sane a~a11 be get are set ~teRt to the outelde line oY the rose, and shall be madat alnad ao that they will not leem eo as to endanger or dnterYere with traYYio along said road. (2) In ogee oY the change oY said road, or change in the grade oY said road or the dtai page therooY, said. poles or to were shall be reset or changed by the grantee eo ae to ~oonYorm thereto. 1p] (al Said tranamiea ion line, inel ud ing pol ae, tower a, vdree, etc., shall at all it times be kept and mal nt ai nod in good oondit ion and repair, at the azpenea of the Brantee. (al Ths grantee shall hold the County oP Kerr harmleae Yrom ell expense or liability Yor any sot or negl~ot by the Grantee hereunder. (b1 The rights, prl vil ogee and franchise her aby granted are not ozeluai ve, and ~nothang herein contained shall prevent the Gpunty oY Kerr Prom granting like, similar or differ ant ri gh ta, privileges and Yrano hieee to any other pare on, Pirm or oorp or anon. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1101, 8err County. P A U P E R A D L O W a B C 8. M Thie, the 9th day oY Hovambet, 192b, SL is otd er ed by the Court that Mien P. Gilman, Mrs. John Story, J. B. Cl emsat, Mr. and Mrs. Joa• Ramos, Jim Tuttle and Herbert Brent b• sad are hereby sl lowed the sum oY Pour Dollars each par month ae pauper allowance for the months oY Bovsmb sr and December oY 19 Lb and January, 1926, and W. T. Moyer is hereby allowed the i sum oY Eight Dollars per month Yor each oY said three months, and Mrs. Jacob $elnhard and Jeeeie Reinhard be and are hereby allowed She sum oY Four Dollars eeah per month Yor said three menthe, same however, to D• delivered to them each month by John Heimann, Jr ., is groosrisa. .11 oY ead8 pauper allowan os shall be paid to each oY said paupe re except Mrs. $ednard and Jseae Reinhard, on or aft er the Yi rat day oY each oY said three months, by you oher drawn by the Clerk oY this Court on .id Valorem Yund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o