i79 therePars hereby coo apt ed and adopted and said road therein decor db ad Sa hereby opened sad it eetabldehed~ae a third Diane road. The Court bein oY the Yurther o in ion that the dame ee of B P g ~Lb.00 awarded C. $. f. Eddins is said report are dneuŁY ioi ant by reason of the Ysot that hie land used by said u 'pf road ie aub~e of to irrigation, it is thereYore ordered and deoreed by the Court that ea1d~ I! C. $. Eddlne be and he Se hereby awarded an additional cum oY $2b.00 ae damages suffered ont of $. & B. Funds of Preoinot ~4 ~i by reason of said road, and that said total sum of .$b0,00~ba planed by the County Treasurer 'Ij to the ored it of said C. $. Eddins eubjeot to hie order. and the Clerk of this Court ie ordered to issue to eaoh of said Y1 ve aurora, Ben Moseley, J. C. Sing, J. D. floes, a. L. Starkey and Henty Durant a vouo her against the II $oad & Bridge Fund of Prsoin of No. 4 in the sum of 3.00, oovering their per diem ae eaoh I~I~, )arose of view. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 3tat• oY Tezaa,~ In the Commissioner a' Court oY Kerr County, Tezaa. ~ X1104. County oY Kerr. On this, the 9th dqy of November, r. D. 1925, Damn on to be heard the petition of Jamee Crider and Others Yor the opening of a ro6d through the property of Pies Sue $ob inaon, tiled in this Court on June 8, 192b, and it appearing to the Court that the agreement made by 111 se ins dobdnaon with the Court Yor the red uoti on oY the grade of the road heretofore opened by the Court eloag her west property line and its Smprovs- ment sa epeoiYled in del all in the order of this Court en terad Kept. 14, 1926, has in all reapeots be ea oompliad with and the oertifioate provided for in tbs said last mentioned ord sr has bean made and Ydled, and that said road, hoe in feat been oomp leted 1n aooord anas with said order, and it Yurther appearing to the Court that said road oonatit utea an ads- quote outlet Yor the said petit Sonars, end thereYore that the prior order of this Court eetabl fishing said road along the weal property line oP the land of Miea due Robinson should be in all thin ge oonY firmed and that the report oY the fury oY view upon the road pet it ioasd for by James Crider, et. al. be reieoted sad the petition oY the said James Crider, et. al. be in all things denied. It Se therefore ordered, adjudged and deoreed by the Court that the prior order of thin Court establishing the road along the went property lino of Mise due $obinaon bs sad the same fie hereby oonfirmed, that the report of the Jury of View appointed upon the appligati0n of JameB Crider, eL. al. be and the same is hereby rsj~oted and the petition oY the said James Crider. et. al. Yor a road be and the cams is hereby 1n all things denied. 0. Y. (dlgned) H. C. Geddie, atty. Yor Pet dtionare. e o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o {1106, Kerr County. .L°P $OV,S OF OFFICE$3' @Un$TER.LY $&PO$Td. ,y' On this 10th day of Bovember, 192b, Dame on to be ezamined the rep or to oY d. 9. ii ^illiemaon, County Tr~a~urer, Jno. $. Leavell, County & Dietrlot Cle:k, E. H. 'Purees, Jua- '~I tine oY the Peaoe of Preoinot ~1 and H. I. Hard Sn, Jas tics of the Peaoe oY Preoinct ~4, '~~, Yor quarter ending Ootober 31st, 192b, and eaoh and all oY said repor to having been Pound ~~'~, aorreot, the'eame are luraby approved bq the Court in all rasp vote and ordered Ydled by the Clark of this Court. Said Clark fie Yur then ordered to ep read said quarterly report '~~ of the County Tr assurer upon the minutes oY the Court ae required by law. ~~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o ˘1106, Kerr County. Petition oY B. b'. Denton and 31 of here for dirt road np banks of Guadalupe Biver on Medina Boad. This 10th day of November, 192b, Dame on to be ooneldered the petition of B. F.