Precinot 314, C. R. Eddins, Presiding Judge $b.00, C. S. Brooke, J. W. Denton and C. P. Smith ~I'~ ~ 9 l $3.00 snob. 'Preoinot ~6, Tohn d. dllen, Presiding JuB ge $b.00, R. R. Merritt and Iesao Conn $3.00 sash. ,Preoinot ~6, Geo. MoElroy, Presiding Judge ~yb.00, J. W. Ridenour, J. A. Leinweber and Tom Webb $3.00 eaoh. 'Prec inot 317, Eddie Sohmid t, Prea id ing Judge $b.00, Harry Williams, Max Below and .,. M. Lamb, $3.00 eaoh. ~. I~Preoinot gB, Henry Spenrath Prea id ing Judge $b.00, Gustav Ehlers, Sr ., Rudolph Herbst and Mar Biermano, 3.00 eaoh. ~~IlPrsainat ff9, F. B. Klein, Prea iding Judge $b.00 and Chae. Le inwebar $3.00. I'iiPreoinot X10. No eleotion held. ~Preolnot X11, Clsvoland Griffin, Presiding Offioer $b.00 end B. F.iderritt, H. P. Merritt ~~I and d. B. Se or eat, $3.00 saoh. i ~,IPreoinot 3112, H. I. Hardin, Pre aid ing Judge $6.00 and J. J. Sublatt, J. V. BalBwin and J. R. 3ohumaohor $3.00 eaoh. '~~!Precinot 3113, .G. C. Duderetadt, Presiding Judge $b.00 and H. M. Green, Ferd. Tataoh and it drthur Leyendeoker $3.00 saoh. ~IPresinct 3114, a. Enderlo. Prea id ing Judge, $5.00 W. G. Ward, Guy C. utoaea, L. C. Getz, ?. L. Williamson and Horaos aubey 3.00 eaoh. o-o-o-o-o-o-o VIII#1127, KSRR COUNTY. .i1.LOWdNCE OF V.;RIOUS CLaI:dS dND d000U27TS aGn IN 3T KERR COUNTY- ~. On this 11th day of January, d. D. 1926, oame on to be ezamined the various olaima and eooounta now on file with the Clerk of this Court against Karr County, and same were iiapp ro ved and allowed ae shown in Vol. 5, pages 2b4-2b7, IJinutea of aaoounta allowed of this Court. ~~! o-o-o-o-o-o-o i'~1128. Kerr County. nPPLIC.:TI021 FOR :,PPOZNTMENT OF idOTOR COP FOH KE3B COUNTY. ~, !i Thia 11th day of January, 1926, oame on to be oonaidered the applioation of 'W. J. Stephsne for appointment ae motor oep in and far Kerr County, whioh wne tabled for futurs aotlon. o-o-o-o-o-o-o III#1129. Kerr County. EMERGENCY P.1UPE8 .S10WdNCEFOB McTILDw WILLI:~id3, Colored. ~i~ Thie 11th day of January, 1926, the unfortunate oondition oY Mrs. Ya,til8s Williams '~. I iand eoven ohildren of Kerrville, Tease, having been oalled to attention of the Court, the ' I~Clerk 1e ordered to issue onto aaSd Matilda Williams i.~mediately a Youoher against ad Valorem I (fund for $b.00 and anoihar vouoher in her favor on or after Jan. 20th. 1926 for $b.00 against ~' Hasid fund, covering the aggregate sum of $10.00 granted said Matilda Williams and ohildren ~! ~~iiae an emergenoy pauper allowanoe for January, 1926. ~n o-o-o-o-o-o i ORDER ..U'PBORIZING THE ISSU.rNCE OF TBE BONDS. The State of Tezae, ~ County of Zerr. ~ On this, the 11th day of January, 1926, the County Commie sione re' Court oonvened in regular session at the regular meeting plsoe thereof in the Courthouse at '„ Kerrville, Tezae, ell members oP the Court, to-wit: ~, Lee Walleoe, ------- County Judge. .,lly Beitel, Commissioner Preoinot No. 1, H. G. Edens, Co.nmiseioner Praoino.t No. 2, ~~ Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commissioner Preoinot No. 3. •~ Roy Littlefield, Commissioner Preoinot No. 4, j Jno. tt. Leavsll, County Clsrk, ~~ J. 1'. Poore, Sher ifi, i;