dof 6 declares said Deed and Release to be the binding sot and deed oP Kerr County. sot ir~g by s~ „~ her Cammieeionere~ Court, and dose Pally ratify and con Yirm said Deed sad $ele sea is every 6; part ionlar, and eoknowl edges that her 3ohool Fend has received the Pall nee and bensYlt of ~, ~, all monies agreed to be paid for Bald aabdivieioa lo. 66 of the Karr County School Lands X19 ';; as above described. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ' X1133, Kerr County. ALLOwARCB OF VA$IOIIS CLAI6LS d$D ACCO[IS'TS AGAI$ST KS$$ COTTBTY. y On this, the Bth day oY February, 1926, Dame on to ba ezamined the varlona claims ` and eooonnta now on Yi le with the Olert of this Court against Kerr Cou~y, ®d same were! '~ approved Por payment sa shown in Vol. b, pages 2b8-2b9, Ylnntes of Accounts Allowed of this ~~~~ Court . o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~~` ~j I~I X1134. 8srr Conniy-Panpar Allowance. This, the 8th day of February. 1926, it is ordered by the Court that Yiae F. Gilman, ~'~i Yrs. John Story, J. B. Clpoan t. Yt• end Yra. Jose Bamoe. Jim Tuttle and Herbert Brent ba and are hereby allawsd the sum of lour Dollars each per moth as psnper allowano• Yor the months oY lsbrasry, Yerah and gpril, 1926, and w. T• Yoyer is hereby allowei the sum of ~I. light Dollars per moth Por each of said thr se moths, and Yrs. Jaeeb Reinhard and Jeeeie ~~~~ Reinhard be and are hereby allowed the sam oY lour Dollars each per month for said three ~~ months, same however, to be delivered to them each month by John Heimann, Jr ., in ~' groceries. All oY said pauper allowance shall be paid to each oP said paupers ezoept Yre. Reinhard end deeae $einhard, on or after the ilret day oY eeah of said three months, by voucher drawn by the Olerk of this Court against Ad Valorem Band. ' 0-0-D-0-0-0-0-0 #113b, Kerr County. Dsergsnoy Pauper Allowance Yor will Glenn. `! This 8th day of February. 1926, it Se ordered that will Clann be and 18 hereby allowed the sum of X10.00 Prom the Ad Valorem Fand of Korr County, as epeaisl pauper all owan oe. r ' o-O-o-o-0-0-0-0 !! x`1136. Kerr County• T$ A B S F 8$ 9. ~~ On this 8th day oP -ebrnary, 1926, the Po llowing transfer of made are ordered ~' `~ made by the County Treasurer and County Clerk, via: ~b9.08 Yrom R. d B. ~3 Fund to R. D. #3 Avallab le Fund; •, ~7 b.00 Yrom Sinking Fund oY Tiok 3rad. warrants to Sinking Fund $oad & Bridge warrants{. ~ $10.62 Prom Jail Repair blind to Ad Valorem Fend; ~~~i X191.54 from 9lnking Fund Old $oad DS strict #3 to 9iaking H`uad 1920 $oad Di strict ˘3. 'I ii O-D-O-e-0-0-0-0 I~ #1138. Kerr County. Appointment oY Ettra $Seotion Judges Yor Preoinat ~8, Lane Valley. ' Thie 8th day of February, 1926, it appearing to the Court that Sleot ion Precinct , it #8 oY Kerr County Sa entitled to a double sat oY •lsotion oPfloera, Gus. Bhlere, Br ., and ~i~,. Andreae Hiermann are hereby appolnted ae additional dud gee Por said election preodn ot, to ' ~ii,' serve until their anooeaeors in oPYioe are appointe8. a-a-a-a-o-o-o ~I'~I X1139. 192b and Jan. 1926 Reports of County Home Demos etratioa Agent Yor Kerr County. ~- ~ ii ~,, Oe this 8th day oP February. 1926, came oa to b• heard the Annual deport Yor 192b '~ sad monthly Report for January, 1926 DY Mies Zetha Mo lnnia, County Rome Demonstration Agent ~, 0f i Yor Kerr County, Tezae, wh ioh reports were duly adopted and approved by the Oonrt and ordered