xis Kerrville, Texae. May 10th, 1926, ~~~'~ On this day came on to be considered the matter oY cashing ThraeThousand Dollars worth oY the Center Point Ind e1~e ndent Sohool Dist rici building bonds belonging to the Kerr County Yermanent Sah ool chnd and it appearing to the Court that it would be to the beet interest oY said School Yund to permit said Three Th ouaand Dollars worth oY bonds to be ~I redeemed and paid off, numbering Yrom one to six, inolueive, ~p500.00 Doll era eaoh, sggre- ~, gating p3,000. 00 Dollars. I~ The Dap oaitory oY Kerr County Sohool Lund is hereby inet rooted to deliver said Ali Three i`housand Dollars worth oP bonds to the Center Point Sah ool Di st riot when the same shall be paid off in Yull with acorued interest and s certified Dopy oY this order shall i4 be his autn ority to accept said money for said bonds and deliver said bonds as aforesaid. And the Depository shall place said money to the oredit oY the Karr County Sohool rvnde ~I~; entitled to receive same. The State oY Teaaa, d In Co:nmiasi on era' Court, Kerr County, Texae. County of Kerr. ~ flay Term, H. D. 1926. ~~~~~ ~ On this, the 10th day oP May, 1926, name on to be oonsidered the pur ohase oY ~ Two '1'h ousand Dollars worth oY Kerr County Courthouse and Jail bonds, Ser iea 1926, heir ing 5j somi-annual payments, said bonds to be bought Yor the use and benefit oP the Kerr County Permanent 3ch ool Fund, at par value and soarued interest. End it appearing to the Court ~' that it would be to the bast int ar eat to said Sohool lhnd to pur ohase said bonds it is '~, therefore ordered by the Court that said purohase be and the same ie hereby made out oP the I', prooeeda now on hand in the Kerr County Permanent Sohool Fund and the Dap oaitory of Kerr County is hereby authorized to receive said bonds being numbers B6 & 87, Yor the sum oY ~~~ X1000.00 each, and when same shall be delivered to said Dap oast Dry by L. A. Sohreiner, the owner of same the Dep oeit Dry is authorized to pay Yor same at the prioe and in the manner q hereinbePOre provided. ~,~ 81169, Kerr County. Transfers Yor County Treasurer. This 10th day oY May, 1926, the County Treasurer oY Kerr County is her shy authoris- ed and inst rooted to transfer the sum oY j1.96 Yr om Old R. D. ~3 Sinking Fend to 1920, R. D. ~3 Sinking Fund, and to further transfer the sum oP X379.26 Yrom available Tiok Eradioation N'dnd to Sinking Fund oP Tick Eradication Fund. X1170, Kerr County. ni'r ROVdL OF Ob'F ICERS' QUaRTERLY REPORTS. This loth day oP May, 1926, came on to be examined by the Court the quarterly report of d. B. lgllliamaon, County Treasurer oY Kerr County Yor quarter ending apr. 30th, 1926, and the quarterly rep orta Yor same quarter submitted by Jno. $. Leavell, County Clerk oY Kerr County and 8. H. Turner, Juet ioe oY the Yeaoe oP Preoinot No. 1 of Kerr County, and upon diligent examination and audit oY said rep or to it appearing to the Court that said rep orta are true and oorreot, eaoh and all of same were duly approved and the Clerk ie hereby direoted to ap read said Treasurer's Quarterly Report upon the Minutes oY this Court. $1170~~ Kerr Courrt y. PAYMEYIT OF VARIOUS CLASE6S AND dCCOUNTS AGAIN 3T KERR COUNTY. On this, the 10th day oP May, 1926, Dame on to be examined the various clai;os and aco ounts Piled against Kerr County, Texae, ainoe last term oY this Court, and same were approved andpayment thereof authorized as shown in Vol. 5, pages 265 and 266 of the I~ ~~ ~tinut ea oP Accounts Allowed Łor f.err County, Texsa. X1171, Kerr County. RECESS. It appearing to the Court that for good and sufficient reasons certain business before the Court at Chip term cannot be transacted at this time, it is ordered by ~~~~ the Court that Court recess until 8 O'clock A. IvI. Saturday, ISay 15th, 1926 for the purpose ~,~ oP examining the tax assess pr's inventories and attending to of her necessary business. ~I11I X1171, Kerr Ccunty. COURT RE-CuNVE1dES. On this lbth day of May, 1926, at 8 O'clock A. M. the Cormnieaionera Court ra-convened with all members present, in purauanoe of recces taken at this term of the Court, and the following proceedings, ware had, to-wit: 1172, Karr County. ~; On this 15th day of May, 1926, v. B. Williamson, County Treasurer of Kerr County, is hereby inatruoted by the Court to redeem and pay off Bond No. 8 of the 1920 issue oY Road Diatriot $3 bonds of Kerr County. '' The State of Taxaa, In Comaiseioners' Court, Kars County, Tasas. ~ No. 1173 May Term, 19E6. County of Kerr. ~ May 15th, 1926. dCTI011 OF COI.udISSIOtSERS' COURT SITTING AS A BOARD OF Ea,UALIZATION. The Court met on above date as a Board of Equalization, and after having taken the oath required by law, the Assessor presented the Inventories of property rendered to him for the year, 1926, and upon careful examination of the same, the Court found and accepted all renditions given to the assessor as satisfactory, and the Clerk was ordered to spread an order upon the Minutes of this Court evidencing same. X1174, Kerr County Quarterly Pauper allowance. This, the 15th day of .~ey, 1926, it is ordered by the Court that Mrs. John iil Story, J. B. C1 e:n eat, Mr. and Mrs. Toss namoa, Jim Tuttle and ~lerb art Brent be and are !~, hereby allowed the sum of .'our Dollars esah per month out of the Ad Valorem Fund oY Kerr 7 County ea pauper allowanoe for the months of May, June and July, 1926, and W. T. Moyer is ~~ hereby allowed the sum of Eight Dollars per month for eaoh of said three months, and Mrs. ~i Jacob Reinhard and Jaseie Reinhard be and are h~raby allowed the cum of Four Dollars eaoh '~ per month for said three months, same however, to be furnished to them eaoh month by ~'~~i John Heimann, Jr ., in groceries. All of said pauper allowanoe shall be paid to each of iii said paupers except Mrs. Reinhard and Jesse Reinhard, on or after the first day oP each ' of said three months, by voucher drawn by the Clerk against said Ad Valorem r'und. ', X1175, Allowance oP ddditional Cleirns and ..ecounts Against Kerr County. ~~; This 15th day of u1ay, 1926, came on to be oonaidered the payment of 4 addi- '~' tional claims filed with the Clerk of this Court against Kerr County sines last day of this Court, and same were allowed and ordered paid as shown in Vol. 5, page 266, of the j~ Minutes of Accounts Allowed of this Court.