approved and payment thereof authorized as shown in Vol. 5, pages 265 and 266 of the Minutes oY Accounts allowed for F;err County, Tease. X1171, Kerr County. RECESS. It appearing to the Court that for good and suPf icie nt reasons certain business before the Court at Chip term oannot be transaoted at this time, it is ordered by the Court that Court recess until 8 O'clock a. IS. Saturday, May 15th, 1926 for the purpose oP eaamining the taz assess -,r's inventories and attending to other necessary business. X1171, Kerr County. COURT RE-CUYIVENES. 'j On this lbth day of May, 1926, at 8 O'clock A. M. the Commiaaionera Court ~~ re-oonvened with all members present, in pursuance oY reoesa taken at this term of the i Court, and tho Yollowing prooeedinga, ware had, to-wit: 1172, Kerr County. On this 15th day of May, 1926, y. B. ldilliamson, County Treasurer oY Kerr County, is hereby instruoted by the Court to redeem and pay off Bond No. 8 of the 1920 iii issue oY Road Dietriot ~3 bonds oP Kerr County. ~„ The State of Tease, In Coacnissionera' Court, Kerr County, Tessa. ~ No. 1173 May Term, 19E6. County oY Kerr. ~ May 15th, 19E6. ACTION OF COuii3ISSICYdERS' COURT SITTIYdG AS A BOARD OF DQUALIZATION. The Court met on above date as a Board of Equalization, and after having taken the nth required by lawf, the Assessor presented the Inventories of property rendered to him for the year, 1926, and upon careYhl eaamination of the same, the Court Pound and acoeptea all renditions given to the Assessor as satisfactory, and the Clerk was ordered to spread an order upon the Minutes oP this Court evidencing same. X1174, Karr County Quarterly Pauper allowance. This, the 15th day of niay, 1926, it ie ordered by the Court that Mre. John Story, J. B. Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Jose nruaoa, Jim 'Tuttle and Herbert Brent be and are hereby allowed the cum oY r'our Dollars eaoh per month out oY the dd Valorem s'und oY Karr County as pauper allowanoe Yor the months oY May, June and July, 1926, and W. T. Moyer is hereby allowed the sum oY Eight Dollars per month Yor each oY said three months, and Mra. Jacob Reinhard and Jeeaie Reinhard be and are hereby allowed the sum oY Four Dollars eaoh per month Yor said three months, same however, to be Ynrniahed to them eaoh month by John Heimann, Jr ., in groceries. All oY said pauper allowanoe shall be paid to eaoh oY said paupers except Mre. Reinhard and Jesse Reinhard, on or after the Yiret day oY eaoh of said three months, by voucher drawn by the Clerk against said Ad Valorem rand. ~117b, allowance of additional Claims and ncoounts Against Karr County. i~, This 15th day oP May, 1926, came on to be oonaidered the payment of 4 addi- III tlonal olaims filed with the Clerk of this Court against Kerr County since last day oY this Court, and same were allowed and ordered paid sa shown in Vol. 5, page 266, of the , Minutes oP Aooounte Allowed oY this Court.