assessed and oolleoted said tea ae inoreaaed from 50 oenta to 76 oante{ and said additional tea oY 26 seats on eaoh 100.00 valuation is hereby levied Yor the ourrant year. o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o #1406, Kerr County. APPOIBTB6~PT OF COUNT7C EHGINEEB FOR HIGH9IAY &0. 41. On this 9th day oY August, 1926, it appearing that 3. K. 1Baeon, looal engineer ie oompetent and uallYied in everou2Oand make neaeesary plane and BpeolYioatlone Yes and q y spent to,~euporviae~ he oonetruotion oY Highway ~o. 41 Yrom Mountain Home in Kerr County t• the Real County line, it ie order ad by the Court that said $. K. Yseon be and ie hereby appointed ae County Engineer Yor She oonatrnation oY said Highway DTo. 41, Yor whloh servloes~he shall reoeivs She ouatomary 6f6 Ye• oY She net oonetruo- tion oost oY said projeot. It is understood however that this appointment ie subjsot to the approval thereof by the State Highway Department and Caps. Chao. Schreiner. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1407, Kerr Cons+ty. This 9th day oY Anguet, 1926, name on to be oonaiderad the propoetion oY A. B. Hrowa offsring to install a certain aeoond-handed boiler in the new Court House 8o Jail at a raduotion oY $360.00, and it ie ordered by the Court that J. &. YoCreary, County Super via o, to Se hereby requested to inepeot said boiler and report the Judge oY this Court and Commis- sioner Ally Bsit el, whether or not he Yinda the in atallation oY said boildes to the advan- tags and benaYit oY the County, and the Judge oY this Court and said Comr. Beitel lrs hereby authorised to eooept ee}id pr opoeition upon recommendation oY the Supervisor. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 140p, Kerr County. Selaotion oY Brisk for Court House & Jail. an this 9th day of August, 1926, name on to be ezamined the samples oY briok prseeated to the Court by ddame & Adana, 8rahiteots Yor She oonetruotion of She new Court House & Jail, and it appearing upon reoe®mendatdq of the County Supervisor, J. E. YoCteary that it would ba to the beat interest and benaYit of the County that Kittanning smooth-Ysoed briok should be uoad 1n said oonetruotion. On Motion made, seoondsd and carried it le ordered by the Oourt that the Judgs of this Court and Commieaioner Beitel era hereby authorised to aontraot Yor eaoh Kittanning smooth-Ysoed briok provided the same will not ezo6ed the prioe allowed Yor briok in the epealYloatlona by more than $E000.00 and provided the required oolore and blends can be be obtained in said briok. it ie farther ordered by the Court that should said Kittanning briok be unobtainable for the prioe and in the oolore epaoitied, that the plain smooth-Ysoed briok Belling at the prioe oY $32.00 per thousand, be and are hereby aeleotsd, sooording to sample submitted. - 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 RB20RT OP A. B. WILLIAB480A, Oounty Treasurer oY Karr Uounty, 'Mazes, oY k0eoeipte and Kapendi- tnrea Yrom ~ let to July 31st, 1926, inclusive; JU$Y EUHD, let Claae Balance last Meport, filed To amount reoaived ainoe lest BaporS By " paid out ainoe last Report dz."ii" By 2 per neat Commission on amount reoaived By 2 " " " ° paid out, Amount tc Balanee 424b9.96 30.00 75.b0 .60 1.61 2412.3b. 2489.86 2489.96 23~f