assessed and oolleoted said tea ae inoreaead from 50 oanta to 76 oente~ and said additional tea of 2b oente on esoh $100.00 valuation is hereby levied for the current year. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1406, Kerr County. APPOINTyiBHT OF COUNTY NNGINEE$ POB HIGHWAY ffi0. 41. On this 9th day of Augnet, 1926, it appearing that 9. K. yfaeon, loosl engineer lay out and mako neaeaeary pplane and apaoifioatione Yer and ie oompetent and qualified in every reapeot to~eapsrviee~the oonatruotion of Highway ~o. 41 from IIountain Home in Ksrr County t• the Beal County line, it is ordered by the Court that said S. K. 1[seon be and is hereby appointed ae County &nginees for the oonatruotion of sold Highway Ho. 41, for which eervioea,he shall raoeiva the ouatomary b~ fe• of the net oonatruo- tion ooat of said pro~eot. It ie understood however Shat Shia appointment is eubjeot to the approval thereof by the State Highway Department and Capt. Ohae. Sehreiner. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ffio. 1408, Kerr County. This 9th day oP August, 1926, name on to be oonaidered the propoetion of W. B. Brown offering to install a oartain eeaond-handed boiler in the new Court House & Jail at a reduotion of $3b0.00, and it 18 ordered by the Court that J. &. YoCreary, Conniy 3uPervleo: io ie hereby requested to inepeot said boiler and report the Judge of this Court and Commie- eioner Ally Bait el, whether or not hs finds the installation of said bonder to the advan- tags and benefit oP the County, and the Judge of this Court and said Comr. Beitsl ire hereby authorised to aooept ee}dd pr opoeition upon reoommendation of the Supervisor. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1408, Kerr County. Ssleotion of Brink Yor Court House & Jail. On this 9th day oP August, 1926, name on to be examined the samples of brink presented to the Court by Adams & Adams, drohiteote for the oonetruot ion of the new CousS House i Jail, and it appearing upon rsaemmeadatiis of the Cou~rty Sliperviaor, J. 8. YaCreary that it would be to the beet interest and benefit of the County that Kittanning smooth-Paned brink should b• used in said oonatruotion. On Motion made, aeoondsd end oersted it ie ordered by the Court that the Judge of this Court and Oommieaioner Beitsl era hereby authorised to oontraot Por esoh Kittanning smooth-faoea Drink provided the same will not ezoeed the prioe allowed for brink in the epeoifioatione by more than $2000.00 and provided the required oolore and blends oan be be obtained in said brink. It Sa further erdersd by the Oourt that should said Kittanning brink be unobtainable Yor the prioe and in the oolore epaoified, that tho plain smooth-Paned brink selling at the prioe of $32.00 pss thoneand, be and are hereby seleotsd, eooording to sample submitted. o-O-O-O-0-0-0 BBPORT 08 A. B. WILLIA3lS0ffi, Oounty Treasurer oP Karr Oounty, yeses, oP ltaoeipta and +Lzpendi- tnree Prom ,day iet to July 31st, 1926, inoluaive; JUBY FUND, let Olaee Balanoe last steport, Yiled To amount reoeived einoe last noport By " paid out einoe last Beport az."il" By 2 per oent L`ommiaeion on amount reoeived By 2 " " " ° paid out, p24b9.96 30.00 ?6.60 .60 23~ 2412.3b. Aoumnt to Balanee _2489.96 2489.96