~3q j in this oouaty and aitnated within three hundred feet oY any well, residenoe, Damp, aohool, '~ plsos od business, Suet ltuti on, or any other pines oY abode where the hOman esorata or •YYu- 'h ICI, lent thereYrom oan u may dire oily or indireotly reach, or be serried to, ar polute any well, atr eam or publio body of water whioh ie need Yor drinking puxp oeee by human beings, stook, I°, M oatil• or Yor any other dourest io purp oeee or oonenmption, or where Yieh, or any other living { ~j! or eation that are used Yor Yoad, or any Yowl, or animal, or verm'a oan reach, teed, or beoome„ !; nnolean or unfit Yor Yood by Doming in oontaot therewith; are hereby oonetituted a menaoe to 'Il ~~~ publio health, and 1n violation oY Artiolee 69b and 696 oY the Hevlaed Statutsa oY the Penal ~I'~ I '~'. Coda oY She State of ~~esas, and Senate Hill Humber 3B, Chapter 57 (an sot amending the Venal I' '. Code relating to the pollution oY water ooureea end other bodies oY waterl. ~~ r. TH&H&FC$E. due and legal noS toe is hereby given, that all auoh open pr ivies, as herein ', ~'~!, daeoribed, now and her eaYter boated in the said County oY Kerr in the State oY 'x ease, moat ~~, ',+ be, and are hereby ordered, of Deed or oorreot ed so ae to oonPOrm with these statutes, within " ',. thirty ~daya aft er publioation oY this order, and any person, pare one, Yirm, firma, or aorp or-' ~':, anon Yail ing to oomply with this ord sr within thirty days oY said publioation oY this order,?I I; will be held ae in contempt oY this oourt and dealt with aooordingly, and enoh day therea3ter'Ill I ~ n n " " o-C-C-o-a-a-a-a-e . I( $1411, Kerr Cony. Designation oY County Headlight Teat ing Station. I '. will oonstitute a separate oYYanoe. The aher lYY oY this oounty, and any stb.es duly aonat Stn-11 '' ted penes oYY1c!>ter personally knowing oY auoh oYYenoe are hex eby legueat ed and direot ed to i,11 i~ bring auoh person, persona, or offender before the County Judge oY Kerr County in the State o~ -, Tease, to reoeiva sentence or for auoh of hex diep oaition oY the individual ones; ae the oondi tiona may warrant under the statutes herein mentioned and decor Shed. pie the County Judge, and County Commissioners oY berr County in the State oY Tesas, hav~ Y, this the 23rd day oY august 1926, passed this order and ordered Ste publioation, sad same wil]'~ '~ take eYYeot thirty days Yrom dat• oY Ste publioation. J v/ ~w~ unty Judge " Commis~ionera I R n On this 23rd day oY August, 1926, name on to be Don sidered the petition of J. Lewis Armstrong Yor appointment ae County Headlight Tasting Station to be operated by himaelY in what Se known ae the "Highway 6erage," at oorner Tatar Street and Medina City highway, in Kerrville, Ketr County, Tease, and it appearing to the Court that said J. Lewis Armstrong is qualified to conduot auoh stet ion, and it Further appearing to the Court that there ie only one station, operated by Cone Car Company, now operating in the City oY Kerrville. It is therefore ordered and deoread by the Court that said petition ba and is hereby granted ae prayed Yor, and said J. Lawie Armstrong ie hereby dasignat edto op exate and oondnot a County Headlight Testing Station in Kerrville, Tesas, in acoordeaoe with the laws govern- ing same. It is further ordered that no bond shall be required oY said Armstrong and all Yeas axe hereby waived by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #1412, Karr County. Gn Shia 23rd day oY August, 1926, came on to be ooneidered Yor payment the vari ~Ue olsime and socounte filed again et Karr County sin oe lent term oY this Court, and same ware --_ allowed, approved and ordered paid by the Clark as shown in Vol. 5, page 273, oY the 1[inntes ~~f'~ of Aooounta Allowa8 for Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 3t ate of Te:ae, No. 1409 County of Kerr. ~ The following oontraoi Yor Engineering Servioea in oonneotion with the oonetrnotion of Highway No. 41 Yrom B[ountain Home to the Real County line was entered into by and between the Court and S. K. Mason, 8ngineer, to-wit: "Stets of Tezae, CONTRACT P'OR ENGINES&ING SEBVIOES. County oY Kerr. FRED 3dT.ARY BASIS. KNCW ALl M$N BY TH89E P$83ENT S: Thia agreement made and signed, thie 23 day oY August, 1826, at Kerrvillo, Tea., by and between Kerr County, Tezas, represented by the County Judge noting Yor by the authority oP the Commission era' Court, party of the fir et part and hereinafter ref err ad to as the "County", and S. K. Mason, party oY the eaoond part, hereinafter referred to ae the by and with the approval of the Tease State Highway Engineer, witnesaeth; that Whereas, the said County desires to employ the aervioea oY a skilled englne ar in the oapaaity oY County Engineer to direot, supervise, manage and inapaot all oY the affairs oY the said County that pertain to or are in any way related to the soienae oY Engineering, namely, land surveying oY any and al] kinds, aeleat ions, reoonnoieaanoe, looation, sup er via of the aonatraotion and maintananoe, and the inspection of all roads and highways, bridges, viaduota and other Engineering Projoota already built or that may ba built Sn the future, preparation of any map a, plane, pr oYilas, oroaa-eeot ions, sP eoifioatioae and eet imatea that the County may be osllsd upon to furnleL at any tins, to make euoh material surveys ae may be neoeaasry, to pass upon the quality of materials used by the County, to sot ae advisor 1n all englne Bring matters, to sot ae an sap ert wStnssa in lawsuits affecting the County, and in general So represent the County 1n all Engineering matt era; and Whereas, the Engineer represents himaelY to be a skilled engineer and has been engage8 in understands, and now does euoh work and ie Pally qual ifiad, ready and willing to perform the work above enumerated, now THIS AG$EE6SENT WITNESSElH: lat. The Engineer, Yor and in oon siderat ion oY certain payments ea hereinafter epeai- Pied agrees to perform the duties of Engineer as hereinbefore enumerated to the beat oY his knowledge and ability and to perYOrm all road and highway work to the entire ettiafaotion oY the County Commieaipnera and oY the State Highway Engineer. 2nd. Tha Engineer Yurther agrees that he ie not at present, nor will he become direotly or indireotly interested Yinanoislly or otherwise in any oontraots that the County may 1st. 3rd. Tha Engineer further agrees that all oY hie time shall be devoted to the inter- eats oY the County and Yurther that he will not oontraoi to do work Yor say parties, other than the Coanty, without wrl tt en oon sent. 4th. The County agrees to Yurnieh at its owe proper ooet and eapenea all of the materials, and supplies neoeeeary Yor the just and sYYioient proeeoution of hie work sa County Engineer, when requisitioned through the proper ohannele. bth. The County Yurther agrees to Yurniah Yree oY ooat to the Engineer auYYiaient rooms in the County Court Honae or in some other convenient plaoa properly Yittad and equipp Yor the use sa an oYYiae Yor the County 8ngineer. Thia inoludee all ahaira and other office