Z ~ q ~ #i4Sb, LEPlIHC 08 00$'rR60! FOR Two BELC$ CELLS I$ Sfw JBIL. q~ Do this 8th day ai $o-ember, 1986, Dame on to be oonaidere6 the pr opoeal.tiled Sa ^ I! writing with the Clark of this Oonrt by 8onthern Steel Oompaay for the oreetioa ei twe felon Degas wish plumbing. 'eto. oomplete aooordlag to plans and ep eoifieatioas is the new jail ~~ nor Hader ooaetrnotiea, for the prioa ei ~i990.00; and it appearing to the Coact that said pziee of ;b840.00 is a Lair and reasonable prioa thorefoz, said proposal wan duly aooeptod by tho Court and said pries shall be addei to the original sontraet for jail egnipmsat e~ersd into Dy and betpoa 8grr Oonnty and 8onthesn.8tul Oompany ei 8aa aatonie et data, Jnly Sith, 1986, and the Clerk is direoted to eater wid proposal and aoooptaaoe is the misutes of thi^ Court, so follows: •Mn intonio, lazes. werember 8th, 1988. Honorable Oamaisadoners QourS, terr Conaiy, Resaa, ~~ Ssrrrille, lazes. jai Yoe;a: ,dams & Adams, Arehiteate, San Antonio, loxes. p Watlomea:- wo have very sarafnliy eetimatad the ooai of the two talon sages eh own sad deeorib- j ed in t]u plena and sp eeifisatlons therefor which axe herewith anal Deed end we de hereby pr opoes to iarnigh and erset eomplote the acid Dolls ant do tho Binmbing in oonseetion, _ all 1n saoordanos with the said plane ana epeeitie.ttona ter the ram of live lhoweand, Eight Hundred $iaety F#6890.00)„whieh amount yen msy add to one present oontrwt with yon, dated July 16th, 19E6, for Jail Stool sad lgnipme~, in sooordsaoe with iho pr ovieiens of the o:iglnal speeiiioations Sn eo~eetioa therswdil-. Tha time ds very abort in whieh to get this ognipmont in without nmdne delay to She building eoatraet os and we w111 aypreelate your wassfn1 oonglleraSies ei this matter at Shia timo. $sspeetfally years, '~ ( Signed ) Southern Steel CorWany +' • Hy Hall Fonsgbloel F The above prop Deal has been duly aooeptsd by tlu Oommiesioners Coast of Yerr County. lams, the prioa to bs added to the or igi sal oontreot by sad betwea 14rr Oonaty, lazes, eaa 8onthern 8tee1 Company of San intonio, lease, dated July li, 1986. 4tteat: ( ffignod) bee wallaoo (Signed) Jno. B. besvell, County Olerk County Judge ,i • By w. •• boohte, Dep. " e-o-e-a-o-o-o-e #1486. LW.01a$OE O! HILL B'OB Eilaa I~IH OP lOUBLalIO$ Ol OOU$T HOOSE• Os this 8th day o! $ovsmber, 1486, Dame oa to De ooneidered the aooo:mS of w. 0. ThtaSlkill ter ?]b97.48 oovering •:tra depth of foundation of now Courthouse on ooai pins 10~,bseie as per agreemanS, and Lt appearing to the Court that sold aooomot Se ynet and oorreet. same is hereby approved and She 01erk of this Oonrt anthorlsod and diteotsd to ~~ toque a voneher for X1597.43 in favor of w. C. lhra11ki11 agaiwt the available Courthouse 8: Jail land of gerr County is full payment thereof. o-o-o-o-e-o-a-e-o-o #148q, LgYII$0 0! OOHZRACT !OR ADDI=IOHBb IOE RLTEH IOIIBlAI$, en 2nd Yloor of Conrthausa. 0n Chia aSh day of Eo-ember, 1986, Dame on to be ooneidered the written bid oS drlnkin8 w. B. B;owa tiled with the Clerk of this Court proposing to install sa ios avatar.fountain M on the seoond floor of the new Court Bonne for the prioa of =y,60.00, and it appearing to the CO~+rt that said Brio• 0f =E60,00 is 8 fair ana reasonable pr Soe therefor, said bid Se hereby aooepted by the OourS sad same shall be added to l¢'. Brown's present plumbing eoatraet ea said building. o-o-o-o-o-o ;1458, idv.rtieamsnt for Bide on Steel 6: toad lnrniture for new Oonrt House. On this 8th day of Bovember, 19E6, span snggeetioa of idams & Adams, ~rohiteets, f' ~ it is ordered by the Oonrt that the Judge of thlo0ourt be and Se hereby anthoriaad and iagtrcioted to advertise for separate bids on the steel a~ wood furniture for the now Coast HonN to be opened at the nest regniar meeting of thin Canrt• lha form of edvertiee- meat and lists of said inraitnre to bs furnished by said arohiteots. o-o-o-e-e-o