c., FOR y$AR, 1925• ap,TTy13yyr1yT KITH TA7C r0L7~^TOA ~7 curt of Ks rr County, Tasae• itevs:_ Cy, T~~g, ~ 2 In the . oaaalesie Ser th, A• D. 1926, TfiE STATE ~ $0.145 $ovemb 9 Rarf County. Texas, be oradltad with the follow nB r ~tluTY ~ ~~ ~ Tax C ollea for of IL is ordered by the Court that J. T• Hoore, Erros r, Jury _-- _~-5- 40-.82 __ 1. ,0 urt that 7. T.Noore, T•x C olleo for LoT Ss rr Co~tY• Tesae, ba oredited with the following:- It ie ordered by the • .. ., a~ o x'20 •30 C Dols ~- 12.52 u•a~ x.09 28. 2 ]• 0 0 fox 1925 ~ a~ 3 2 32 2 K_76 l b Com tioliei - 1.80 •04 nt in former sere •1 1.2 2.1 z.8 3.30 19.75 .49 9.85 and Perms t 13.77 20.29 33•'9 39'90 Tntals ~ I za 97 .93 32.20 9.75 14.8a 131.7 '~ It is further ordered by the Court, that J, T. Poore, Tax ^ olleotor of Rerr ^ ovnty, Texas, be oharged with the following items: Various Funds 192 Jur R. 9c B, Adv, T, E, F. P,I,F, R, P. ~JL OId R.D.i~2 Polls Redemptions 31.75 95.2s 158.80 ji.74 s3, 51 2ss,04 13.j9 Interest and Feaslty s, 78 20. 7 s s, 78 13.58 5.70 2, s9 Supplemental Rolls 152.7$ Totals 38.53 115. s3 192,7s 38.54 77.09 320.74 ls,o8 152.75 ~ It ie fu~t her ordered by the Court, that J.T.Yoore, Tax Colleo for of Re rr bounty, Texas, be ohar aed with the following its as: Distrlot 87hoo1s #2 ~4 ~ ~+7 {'14 d19 C, P. Supplemental Redee msd 58.75 6.16 lo,0 9.53 17. ss 5.43 s1.7o . Intersst and kas~lty .18 2.55 2, 6j 1.52 4,28 1. s8 9.87 Totsle 67.93 8.71 lB.sB 11.05 21.94 7.11 71.57 The 9th day of November A, Atte et B above and foregoing minutes on D, 1926, and the "Dort stands 4 ounty ^ lark Deputy, pease 248 to 258 ad,~ourned, hereof, ins lueive, -0-0-0-0-0-0 having been read and examined, are hereby approved, this the (f~ ~y Q~J- B~ ~Ll ~~~r%~--~~~ C ovnty Judge ~ I