~ $~~ The Stabs of Teae, County of Kerr. ~ He it HemamDere d, that on this, the 13th Bay of Deoember, •. D. 1926, there was begun and holden a regular term of the Commleaioaere' Court of Kerr County, Teas, at the Court Aouae there of, in the town of Kerrville, Teas, OFFICERS PRESERT: Hon. Lae Wallaoe, - - - - - - - - County dodge, Ally Beitel, - - - - - - - - - - Commie eloner, Prsoinot Ao. 1, H. G. Helene, - - - - - - - - - - Commiaeionar, Preoinot Ho. E, Hugo WSedenfeld, - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preolnot Ho. 3, Aoy Littlefield, - - - - - - - - Commleeione r, Preoinat Bo. 4, J. T. Poore, 3heriif and dno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeodinga were had, to-wit: /14b4, Kerr County, APPLICAT ION OF T. t. LAWSOH FOR COHSTRIICTIOH OF CULVERT. On this 13th day of Deoember, 1826, name on Lo be heard the personal applioation ~ of T. V. Lawson Yor Lhe oonetruotion and maintenana• at hie own ezpeae• of a pertain culvert aoroae the publio road at the Curbells Dressing on North Fork of the Gaadslupe Hivsr for the purpose of taking oars of waste water Yrom hie irrigation ram, and it appearing to the Court that Bald applioatioa should be granted upon Bald Laweon'e agreement that he rill oonatruot said oulvert Ln a substantial and aultabls manner and will keep same Sa proper eonditioa and repair, said applioatioa is therefore granted and said T. v. Lawson authorised) to oonatruot said oulvert as prayed Yor. ~, ~145b, Kerr County. RE: MRS. JACOB REIHAARD'S PAUPER ALLOWANCE. On this 13th day of December, 1926, name on to ba oo naidered the applioation of Mrs. August Leerier for an inoreaee in the monthly pauper allowanos of Mrs. Reinhard, whloh appli- oation 1e hereby re~eoted by the Court, but, St is ordered by the Court that the order of this Court paeasd at the November Term of this Court be and Se hereby amended as follows: That lnetead of ea id pauper sllowanoe Deing furai shed Mrs. Reinhard Sn grooarlae, same shall ba paid in Dash by the Clerk of thin Court by vovo her drawn against the rid valorem fund, for Dec. 1926 and January, 19E 7. ~'~~ /14bd, Kerr County. FIZING AMOIIHT OF BONDS OF COUNTY OFFICIALS . On this 13th day of Deoember, 1926, it is ordered by the Court that the bonds for the inooming oYfioiale of Kerr County be and are hereby fixed in the same rospeotSve amounts ae two ye are ego; axoapt where otherwise provided by law. , #1469, Kerr County. DESIGNATION OF TWO ADDITIONAL COIIBTS HEADLIGHT TESTING STATIOAS. On this 13th day of Deoember, 1926, oeme on to be Donal dared the raepeotlve written applio at Iona of I. W. Zumwalt and Urban Edwerde for appointment as County Headlight Testing Stations to be operated Dy said ra spent ive applioanta at their reepeot ive garages in the City oY %srrville, Kerr County, Teae, and it appearing to the Court that said applioante are qusliiied to oonduot said stet ions, and it further appearing to the Court that the present two stations operating in the City of Kerrville are very orowdeQ during the to sting season sad there ie euffioisat Dualneae for Lour stet ions in the Clty. IL ie therefore ordered and decreed by the Court that said rsepeatlve applioations bs and are hereby granted ae prayed for, an8 said I. W. Zumwalt and Urban Edwards are hereby authorised and deaignatod to operate and oonduot County Headlight Teeting Stat loan in