Z(, 3 Tho State of Taaaa, ~ ~ In Comtiaaiowrs' Oourt, Parr County, Tessa. Ho. 1467 County of Larr. Janaary 2nd, 1927. Tha ofidelal;bonda'oi the,Yaliowiag.namad Cennty and Precinct Offdoere for Sur County, Ts:as, elected at the Hevsmbsr Election, 1986, ware ezamined and approved, after esoh of asld oifiosre had taken the Oath required Dy law, t•-wit: J• T. Yoora, Stat• Tea Collsot or; J. T. Poore, County Tu Collect es: J. T. Yoora. 7 .~ Sheriff; Laa Wallaoa, County Jndga; Laa Wallaoa, E:-Offiodo County Saperinten8ant of Pabldo Scheele; 8obazt I. Wilson, County Attozasy; Jno. 8. Lasvell, DSetriot Clerk; Jno. 8. Leavell, Couaty Clark; A. 8. Williamson, Coanty lrwansar; W. g. Patareos, Taz Assessor ; A. L. 8larkey, Oounty Surveyor; F. A/ La:gsr, County Ooma