2 77 I vine sal Leakay Hoad again at the Luld aroeaiag in Heal County. I o-o-e-o-o-o-o M #1499, Serr County. LD4AHC8 !0 1. A. FLACETT FUHHITIIBH COYPLHY OH I!8 FCHHITOHiCOITHLC! FOH HHl OOSJR! HOO3L. On thin 14th ley et laroh, 1987, npoa reoomIDandetioa of Ldams a Llams, Lrohitsete, it appsaring to the Court that w. •. Fawostt Ferniture Company of Ssrrv111e Se sntitlel Eo an advanos of X1,000.00 on Ste ooatreot for the inrniture to be inrniehad for the sew Court House dne to the feet tha4 at the apeoial inetaaee of th1• Court sail inrnitnre was ynrohaH and daliversl in Serrvilla before the bnilding was oomylstel, thus nompelling sell Compary to make payment therefor to the faetory oat of its own fuade when is iLei same should Nava of Dsen pail for oat of money derived ouf/the oontrsot with tht~sonnty, and it farther aypeari~ to the Court that the ms~or portion of the furniture oovsred by said oontrsot Se now stosad under adeque.te inevrano• Sn the old fail building of thi• Oouaty. It i^ therefore ordered by the Court that tie 'Niladvanoe and partial payment of 6,000.00 ea the inrnltnrs eontraet hell by Ball lhwoatt Furniture Company bs and is hereby allowed, and the Clerk ie hereby amthsrisal and Qiraetel to isaw in (aver sf sail Compaq s voneher against the LvaSlabU C. H, b J. Funl of Serr CenmtF toe oil tam et j1000.00, whieh Se to W Saswd and delivered Hate tall Faweatt Furniture Company open the~ezprea• oonditioa sad agreement that the Daywat reDreseated by sail voneher wader this order shall not be aoaetruel to is any manner aosspL the furniture or any Dart thereof to be furnished by said Company, sad this Court does not aunms any reeponriD111ty by firs, theft or otherwise in oonneotion with assn Puraitur• not11 the final le dloery sal aeeeptaao• of same aoaordiag bo the oontrsot. o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1499, Serr County. LDOP4203 OF HII'ffi4HIOS OF wLTER SlHES! THHCQCH MH3TLlHD LDDIlIOH TO S6HH72LL3 L8 L PIHST CLLS9 P[TBLIC HOLD. On this 14th Bey of Yaroh, 1989, rayon the personal applioation of Yessre. S. Galbraith. J. L. Pampell and Hal Peterson repraeeabing the Serrrille Development Compsny, St appear- ing.to the Court that the eztaaaion of later 3treat through lestlanl Ldditioa 1s usal a• a part of the SerrviLla b Herpes Yoal and ie lwatel entirely outside et the City limits, it L therefore ordered uyon motion wade by COmr. Largay, •agonned by Comr. 1 ` Moors and nmmiimousyadoptel, that said eatansion of Teter 8traaf from whose it oonnaete with the City limits of Berrviile, theme runalas aoreee laetlsad Lddltlon Sa a northnets; direotloa until It atrlke• and oonneote with the new oonetruotsl Harper Hoad, ba and L hereby ofiialally yeAtld, opened and aetabliehed as a first olase publio roal of &arr County. o-o-e-o-O-e-O #].100, Serr Cowaty. RSIl~OE~NT OB HIPSTSH PLID H4 QOYB. SLHOFH FOH l[OyTxO PLCP~? ]019. J08H &1Y06 OC!' 03' SEHH OOOHTY. On this 14th lay of Yaroh, 1989, St appearing to the Court that Cosa`. Seeger la entitled to reimDUreemant of the enm of X10.00 advanced by him to oo-er ezpenee of moving pauper, lure. Joee Samos out of Serr County, it Se orlsrad by the Court that the Clark leeW in taYgr of Oomr. larger a voucher for the sum of =10,00 against ld valOre~ Fn~l govering the money ao advenoe6 Dy him. o-O-O-O-O-O+O f1./01, Barr Qounty. PETIT IO1f 0B HEHH7 3PS9HLTH LBD SEPSH OTH688 FOH TIDEHIItO HOLD CSf LCH 6TDE OF CLTlI3 OIILHD. On bhit 14th day of Yareh, 1987, came oa to be ooneidared t~ yetition of Hsary Spam~ath, et. al., foe the wileaing of the nsighDorhood road leading from Hy. Spsnrath's ylaoe to Ouadalnpe 8oad by beginaing at a point in watt line V