advanoement on hie 1927 County Taz 3aeeaepr~'a Commisafone,. same shall bs paid.bF too C1 ark as follows: $100.00 out of the Ad Valorem Fund and $100.00, out o3 the lead 8o Bridgo FW~d• O-O-O-p-O-e-e-O No. 1649, Kerr County. OPENISdG OF SEdLED BIDS ,ON FURNITURE OUT OF OLD COURT HOUSE :iND AWARD OF 3rUtSH TO BIDDERS. On this 10th day of Bisy., 1927, oame on to ba opened and tabulated the following Y bid6 on the furniture out of the old Court House, to-wit: Ferd Tai soh, 10 ohaire $1.60 eaoh and 6 banshee $4.00 eaoh, total 39.00 A. A• Loohte, 16 ohaita at $2.10 eaoh, 33.60 P. L. Hasa, 6 benohea at $3.00 eaoh, 18.00 Cypress Creek 9ohool 6 benohea, E.bO eaoh, 16.00 A. L. Starkey 4 ohaira $1.00 eaoh, raised to $1.b0 eaoh, 6.00 A. A. Hartmann, 2 benohea 3.26 eaoh, 6 ohaira X1,76 17.00 k. C. Baker, 'Mater ooeler 10.00, one behoE $3.530, 13.40 John 8sinhard two aver.Rge grade ehaise 1.b0 eaoh 3.00 Faoh and all of said bide embraoing a fair prioe for the furniture bid on, the same ware separately eaaepted by the court with the under at an ding that the bidders on the ohaira ealeot their ahair0 3n rot St ion beginning with the highest bidder on down. dll of the purohaee money shall be paid to the Clerk of this Court on or before delivery oY said furniture and shall be planed to the oredlt - of the Ad Valorem fund by the Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ne. 1560, Kerr County. RE 3T ORATION OF CIVIL AND CRLt[INAL JURISDICZIOH OF COUNTY GOUT OF KERB COUNTY. On this 10th day of i[sy, 1927, it appearing to the Court that it will ba to th• beet interest and benefit of the County to have the oivil and oriminal Jurisdlotion of the County Court of Karr County restored, it is order ad by the Court that Hon. Lae Walleae, County Budge attend to the passage of a law restoring said furiediotlon. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o /HHPOHS OF -. H. tIW,IVIHOH, CeoatT Treasurer et Ksrr OetdttF, ielu, st Hseoipta and Ha:- pen0.ltgrea Iron FetirearF 1, 1981 to lpril Ha, 1pE7, isolosive: J08Y FOHH. let Clue Halaaoo loot Hepsrt, To laoont roselved siaee loot Hepsrt, BF lapoat pail oat siaee last Hepsrt, bc. •J', " " tranaterre0. to ocher Fonda, ainoe last Hepsst, " E per Bent. Ceoriosioa on aaount reooivel, ^ E " " • pall oot, ~aooat to Balaso~ Balane• Halanee last Hepsrt, To /reoat roseivei siaee lut Hepsrt, H,F •esaat pail oat siaee last Hepsrt, Hz. "D" • traasterro0. Le ether dmeda, siaee last Hepsrt, 1EMpY.00 Eais.i7 Hia0.00 • H per scat. OosMission oa aawat resei.el, EOt.9b ^ E • • • • pa10. sot, aT.ST Vsont to Balaaoe, ifi4.aM 1iE03~iS' 16~13.6E__ T T Halaaee $ 67N.aH EliT.Mi 919.60 4;.a1 19.89 SEpy.iH 1S51.ti $aHSp.iH H01D -HD BSIH(iH FQHD. Enl Rlw EHOb.38 ZQ~