I No. 1566, Kerr County. $BSIGN.:TION CF COUNTY Fd$M dG86T dND Rpl DISCOIIT INUµIdC$ OF 3.iID N0~ ffi K~i$ COIIPTY. On ibis 28th day oY May, 1927, owns on to be oonaidared the oral resignation oY J. 0. Yeaty as County Farm dgent oY Karz County and the mats er of oo nt inuing said vmrk Cl}q in Kerr County. dnd it appearing to the Court that/benefit of said work due to the laok of inters at taken in said work by the majority of the people does not jwatlYy the heavy expense incurred and to be inourrad by the County in the parrying on of said work. III It is therefore ordered by the Court that the resignation oY J. C. Yeary ae eYoro- said be and is hereby sooep tad by the Court, eYfe otive on May 7th, 1927, and it Se further ordered by the Court by unaiiimona vote of the oommiesioners that the farm dam onair at ion work be and is hereby disoont inued from and after said May 7, 1927. o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1556, Kerr County. T B d N S F S H. This 28th day of May, 1927, it is ordered by the Court that the sum of :5.88 ba transferred by the County Treasurer from the dd Valorem Fund to the available Court House and Jail Fend oY Kerr County, aooovnt one pass oY paper towels having been paid out oY the available C. H. & d. hind in •rr or. o-o-o-o-o-• $1b67, Karr County. HELEaffiS OF BOND OF A. B. BBOWN'~ ON PLUMBING & H~iTING CONTRAOT. COUHTHOU9& & JAIL. On this 28th day oY May, 1927, it appearing to the Court that if. B. Brown has o onp leted the Plwnbing and Hdat ing work on Kerr County's new oourt hou ae and jail ae provided in his oontraot with Karr County therefor, and that he has re oeived the contract pr ioe Sn fltll as provided by said oontraot, it is tiler of ors ordered by the Court that the rme ripen Indemnity Damp any of Gal vest oa, Texas, be and Sa hereby released Yrom all liability under its Bond oovering said plumbing and heating oontraoi of W. B. Brdwa aforesaid. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 81569, Kerr County. SOLE OF WIIlIr,t1ZL, T.SIK aND TOWEH. i$ie 28th day oY May, 1927, oame on to be ooneider ad the wt itt en bid oY I9. a. Loohte ofYering the sum oY X75.00 for tho old wind mill, tank and tower and the piping oonneoted therewith, Andoit.:app earing.to_the peat that said bid is s Ya1r and just bid, it ie ordered by rho Oourt that same be and is hereby eooepted and said windmill, tank, tower and oonneoted pipo is hereby sold to said V. A. Loohts Yor the sum oY x"76.00 net to Kerr County. all espenaes oY taking same down and moving same to be borne by purohsser. Yurohaeer also egress to plug and of one said we 11 in a sat iefaotory manner. Y o-o-o-o-o-o-o #1558, Karr County. 14aTSH aGIiSEt:C1NT BST WSEN 'PB@: CITY d7D COUNTY. Karr villa, Taxae. Iday 28th, 1927. The Commiasionera' Court oY Kerx County and the Karr villa {Pater Board, all members oY both being present, this day owde and entered into the Yoll owing oontraot and agreement to begin May let, 1927 and oontinue in Yoroa Yor a period of Your yoara Yrom said date. That in ooneideration of the amount oY 600,000 gall one oY w4ter to be furnished by the City oY Kerrville to Karr County annually Yor a period of Your yoara Yrom May let, 1927, the said Kerr County agrees Yor paid pare od to Yurnieh the City oY Kerrville ofYi oa apses Sn the new Court House of Kerr County Yor meeting oY City Commission, tho use of the City 3eor etary and Taz Coll eotor but this spade shall be oonfined to the offioa now oooup led by City Clerk, E. B. Turner unless otherwi ae arx anged.