X1613. Homo Damonatratioa Agent's Haport Yor Augnat, 1927. Da this 12th day of September, 1927, Drone on to be~heard the written report sY Miss Clarioe Copeland Dover ing home demonstration work in Kerr County for the month of ipguat, 1927, which was aooep tad by the Court and ordered Piled by the Clerk. e-e-o-o-o-o-• X1614, Designation of County Headlight Testing Statism. On Shia 12th day oY 9eptsmber, 1927, Dame on to be oonaidered the pot it ion eY Y~aawa. B. 0. and C. /. Yo.Donald Yor designs ti on as County Headlight Testing 9tatiea to be oonduot ed by 0. l.~YoDonald in Doane otion with the "Highway OarRgs b'Billiag Stat tea" at west oormr inter ae otlon of later Street and Medina City highway, in Kerrville, Kerr County, lexae, and it appearing to the Court that app lioanta are qual lYied to oonduet auoh atatisn, and that J. Lewis Armstrong formerly oonduot ed a County'Headlight Testing 9tatioa at said plsoe oY business. It ie therefore ordered and decreed by the Court that said petit ioa be and ie hereby granted ae prayed Yor, and said C.'l. YoDonald is hereby authorised is eperat• and oonduot a County Headlight Tenting Station }n Kesrv111e, Texas, in saoordaae• with the laws governing same. Ii ie further ordered that no bond shall be required oY said C.~l. MoDonaid and all Peas are hetoby waived by the Court. o-o-e-o-o-e-•-• {k1616. ~ APP HOYdir OF'QUAHTEHLY ~POHTS OY COtf]TTY io DI STHIOT QLE$K. On this 12th day oY September, 1927, Dams ~ to be examined by the Court the quarterly report oY fines and fury Peas oo ll eoted by the County & Diatr tot Clerk sad - - the Tabular Statement oY Jno. 8. Leavell, County Clark of the in debtedaeaa, ezpeadi- turea and reoeip to of Kerr County, both Yor quarter ending July Slat, 1927, sad it appear- ing to the Court that both oY said rep erie are true and oorreot in every re apeot, it ie ordered by the Court that same ba and are hereby approved and that they be filed in their proper place. o-e-o-o-o-e X1616. ALLOI>HOE OF ENOIHKK8IH6 Effi'lYiTS Bo. 13 OH HIGHIAY ao. 41. Oo this 12th day oY September, 1929, Dame on to be ~onaidered the County Engineer's Estimate Hb. 13 on Highway Ho. 41, filed by 3. K. Yaeoa oovaring engineering, labor, material and esBenaee aggregating $260.2b, and it appearing to the Court that same has ~~ been duly approved by the Highway Division Engineer and signed by rho Covnty Engineer, acme is therefore appreved by the Covrt for payment out of Highway Ho'. 41 Eeorow Fund oY Kerr County, and the Clark is direoted to file a Dopy of said set lmate in the Yilo oY this Court. o-o-o-o-o-o X1617. ADVEHTISI[BDiT OF SdLB'OF i8.D COURT HCUSE & J4IL. Oa Shia, 12th day aY September, 1927, the Clerk of this Oourt is hereby authorised and direoted to place the following advertisement in this and nest week's issues of the Kerrville Yountaia .goa and Kerrville Times, via: "Hobos t• Bidders interested. 2R~e old Court House and Jail of Kerr County ae they nos stand will be sold under sealed bide at 2 0'ol ook P. M., 3eptembe~~1927, by Commieai onara' Court oY Karr County, Texas. Same will be Bold at same pries, but the Court reserves the right to rajeoi any and all hide. All bide to be tiled with the County Clerk on~or before the hour oY salq moat ion ed. - (3lgned) Lae lallsoe, County Judge".