3~S X1613. Home Dam onatratlon dgent'e $ap ort Yor dngnat, 1927. On this 12th day oY 3eptemb er, 1927, oame on to be heard the written report sf Mien Clarioe Copeland oovering home demonstration work in Kerr County Yor the month of dpgnnt, 1927, which was sooepted by the Covrt sad ordered Y11 ed by the Clerk, e-e-o-o-o-o-• X1614, Designation of County HeadlighS Tsntiag Stati m . On this 12th day of September, 1927, oeme on to b• oonaidered the pat it ion oY Yoasra. B. 0. and 0. w. YoDonald for denigration ea bounty Headlight Tenting Statiea to be oondnoted by C. w,'YoDonald in oonw oti on with the ^Highway 8arggs &'Yilling Station" at west corner inter aeotlon of water 9tre et and Yedina City highway, in Karr villa, Kerr Covaty, lezsa, and it appearing to the Court that app lioante are qualified to oondnot euoh ntat tea, and that J.'Law1a drmntrong formerly oonduotod a County'Headlig ht Toetiag Statlon at said plsoe oY buaineaa. It is therefore ordered and deoreed by the Court that said pet itioa be and in hereby granted ae prayed Yor, and avid C.'M. YoAonald ie hereby authorised t• eperat• and oonduot a County Headllght Tenting 3tatioa ~n Kerr viii a, Tesaa, in sooordano• with the laws governing same. It is further ordered that no bond shall ba required of said C. w. iLoDOnald and all fees are hereby waived by the Court. o-o-e-o-o-s-•-a #1616. ~ dPP$OYdL OF'QUA$TS$&Y HwPO$T9 O) 0019HTY b DIST$IOT OLS$K. On this 12th day oY deptemb er, 1927, oams on to ba asamined by the Court the quarterly rap ort oY fines and fury fees ooll eotad by tlu Connty & DUtr tot Clerk and - - the Tabular 3t at smart of Jno. $. Leavell, Covnty Clerk of the indebtadaeaa, ezpendi- turea and reoeip to of Kerr Oounty, bmth far quarter ending July Slet, 1927, and it appeaz- ing to the Court that both oY said repertn are true and oorrsoS in every re npeot, it ie ordered by the Oouzt that name bs and era hereby approved sad that they be filed in their proper pleas. a-o-o-o-o-e N 1 X1616. ALLOwoIIOE OF SSGIBSS$IB6 SS'P IYiTS Bo. 13 ON BIGHwAY So. 41. On this 12th day of 9eptembor, 1929, same on to be ooneidered the Couaty Engineer's Sailmate Bb. 13 on Highway Ho. 41, tiled by S. K. Yaooa oovering engineering, labor, material and ~spenaea aggregating ~260.2b, and it appearing to the Court that same has ~~ been duly approved by the Hlghway Mvielon Engine or and signed by the County Engineer, acme ie therefore approved by the Court Yor payment out oY Highway Ho'. 41 Esorow Fund of Kerr County, and the Clerk Se dire oted to Yile a oopy oY said eat imate in the Yil• of Shie Court. o-o-o-o-o-o X1617. dD7ESTISS6[SSDiT OH' SdLB OF QLD COU$T HOUSw & JrIL. On thin, 12th day of September, 1929, the Clerk of this Court la hereby authorised and dlr sated to plsoe the following adver ti Bement in this and ne=t week's issues of the Ker rvill• Yount sin Sna and Kerrville TimN, vi s: ^$ot ion to Biddare Inters aced. 7~• old Court House and Jail eY Kerr County se they now ntand will be sold under aealsd bide at E O'alook P. M., Sop tsmber ~~1927, by C0~1ee1 onsre' Court oY Karr Couaty, Ta=an. Seine will be veld at some prioe, but the Court reserves the right to re~eot any cad all bide. 411 bide to be filed with the County Clerk en~or be to re the Lout oY ea 1• inert lon ed. ~ (Signed) Le• wallsae, Couaty Judge".