#1639. APPROVAL OF COUPTX TREASURER'S QUARTERLY REPORT. On this 14th day of November, 19E7, acme on to be examined by the Court the report Of A. B. Williamson, County Treasurer of Kerr County of receipts and expenditures for quarter ending Oat. 31st, 1927, and 1t appearing to the Court that said report ie 1n all respaete true and oorreot, same ie hereby approved by the Court anfl the Clerk Sa hereby directed to reoord said report in the minutes of this Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #1640. Q,IIARTERLY PAVPES ALLOWANCE. '!f On this 14th day of November, 1927, dt Sa ordered by the Court that Mra. John Story, ~,~~~ Jim Tuttle, Mre. Jeaob Reinhardt, W. T. Moyer, Addis Hughes, Leo Cortee and wife, Lonnie ~~,I Cannon sad J. B. Clement, be end are hereby allowed the sum of Four Dollars eaoh per month li ea pauper allowanoe Yor the months of November, Deoember, 1927 and January, 1928, e~mept ~' said J. B. Clement, who is hereby allowed the sum of X8.00 par month for eaoh of Bald three '~ months. Said pauper allowance shall be paid to eaoh of said paupers on or after the first day of eaoh of said three months, by vouoher drawn by the Clerk of this Court against the ~~ Ad Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #1641. TRANSFER OF X1000.00 FROM PERM. IMPRVOVEMENT FUND TO AD VALOREM FIIND. This 14th day of November, 1927, it is ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer of Kerr County transfer the sum of x$1000.00 from the Permanent Improvement fond j to the oaedit oY the Ad Valorem Hind. o-o-o-o-o-o X7.642. APPORTIONMENT OF ;8,800.00 OUT OF ROAD k BRIDGE FUND. This 14th day of November, 1927, it la ordered by the Court that the sum of $5500.00 out of the Road 8o Bridge Fund of Kerr County be and ie hereby apportioned as Yollowa; To R. & B. Fund of Commiealonere ]?reoinot ;#1 the sum of ~269b.00, To R. & B. Fund of Commiealonera Preoiaot /E the sum of 660.00, To R. & B. fund oY Commissioners Preoiaat #3 the sum oY 49b.00, To R. 5 B. Fund of Commisaionere Preoinot $4 the sum of 1680.00, whioh money is apportioned according to ourrent tax value as preaorlbed by law, and the Clerk Se direoted to oredit sash precinot with its reapeotlve sum mentioned. o-o-o-o-o-o X1644, SALE OF STEAM ROLLER JOINTLY OWNED BY CITY OF K&BHVILLE, COMH'S PRECINCT ,}1 OF KERB COIINTY AND 3CHREIHEE'-RAID".FUND. On this 14th day oY November, 1927, acme on to be aoasidered the offer of Colglazier' & Noff, Ino. of San Antonio, Tema, to purnhase the Steam Roller owned jointly by ' •2 Karr County, City of Kerrville and Sohreiner Road Fund, for the aaeh price of X1800.00, and it appearing to the Court that the pries of E1800.00 is a fair and Juat prioe for aaid roller and that Kerr County has no YYirther use for aaid roller, it is therefore ordered by the Court that Kerr County for and on behalf of its Commissioners' 1'reoinot No. 1 hereby acoepta aaid offer, and that same be delivered to purchasers upon payment of puroheea prise in aaeh., out of whioh money Commissioners' precinot No. 1 of Kerr County shall reoeive and be oredited with its pro-rata 7/22nda thereoS net. o-o-o-o-o-o Tha State oP Teme, 0 In the Commissioners' Court, Karr County, Teme. County of Kerr. ~ November Tarm, A. D. 1927. In the Matter of the Applloatlon oY 33~.