#1639. APPROVAL OF COUNTY TREASURER'S QUARTERLY REPORT. On this 14th day of November, 19E7, same on to be emmined by the Court the report of A. B. Williamson, County Treasurer of Kerr County of receipts and eapenditurea for quarter ending Oot. 31st, 1927, and it appearing to the Court that said report 1e in alI respects true and correct, same ie hereby approved by the Court and the Clerk ie hereby diraated to record said report Sn the minutes of thin Court. o-o-o-o-ow-o #1640. QUARTERLY PAUPER ALLOWANCE. '', On this 14th day of November, 1927, dtis ordered by the Court that Mrs. John Story, ~~ JSm Tuttle, Mrs. Jacob Reinhardt, W. T. Moyer, Addis Hughes, Lao Cortea and wife, Lonnie Cannon and J. B. Clement, be and are hereby allowed the evm of Four Dollars eaoh per month ' ae pauper allowance for the months of November, December, 1927 and January, 19E8, esoept~~~' said J. B. Clement, who is hereby allowed the sum of x$8.00 per month for eaoh of saifl three ~' months. Said pauper allowance shall ba paifl to eaoh of said paupers oa or sitar the first day oY eaoh of said three months, by voucher drawn by the Clark oY this Court against the ~~ Ad Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o /1641. TRANSFER OF $1000.00 FROM PERM. IMPRVOVEMENT FUND TO AD VALOREM FU1PD. ~I Th1a 14th day of November, 19E7, St ie ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer of Kerr County transfer the sum of x.7.000.00 from the Permanent Improvement fund to the credit oY the Ad Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o #].642. APPOBTIONMENT OF #5,800.00 OUT OF ROAD & BRIDGE FUND. '~. it This 14th day of November, 1927, it la ordered by the Court that the sum of xbb00.00 ~i out of the !toad do Bridge Fund of Kerr County be and is hereby apportioned ae follows: ~, To R. & B. Fluid of Commlasloaere preoinot ,}1 the sum of x269b.00, To R. & B. Fund of Commissioners Preainot ~E the sum of 660.00, To R. & B. fund of Commiselonera Preoiaot ~3 the sum of 49b.00, To R. do B. Fund of Commieaionera Praeinot ~4 the sum of 1660.00, which money is apportioned according to current tas value as prescribed by law, and the Clerk le directed to credit each preoinot with its respective sum mentioned. o-o-o-o-o-o ,1644, SALE OF STEAM ROLLER JOINTLY OWNED BY CITY OF KE@RVILLE, COMB'S PRECINCR #1 OF KERB COUNTY AND SCHNEINE'Y'-ROID`1+'U1PD. On this 14th day of November, 1927, Dame on to be considered the oYfer oY Colglasier a & Hoff, Inc. of San Antonio, Temms, to purchase the Steam Roller owned Jointly by tk~clcs Od Kerr County, City of Kerrville and Schreiner Road Fund, Yor the cash price of x1800.00, and it appearing to the Court that the price of $1800.00 ie a fair and Juat price for ea id roller and that Kerr County has no further use Yor said roller, it Se therefore ordered by the Court that Kerr County for and on behalf of its Commissioners' preoinot No. 1 hereby '! accepts said oYfer, and that same be del ivared to purchasers upon payment of purchase price III in neah, out of which money Commissioners` Praeinot No. 1 of Kerr County shall receive and ~i be credited with its pro-rata 7/22ada thereof net. '' vii L ,f J o-o-o-o-o-o ;~ The State of Temma, a In the Commissioners' Court, Kerr County, Tema. f County of Kerr. ~ November Term, A. D. 1927. ~i In the Matter of the Application of ~~ 33~ 3 33 1 Application for third Clae^ Aoad, Arthur Lott, et. al. On this 14th day of November, [. D. 19ET, name on to be heard the Appllaat ion of [rthur Lott and twenty others, freeholders of precinct Ao, 4, for a new Road beginning at a point in the present road at the place, so Par as it is of record, along the east lice of land now owned by John Walker, 1t being Lhe east line of Survey 1848, H. E. d W. T. Yy. Co. Thenoe in a North Weat direction aorosa the Aorth sad of said Survey No, 1868, to the S. W. corner of Survey No. 10, owned by Arthur Lott and the 5. E, corner of Survey Ao, 9 owned by George Duderntadt. Thenoe running North along that line between Surveys Woa, 10, owned by said Lott and No. H, owned by Otto Weaneake and Willie Meyer, and Survey No, 4 owned by Liberty Rew, oa the East and No, 9, Soaorro Farming Co., owned by Geo. Du6srstadt and Ao. 1, I. R. K. Co., owned by Bob Goff sad No. 3, I. R. R. Co., owned by Anton Eequsl and Jake Roeder on the Weat. Thenoe Eaet along the line of Ao. 4, owned Dy said Liberty New and Mre. Green and Rurveq Ro. 17, L. I. & A. A, owned by Ed Marshall on the South and Survey Ho. b, owned by [dolph Frita and Bartholt Markwordt and No. 10, owned by [ibsrt Kaiser on. the North, here stopping at the Oillenpls County line, this road Se to have a width of 30 feat, one-half coming from eaoh Survey ae it passes along survey lines; and it appearing to the Court that notice of said [pylloation has been given , as rsquirat by law. It Se therefore ordered by the Court, 2het T. A. Peril, Ebdia Kenning, Alfrea Kott, Oeaar Bodo and H. [. Sproul, five freeholders of said County, be and are hereby appointed a Jury of View, a majority of whom may, sitar taking the prescribed oath before a properly authorised person, proceed to assess damages, if any ere claimed, and with the County Surveyor, to lay out, survey sad deaoribs eaoh Road to the greatest advantage to the public, eo that the same can be traced with certainty; sad the field notes of ouch survey or daeoript ion of the Road, together with a et atemsat of the damages aeseeee d, if say, shall be included is the report of the dory, and if adopted, shall be recorded in the Minntee of the Commieaioasre' Court. And St le further ordered, that the Bald durY make a report in this oauae at the nezt regular meeting of this Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o REPORT OF A. B. W17yI,LA![80A, County Treasurer of Eerr County, ?azae, of $aoalpta and Ezpendituree from August let to Oatobes 31st, 19E7, inoluaivs; SIJHY FVED. Halanae last Report, b38.8T To Amount transferred from other Fonda, ainoe lest report, lO6b.70 4 By amount paid out ainoe last Report, 'Ex. "[", 996.10 ~ By E per neat Commisalon on amount paid out, 19.9E Amount to Balanos, b89.bb 1606.57 160b.b7 Balance, ;689.bb ROAD AND BRLDGE FURD. Belanoe Last Report, BE81.bB ?o Amount received ainoe la et Report, E607.E6 By [mount paid out ainoe last Report, Ez. •H•, 3Eb8.E4 By 2 per cent Commiaelon on amount received, 48.14 By E e o r r r paid out, bb.lb [mount to Balance, T31T.39 10¢88 93 10688 93~