/1688. TRANSFER TO SINKING FUND OF ROAD a BHIDGS FUNDING RARRAHT3. This 18th Qay of Maroh, 1928, it Se ordered Dy the Court that there be and le hereby transferred to the Sinking Fund of Hoad & Bridge Funding Retreats, the enm of ;4493.66 cram the road & Bridge Fund of Commiealoaere' Preoiaot $o. 1, and the eam of ~2b06.3~ from the Hoad ~ Brldge Fund of Commleelon era' Preoinat Ho. 4, for the purpose of taking ogre of the prinoipal and SnLoreet of Bald warrants maturing during the current year. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1689. CffiTRAL PORES 3 LIGHT COMPANY. On thle 12th day of Maroh, 1988, pursuant 4o notioe issued out of this Court at last term thereof, E. R. 17anke, Censral Manages of the Central Power b Light Company appeared before Lhe Court, and in open court oheerfully agreed to hays all obetruoting eleotrlo lies poade promptly removed from the road leafling from Comfort Oo the Herman Sons Home for the Agod, in Kerr County, Teaa. O-O-O-o-O-O-0-0 /1690. PURCHASE OF STRIP OF LARD FO8 ROAD PCRP09ES FROM MARTIN SPffiRATH. Th1^ 12th day of Maroh, 1888, it appearing to the Court that Martin Spenrath hue offersdl to aoll Kerr County a 8 foot etrSp of land for road purposes at =86.00 per sore, amounting to the sum of #1.b0, whioh offer le hereby aooepted, and the County Clerk Ss dlreoted to Saeue and deliver unto said Syenrath a vouoher for j1.b0 against the R. b B. /3 Fund for ;1.b0 in payment for said atria of land. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o /1691. FINAL DESIGNATION OF PETEHSOHS GABAGE AS OFFICIAL COIINTY TEST STATION #8. Rhie 12th day of Marsh, 1988, SS appearing to the Court that the test station of Peterson's Garage hee been oonatruoted saoording to apeolfioatlons lasuad by the Te=as Highway Commission, the oonditional designation of sold station 1e hereby made final, and the Clerk is inetruoted e0 notify Lh0 highxay department. o-o-o-o-o-O-O-O /1698. APPROYAL OF HOME DEMONSTRATOR'S REPORTS FOR JAHUABY 6 FEBRUARY, 1988. On this 18th day of Maroh, 19 E8, oama on to be heard the monthly reports of Mise Copeland ooveriag home demonstration work in Kers County for the months of January and February, 1988, xhioh ware approved and ordered filed Dy the Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o #1693. SZCHAHGE OF LARD BETREEN KSB@ COUNTY AHD YICHABD BOERHYR FOR GOAD PURPOSES. On this 12th day of Maroh, 1988, in oonaiderati0a bg sex right of way donated by Riohard eoerner, SL is ordered ana dsoreea by the Court that Lhat portion of the old Turtle Creek and Center Point xoad from tho east prong of the Guadalupe YSver to where same intereeots the Kerrville to Center Point Road abanfloned by reason of the eatabliahing of a nex road, be sad ib hereDy reatorsl to RSOhard Boernor, in xhom title thereto shall here- after vest. o-o-o-o-o-o-o {1694. TBARSFER PROM AD VAL014',![ Ytoud sad SI NKIHG FUND OF C. H. & 7. BONDS TO PERMANENT L1~ROVEI[ENT FUND. On this 18th day of Maroh, 1888, it Se ordered by the Court that the County Treasures transfer the sum of =1000.00 from the Ad valorem fund baok to the Permanent 8mprovemsnt Mind, and the further anm of ~b00.00 from the sinking fund of the C. B. & J. bands to said Permanent Improvement fund, Sn settlement of reepeotive loans Lsretofors made by said P. 1. fund to said Ad valorem and Sinking funds. 3 S`f