of respective Panda, as shown in Vol. 6, pages lE, 13 and 14, of the Hinntea of Acoounte Allowed for Kerr County, which are made a part of thin order, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 7~i 716, CONT INUA Nf:E OF HOME DEMONSTiulTION WORif. On this 14th day of Hay, 1928, appeared in open Court, Hise Atlee Smith, District Home Demonstration Agent, Hisa Clarice Copeland, Home Demonstration Agent of Kerr County, and a delegation o2 Council secretaries of the County Ladies Clubs. The oral report by Miss Copeland of work acaompliahed and to be Bono in the future was heard and unanimously approved, whereupon Mias Copeland tendered her resignation sa Home Demonstration Agent of Karr County on account of her aontamplated marriage, said resignation was eooepted by the Court with regrets. Resignation effaotive dune I, 1928. Then Dame on to be heard the talks of Mias Smith and lady nltizene for and on behalf of the continuance of the home demonstration work in Kerr County for another year, and upon motion of Commissioner =den e, eeoondad by Commissioner Karger, anfl duly adopted, it is ordered by the Court that said work be and is hereby continued for another year Sn Kerr County, and that there be and is hereby appropriated out oY the pd Valorem iand.the cum of $1200.00 to take Dare of the County Agent'9 salary, all in aaoordanoe with original order for said work passed by this Gourt at its Hay Term, 1927, raoordad oa page 300 of this Minute Book. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o j1717. PAYMENT OF E'ZNAL ESTIMATE ON CONSTRUCTION OF GRAVEL DH1VE5 IN C. H. YARD. On this 14th day of May, 1928, Dame on to ba examined the final estimate of Col- glazier & Hoff, Inc. for sum of $3620.06 covering the construction of the gravel drives in the Gourt Aousa yard, and it appearing that said estimate is duly oertifiad ae oorrent by S. K. Mason, County Engineer, said estimate ie hereby approved and the Clerk ie hereby directed to pay same by voucher Saeued against the available Gourt House and Jail Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o #1718. PAYMENT OF FINAL ESTIMATE ON CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS AND WALKS IN COURT ROUSE YARD. On this 14th day of Hay, 1928, name on to be ezemined the final estimate of T. W. Sawyers for cum of $2363.16 oovaring the oonatruntion of concrete aurbe and sidewalks in Court House yard under oontraot, and same having been oertitied as correct by the County Yngineer, said estimate ie hereby approved and the Clerk is hereby authorized and direated to laeue voucher against available Gourt House and Jail Fund in favor of ea id T. W. Sawyers for $2363.16 in lull payment of said estimate. o-o-oro-o-o-o $1719, OPENING OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PAVING GRAVEL DRIVES ETC. IN COUkt1' HOUSE YARD. On this, 14th day of May, 1928, pursuant to legal ad~ertieement therefor, Dame on to be opened the sealed Did of Colglazier & Hoff, Inc., being the only bid filed, proposing to construct a limestone rook asphalt pavement 1/E inch in thlaknees on the drives of the Court House square in Kerrville, Tezsa, for a unit prise of thirty-eight Dente per square yard, work to be done under the same apeaificetions now in use in the paving of the City streets in Kerrville, under aupervieion of County Tngineer, and it appearing to the Court that said bid Ss Pair and ~uat, it la therefore ordered by the Court that same bs and Se hereby eooepted Dy the Court and said aontraotore are hereby directed to submit proper oontraot with bond is the sum of $16b3.00 gu:enteeing faithful performance of oon- traot, Lo County Budge, Le• Walleae, who shell upon finding said oontraot and bond in proper sb z