X1736, i.LLO'+'UsISCE OF CL:L1Tf.5 P.ND ACCOUNTS INCLUDISdG FOiRt CAT BOUNTIES. „~ This 9th day of July, 1928, same on to be examined the olaima and eocounta Yi1ed against Kerr County and its respective Commissioners' Precinata since last term of this Court, including 4 cat bounties, all of which claims and acoounts were approved for pay- ment by the Clerk in amounts and out oP re speat ive Sun ds, as shown in pol. 6, on pages 17 and 18, of the lii nutes of Accounts Allowed for Kerr County, which are made a part of this order, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 1737. CONTRACT BET1'lEEN H. J. LhNG ~ SON AIiD RERR COUNTY FOR ERECTION OF CONCRETE SLAB ACROSS FIRST CR03SING ON NORTH F01~ AB04E HUNT. On this 9th day of duly, 1928, the Pollo,ving agreement was entered into by and between Kerr County and R. J. Lang & Bon Yor the oonetruation of a oonarete slab across the Pirat orossing on North Fork above Hunt, in acaordanae with plans and specifications submitted by said oontrantor anfl approved by the Court, to-wit: In consideration of $15.00 per day Bald R. J. fang and Son agree to Purniah all ne aessary equipment and tools for the building of said oonarete slab glue their personal labor and supervision. Said aontraetor is heroby aut:iorized and directed to hire additional help at the expense of Kerr County as and when nee dad and at wages customary paid for such work. Contractor is further autho- rized and directed to gurohaee all maters&1 needed for the fob as he is in position to save Kerr County money on such materials. Upon presentation and approval..ot an itemized statement or bill of the total cost of the material and labor used in the construction oP said slab after its completion, the Clerk shall pay said coat half each out of the Road and Brid;;e f~.uids of Commissioners' Precinct Nos. 1 and 4 of Kerr County, by proper voua hers. The approval necessary for the payment of said cost to be in writing by Commissioners Karger and tioore. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~1'Z38, PAY1~N'T Ot' PAVEL~NT OF DRIVE AND kOAD 7fAYS IN COURT HOUSE SC{UARi. This 9th day of July, 1928, came on to be examined the Pinal estimate for 1~2 inoh asphalt pavement on Court House Grounds in favor oP Colglazier & Hof P, Ino. covering 7710.3 square yards at 38~ plus cast iron drains y34.77, total X2,964,57, duly approved by Engineer S. K. Mason, and it appearing to the Co art that said estimate and aocount is correct same is hereby approved by the Court and ordered paid by the Clerk out of the Available Court House & Jail or Permanent Improvement Funds of Kerr County, and it Se t Purthar ordered LhaS, K. Mason, Ir7zgineer be paid r7.e supervision and engineering fee thereo. oP 5~ amounting to X148.22 out of either of sash funds by the Clerk, sll by proper vouchers drawn on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 1739. LIRS. B1. A. RUSSEZL EL1EkGEIVCY PAUPI3i ALLO SIANCE. This 9th day oP July, 1928, upon recommendation of Commissioner hanger it appearing that Firs. bi. A. Russell oP Kerrville, Texas, is entitled to an emergenoy pauper allowance it is ordered by the Court that aha ba and is hereby allowed the sum of $10.00 to be paid by the Clerk by vouoher drawn on the Cowzty Treasurer, against Ad 4alorem Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o X1740. Eb1ERl:EiVCY PAUPER ALL04VANCE FOR G. w. & ETTA MOODY. _ On this 9th day of July, 1928, upon advise oP Commissioner Karger it appearing to the Court that G. G. !ti Etta Moody of Kerrville, Texas, are entitled to relief from Kafir County, it is ordered that they be and are ha re by allowed the sum oP ~p10.00 Jointly, to be