3B~ State of Tares, ( In Commiasionere' Court, Eerr County, Tesas. 1 Ho. 177b. County of Esrr. ~ Ootober Term, A. D. 1988. Thia 8th day of Ootobsr, 1988, it appearing to the CPVrt tdut there ie now dW the Ssrr County Permanent Sohool Fund the sum of Two yhousand Dollars prooeede from Liberty Bondi, and there. are now three more of said Ysdina Soho olhouae Building Bonds being hold by the Chas. Sn hraia~r Bank subyeot to delivery to the Eerr County Permanent Sohool Fuhd upon peymeCR of their faoe vela. upon same teams and aonditioaa as the five bonds this 4ay purohasad by tho Covrt tram tZ10 President anQ Seoretery of said Sohool board. It Se therefore ordered Dy the Court that when .aid jE000.00 shall Dome into the hands of the Ssrr Coaaty Depository than said 6epository is hereby authorised to pay tlu depository of the seSd xadina Iade~PS$denL Sohool Dietriot the sum of j1b00.00 out of said j$,000,00 ae faoe valve payment for said three bonds, aaarued interest to Oot. 10, 1988 payable when first year's rotors st is oolleeted on said bonds, ae provided for is the purohaee of the other five bonds. These Donde are to bs paifl for only after delivery of same Lo the Depository of Ssrr County, said bonds being numbered E1,'EE and 83 inolusive. Depository at 1lerr County end sssretuy of Ysdina Sohool Board to ba furnished sash e oert if Sed oopy of thi^ order by the Clerk. o-o-O-o-O-O-O #1777, JOINT ENYI,OYMEHT OF MOTOH COF BY CITY QF SERH9ILLE AHD BERN COIIHTy. Thia 8th day of Ootobea, 19E8, it appearing to the Court Rhat it Se to the Deat interest oY the general publio and %err County and the City of Ssrrville, that a motor oop be employed Jointly by Serr County and the Gity of gerrv111e, for the purpose of preventing eo far ae possible ell traffio sad speed violations on the streets sad highways of Ssrr County, it Sa therefore ordered by the Court that the sum of One Hundred end Fitty Dollars be and le hereby eppropriatad out of the Ad palorem fund of $err County for the purpose oY paying Serr County's 1/isd of the salary of T. J. Shannon ae euoh motor oopy for a period of three moatha, beginning Ootobsr 8th, 19E8 and ending Jam~ary Bth, 18E9. Said salary to be paid in three equal monthly installments of jb0.00 eeoh, on the 8th days oY Hov., Deo. and January during Bald teem, by proper vouahera Qrawa against said fund in favor of ea id Shannon by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o X1778. APPA09AL OF PISS CVLPERFER'9 SEPTS618ER REPORT OH HONE DEYOHSTHAT ION WORE. Thi• Bth day of October, 19E8, Dame oa La be heard Lhe report of Home Demonstration work in Serr County for month of September, 19E8, aubmltted is pe reoa by Hies vets Culpeggsr, agent, which report was unanimously accepted by the Court and ordered filed by the Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o #1779. HEESTABLISHMEHT OF HEADLIGHT lESTIHG STATIONS IH S&HS COIIHTY. On 4his, 8th day of October, 1988, Dame on to be ooneidsred the oral applioatione of hereinafter named headlight testing stations for their respective re-designation as test etatfons Por the yurpose of testing and aa~ueting headlights on motor vehialee in Serr County, and it appearing to the Court that eeoh of sa18 stations are qualified to coat roue their operation ea such atatioae with the respective named men in charge, it Se therefore ordered and decreed Dy the Court that the following are hereby re-eetaDllehsd and rs-deeig- nateiae official headlight testing atatSon~ of Serr County, Ts7rae, to-wit: Ho. 1, Coue Car Company, Iao., SersvllU, Tszss, C. J. Hobinson in charge, Ho. E, Peterson's Garage, Serrville, Te=as, H. H. Luther in charge,