3 State of Teae, 1 Ia Commissioners' Court, %err County, Tezae. f Ho. 1776. County of %err. ~ OatoDer Term, A. D. 1988. This 8th Flay of October, 18E8, it appearing to the COUrt ;td~at there Se now dw the %err County Permanent Sohool Fua6 the sum of Two Thousand Dollsre proceeds from LSDerty Bonds, and there are now three more of ea16 Yedina 3ohoolhouee Building Bonds being held by the Chae. So hreiaer Bank sub~eot to 6e11vary to the %err County Permanent Sohool Fun6 upop paymeA~ oY their face vales upon name terms and ooaditions as the five bonds this .day purahaeed by the Cour4 irpm th,0 PreeldeAt anQ Secretary of salt Sohool Dosrd. It ie therefore ordered by the Court that when sa16 ~E000.00 shall Dome Sato the hands of the %err County Depository then aid depository is hereDy authorlu6 to pay the depository oY the said ~qe dint Indeperi6ent Sohool District the sum of 11500.00 out of said SE,000,00 ae face value payment for said three bonds, accrued interest Lo Oot. 10, 1988 payable when first year's inters et is oolleeted on said bonds, ae provided for in the purchase of the other five bonds. These bonds ere to bs paid for only after deli-ery of same Lo the Depository of E:err County, said DonQS being Aumbsred E1, EE and 83 iaoluslve. Depository of %err County end Secretary of Hsdina Sohool Board to bs furnished eaoh a oert if fed Dopy of this order Dy the Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #1777, JOINT EMPLOYMENT OF MOTOR COP BY CITY QF %EHRYILLS AHD %ERS CODHTY. This 8th day of Ooto Der, 19 EB, it appearing to the Court that St Ss to tku beet Snte re et of the general public and %err County and the City of %errville, that a motor cop be employed ~olntly by %err County anQ the Gity of %errville, for tho purpose of preventing eo far as possible all trafPlo and speed vlolatlone on the streets and highways of %err County, it Se therefore ordered by the Court that Lhe sum of One Hundred •n6 Fifty Dollars be and Se hereDy appropriated out of the Ad palorem fund of %err County Pot the purpose oP paying %err County's 1/8td of the salary of T. J. Shannon as eaoh motor Dopy for a perioQ of three months, beginning October 8th, 19E8 and sailing Jam~ary 8th, I9E9. Said salary to be paid is three equal monthly inetallmsnts of =50.00 eaoh, oa the 8th days of Hov., Deo. and January during said term, by proper vouoheae dram against said fund is favor of ea id Shannon by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o /1778. APPROVAL OF HISS CVLPSPPER'3 3EPTSMBER REPOHT OR HOME DEMOHSTRATIOW WOA%. Thi• 8th day of October, 19E8, Dams on to be hoard Lhe report of Home Demonatratlon work Sa %err County Por month of September, 1888, ^ubmlt Led in person by Hiea pets Culpepper, agent, which report roe unanimously acnepted by the Court and ordered filed by the Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o /2779. RHESTABLISHMEHT OF RSADLIGAT S'HSTIN6 9'TATIOHS ffi %EBR COIIHTY. On Chia, Sth day of October, 1988, Dame on to De aoneidered the oral applioatioas of hereinafter named headlight testing stations for their re speotive re-deaignatioa ee test atatlona for the purpose of testing anQ adjusting headlights on motor vehialee in %err County, and it appearing to the Court that eaoh of said stations ere qualified Lo oontiaue their operation as eaoh stations with the re epeotive named men in oharge, it is thereion ordered and dsoreeQ by the Court that the following are hereby re-eetabllehed and rs-deeig- neted ae official headlight testing atatlona of %err County, Tens, to-wit: Ho. 1, Coae Car Compsay, Inc., %errville, Tessa, C. d. Robinson in oharge, Ho. 8, Peterson's Garage, %errv111e, Ts>~s, A. H. Luther in oharge, ' ~ 38$ Ho. 3, Yoety Garage, Yerrville, Tezae, bflyq Yoety in oharge, Ho. 4, T. L. Coz, Center Point, Temms, T. L. Coz in ahargs, Ho. b, 0. 3. T. Garage, Ingram, Tems, B, J, Sublett in oharge. and eaoh of said stations Se hereby authorised to operate their respeotive etatfon is oharge of party named at Lheir respeotive plaese of Duainses, in accordance with the laws governing ~ same. It i^ further ordered that no boat shall be required of either of aald stations or the men in oharge thereof, sad all fees are hereby ezpreealy waived by the Court. It is further ordered that the County Clark of Yerr County be and is hereby appointed to have roll oharge and control of said testing stations under direction of this Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 386, 387 and 388 hereof, having been read sad ezaminsd, are hereby approved, this the Bth day of October, d. D. 1928, and the Court stands adjourned. /J /J~ ,,,/ ALteaL: ,E_u ~~~~ y ,/~A~~ o e aces O~ -f--~-puty oua y •. ~ ~II o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o The 9tete of Tezes, 0 Ooanty of Yerr. ~ B& I2 RSNS!®%BSD, that on this 13th day of November, A. D. 19 E8, there was begun and holden a rsgalar term of the COmmiseioners~ Oonrt of Yerr Oonaty, Tezas, at the Court Hous• tharaoi, in the town of Ysrrville, Tezes, OFFICSSB P8S88HT: Hon. Le• Walleoe, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Coanty Jndgs, F• d• Yeager. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot Ho. 1, H. G. Sde ns, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Comm ise ions r, Preoinot So, E, Hugo wiedeniela, - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot No. 3, T. d, Yoare, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gommiesioner, Preoinot Ho. 4, J. m. Poore, fiberiti end Jno. B. Leevsll, County Cierk, and the Co˘rL having been regularly opened, the lollowing proeeedinge wer• had, to-wit: X1780, Oanvaes o1 Sleotion Be tarns. This 13th day of Novem bar, 18Eti, cams on to be oa nva seed the returns of the 6ensral Sleotion held in 8err County on November 6th, 18 E8, which returns were duly oanva and tabulated by the Court es shown in Vol. E, pages 7b to 8E, of the Heoord of Sleotion &eturne of Yerr County, Tezee, which record is made a part of these minutes, X1781. Payment of Sleotion OYYloere. o-o-o-o-o-o-o This 13th day of November, 1928, it is ordered by the Oonrt that the ofYioere holding the geneYal elaotion in Ysrr County on Nov. 6th, 19 E8, b• paid their per disn~ by the County Clerk oat of the Ad Valorem Yund as prescribed by law, to-wit; X3.00 eaoh pl˘e ~E~00 t0 aYtioer returning aleotion bo:ee end an additional per diem of thirty cents Yor sash hoar served overtime Ln holding said elaotion. o-o-a_o-o-o-o-o-o ~178E, •llowanoe of Claims end Aaoou˘te. This 18th day of November, 1828, came on Lo be ezam fined the o lafms and eooo˘nte Piled against Yerr County and its respeotive Commieeioners~ Precincts since last term e! Shia Court, ail of which aleims and accounts were approved for payment is amounts end ant .at