39 s t>ae,ir reapaotive oftloia7, Donda to this Court at ate regular meeting is Jamiary, 1929, in same amounts embraced in their last bonds, ezoept Lhoee ottioera amount of who ea bands may be fazed otherwise by law. /1793. Allowance oY Cleime and Accounts. ' Th1e 10th day of Deoember, 1928, name oa to be ezamined the claims and accounts flied against ierr County and Sta respentlvs Commieeionere~ Yreoinote since last term of th1 Court, all oY whioh claims anQ aooountawere approved for payment, in amounts and out of reapaoLlve toads, by the County Clerk, sa shown in tol. 6, pages 3E-33 ~ 34, Snolue Sve, of the Minutes of Accounts Allowed Yor Rerr County, whioh are made a part of this order. ,€1794. REPORT OF COUNTY DEPOSITORY ON PURCHASE OF 14EDINA IND. SCH. DIST. BONDS. This 10th day of Deoember, 1928, name oa to ba hearfl the report oY Chae. Schreiner Bank, peposit ory of Rerr County, Sn aonneotloa with the purchase of night Donfla of the Medina Independent Sahool District Yor the benefit of the permanent Sohool Fund of Rerr '- ~ County, and it appearing to the Court that the service rendered by the Depository and outlined In ea id report is eatiefaotory Sa every respect sad as 14 report is is all things approved and the Clerk ie inetruo tad to repo r4 same Sn the minutes of this Court, ae follows: "Report Rerr County Depoeltory. Renville, Texas. Deo. 9th, 1928. On the 8th day of October, 1928, the Co~omieaionera Court of RerrCounty made en order Yor the purchase of 5 of the Medina Independent Sahool Dlatrlat 500,00 School ?toads, aeries of 1928, dated April 10th, 1928, to be paid Yor out of the Rerr County permanent Sohool Funds, at and when said Bonfle shall be delivered to Rerr County Depository. Said b bonds numbering from 16 to 20, both inalusSve. And on same date Oot. 8th, 1928, said Court made further conditional order for the ' purchase of 3 more of said bonds X500.00 eaoh, to be paid Yor out o4 Rerr County Permanent Sohool funds as eo on ae euffio le nt amount Yor eaoh purpo ae should be available and ae soon ' thereetter ae such bonds should be delivered into posaoselon of Rerr County Depoeltory. i Thie report is to advise the Commiselgaere Court of Barr County that the eight $500.00 bonds aggregating 84000.00, mentioned above, sad in sa i4 order have all Deen deliver- ed to and era now in poaeeaeion of the Bert County Depository, the property of Rerr County Permanent Sohool funds anfl have been paid Yor ae provided in ealfl order. (Signed) Chae. Schreiner Bank, " ~ F. F. Nyo, Aset. Cashier " err nun y pos ory DISCONTINIIANCE OF MRS. REINAARD'S PAUPER ALLOWAPCE. #1795. On this 10th day oY Deoember, 19E8, it appearing to the Court the income of Eire, Jaoob Reinhard is now ample for her support and ma iatena nee, and that Barr County Se no longer required to contribute to her support, it is the retore ordered anfl decreed that the monthly allowance of Mre. Jaoob Reinhard be and le hereby dleaontinued Prom and sitar the payment of said allowance oY X4.00 for the month of Aovember, 1928, /7.796. PAYMEIPP OF BOUNTIES ON PANTHERS RII.LED IN EERR COUNTY. On this 10th day of Deoember, 1928, it appearing to the Court that s panther has recently been kSllad !n Rerr County sad the Court has reason to ballave that there are other panthers Qepredat ing on the livaetoak in Rerr County, St Se therefore ordered and