5'0 laws of the 3tat• of Teses, and is a reputable p~veioian aeCively engaged in the praotio• of hie proYaesion ae euoh in Karr County. It Se therefore ordered by the Court that acid S. S. Palmer, M. D. be and Sa hereby appointed County Realth OYY leer in and for Ksrr County, Tezae, for s pe rlod of two years or until hie eucoesaor le appointed and duly qualified, unless sooner removed from off ion for oause, and Bald E. E. Palmer, M. D. upon qualifying as required Dy law shall reoeive euoh oompeneation for serviaea eotually rendered es this Court may allow from time to time. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro. 1318. RS-ADVERTI3S16SNT FOR BIDS F08 COIIHSY DSP03ITO8Y. Thi• 12th day of February, 1929, it appearing to the Court that ao Dide were filed for County Depository for the :na3t two years, and that Chae. Sohreiaer Bank the preeenL County Depository has agreed to aerry on under its old bond until a new depoa it Dry Dan be eoleoted, it ie ordered by the Court that Coanty Judge, Lee Rallaoe re-advertise for bide for County Depository of Kerr County, to be opened at the regular Maroh term of this Court, oa Maroh 11th, 1929, ae pre sorSbed by law, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro. 1316. APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION OFFICEH9 FOR KERN COIINTY. Th1e 12trh day of February, 1929, Dame on to be ooneidere6 the appointment of eleo- offieers ties ~Por Kerr County for the nett Lwo years, and said •leof ion offioers rers e7~yointed Dy the Court as ehowh in Yo 1. 1, pages 90 to 94, of the ffieotion Minutes of Kerr County, whioh minutes are made a part of this order. o-O-o-o-o-O-O-O ~~ No. 1817. FIZIN6 OF COIIHTY 4REASUREH'3 1929 and 1930 COHM233ION3. On this 12th day of February, 1929, Dame on to be oonaid Bred the matter of Sizing the County Treasurer's aommisaione for nezt two years, sad it apps ˘r ing that the County Tre aeurer's aommleeiona Yor past two years wars fair and aufiloient oompeneation for earvloee performed~an3lkA amount of oommlasioae will be ~uat and ado quote oomp eneatioa for the nert two years' eery ioea to be performed. it Se therefore ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer shall reoeive a oomaia•ion of 8~ on all reoeipte and diaburae- mente of County funds, however, not to szoesd the sum of X1700,00 per year for either of neat two years from Nov. let, 1923 to Ootober let, 1930. All ezeae• oommieeions over and above said $1700.00 per annum shall be ndaoed by the Treasurer Sn an •Szoeae Commieelos Aaoount" and shall bear for the County same rate of intsrsat as other moneys on daily balanoe, and same shall be refunded pre-ratnbly to reepeotive funds entitled to reoeive same at the end of saoh year. - o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro. 1818. FIZING OF SAEItZFF AND JAIL 6IIARD SALARISB FOH COMING TEBM. This 12th day of February, 1929, Dame on to be oonaidered the matter of fining the salar* of J. T. Poore, sa Sheriii and Tail Guard of Ksrr County, and it appearing to the Court that +the salary drawn for the peat two years ae euoh Sheriff and Jeil Guard wili J. T. Moore be a 'uet and adequate oompeneation for the eervioes to be performed by,,, ea Sheriff and Jail Guard for the ne zt 6wo years beginning Feb. 1. 1929 and ending Jan. 31, 1931, it ie therefore ordered and doorssd by the Court that the Sheriff's Salary of Kerr County be sad Se hereby iiaed at the sum of $bb0.00 per annum and the salary of 7a11 Cuard of Kerr County be and Sa hereby fined at the evm of '400.OO,plue an ellowanoe of X10.00 to the Sheriff per annum for postage, said aggregate salary of ;960.00 shall be pall to J. T. Poore is 4 equal lnatall- mentre-of X240,00 each year, payable out of the Ad Yalorsm Fund of Ksrr County at th• sad qf'