7~~ ~ $1838, PAYMENT OF X4.60 POSTAGE ARD INSURARCE oa $58,000.00 C.H.&T.BOnde. I ,.v. Th Se 8th day oY April, 1929, the payment by the County Treasurer to the Chao. So hre iner Bank oY the sum oY t"4.60 aovering postage and insurance on the $55,000.00 C. H. & J. sent to Fr oat Rational Bank in San Antonio Yor sale-keeping,(sa id Dodds having been pledged by ea id Bask as Ste Depository bond,)wae rat SYled and ooaPirmefl by the Court, and the Clerk Se hereby authorized and directed to Seeue s vouoher again et the Ad valorem fund in said sum of $4.60 favor said Doak whioh okuok shall be run by the CouatyTAeasurer through hie books. o-o-o-o-o-o X1839. Payment oY Cleime and Renovate including E wolf and 6 oat bounties. On this 8th day oY April, 1929, came on to be examined the claims and accounts filed against Rerr County and its respsativs Commi eeioners~ precincts since last term oY this Court, all of whioh minims end aooounte were approvsfl for payment. Dy the County Clerk in amounts and out oP respective Yunde, ae shown in Yol. 6, pages 46-47 & 48, oY Lhe Miantss oY Accounts Allowed for Rerr County, whioh are made a part oY this order. o-o-o-o-o-o X1840. COLL~TIOR BY COUNTY TREASURER OF IRTEREST OH DAII.Y BALARCES OF ALL COUNTY FUNDS MONTHLY. Thle 8th day of April, 1929, it apps wring t0 the Court thei under the law Kerr County eha31'ledeivembathlyYro~h bhetCalmty Depository all eoorwd iatsreat on daily balanoee of its Yuads, therefore, Y.:B. WS111ameon, County Treasurer Se hereby authorized = by the Court, and directed,to promptly eolleat each mbntII from Chas. Schreiner Bent, County Depository of Kerr County all accrued interest Kerr County Sa entitled to on daily balanoee of its respective Yunde in the hands of said depository, or otherwise. o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1841. Temporary Allowance oY W. F. Mannery. This 8th day of April, 1929, name on to be heard Rev. Merrill's plea Yor temporary allowgae• Yor N.F. Ma nne ry suffering Yrom tuberouloaie and who is without funds, and it appearing to the Court that said Mann~ry is entitled to a temporary allowance Yor the cur- rent month, he Se hereby allowd the sum of 10.00 out oY the 1d valorem fund for whioh the County Clerk shall issue vouoher in hie Yavo r. o-o-o-o-o-o ˘1842. PAYMENT OF COUNTY JUDGE'S AND COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDESdT'S SALARY IN TRELVE EQUAL MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. On this 8th day vY lpril, 1929, creme on to be aoneide red the application oY Judge a ~ Lee Nallaoe Yor tku payment of hie County Judge's and County Soho of Superintendent ~e in 12 equal monthly inetallmente instead of 4 equal quarterly payment e, sad it appearing to the Court that the County Judge and County So ho of Superintendent is entitled to reaeivs hie salary in monthly payments under the law, it is therefore ar dared and decreed by the Court that hie unpaid salary Yor February and March, 1929, totaling $286.66 be now paid to him by the Clerk by vouoher drawn against the Ad valorem fund, and that hereafter said Clerk be and is hereby authorized to pay unto the County Judge and School Superintendent the sum of X143.33 oat of the Ad valorem Pund on the Yiret days of each month, beginning May let, 1929, covering hlc salary Yor each preceding months o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o }1843. Temporary He lief or Allowance Yor A. d. Reynolds and Mrs. Kate Morrie. Thin 8th day of 1pri1, 1929, it Se orderefl by the Court that Mrs. Rate Morrie be sad Se hereby allowed the sum oY $10.00 Yor April and A. J. Reynolds be and 1s hereby graated~