X7.876. Approval oP P.eports oP E. H. Turner, J. Of P. oY Preoinot fto. 1. ` This 8th day oP July, 1929, Dame on to be examined by the Court the reports of E. H. Turner, Justine oP the Peaoe of Preoinot fto. 1 oY Kerr County for months oY 2Say and June, 1929, of Criminal Deese Piled and Pines, ~udgmenta and Jury fees oolleoted and x"61.50 fees due him for ea id two mon$Le, and it appearing that said reports are in all things true and oorraot, same are hereby epprovefl :tnd the Clerk is authorized and flireoted to issue a douoher in favor of ea id TV.pter oovering the 161.50 Pees due him. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X187?. Payment oY Claims of F. H. Cobb, Roy Kempand T. J. Moore Por Highway X41 Fanning. This 8th day of July, 1929, Dame on to be ooneidered the reapeotive olaime of Messrs. F. H. Cobb, Roy Kemp and T. T. Moore for tenoea Don struoted along State Highway #41 in Kerr County under agreement with Kerr County, whereby Barr County agreed to pay $200.00 per mile oP the ooat of said Penning, and it appearing to the Court that the fenoee so built are along the property former7.y owned by A. D. Kaiear and the di stances and amounts olaimed are oorraot, said olaime and eaoh oP them be and are hereby ordered paid by the Clerk, 1/2 eaoh out of the R. & B. Panda of Commiaeioners* Preoinata ftos, 1 and 4, ae Yollo F. H. Cobb, 10224 Peet fanning less $70.00 advanoed, 317.20, Plus oulvert difPerenoe, 262.22 Roy Kemp, 11563 feet of Yencing, $438.00 T. J. Moore, 4213 feet oP fen Ding, $159.60 o-o-o-o-o-o 7f1878. Payment Por salvia ea rendered by 47. G. Garrett, Esq., in oontroversiea between land owners and Kerr Gounty on highway fto. 41. This 8th day oP July, 1929, St appearing to the Court that Judge ~W. G. Garrett has rendered Kerr County valuable servioes ae its attorney in oonneotion with the controver- sies between the land owners along Highway X41 and Kerr Gounty throughout the oonetruation of said highway, aną that he Ss entitled to oompeaea$ion therefor, St is therefore ordered and adjudged that Judge Garrett be and is hereby allowed a fee of X200.00 for said services, to be paid by the Clerk out oP the Permanent Improvement fund of Kerr County, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1879, Approval of Home Demonstration Agent~a reports for Apr. May and Juae, 1929. This 8th day of Tiny, 1929, came on to be heard the monthly repo rte of Aiiss Veta Culpepper ugon Home DamoastratSon work in Kerr County, whioh repo rte were aooepted by the Court and the Clerk is direpted to Pile same in the proper Pile of this Court. o-o-o-O-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 424, 425 and 426 hereof, were read is open Court and found oorraot, sad same are hereby in all respeote approved by the Court, this tk}e 8th day oP July, A. D. 1929. ~~ Attest: ty Clerk, o un y e BY Puty. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ~~~