X 3 ~ ~ to ti:e above effeot, sa ifl agreement to be contingent upon obtaining the consent of the City of I:errv111e, Texas, to the method of billing to Le provided for therein. o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1899. APPROFRIATION FOR EfIPLOYS.'LvNT OF COUNTY FARDI DEhNNSTRAT OR. This 13th day oY August, 1929, came on to be oonsidered the matter of obtaining a Farm Demonat ration Agent Yor Barr County and resuming said work, and it appearing that a large number of influent lal rurdl sit lzena and business men are in favor of the reaumpt l~ of said work in Kerr County, therefore, upon motion made Dy Commissioners Edens for an a~propriat ion of y1400.00 and modif is d..by Commissioner Karger reducing same to x.1200.00, and oarried by the vote of Commission ers Karger and Edens and County Judge Ydallaoe, it is ordered that the sum of X1200.00 be and is hereby appropriated and sat aside out oŁ the Ad 7alo rem Fund oY Kerr County for the resumption and continuance of farm demonstration work in Kerr County for the term of one year. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ?€1900. inUDITOR JOHN S. OGLESBY'S PROPOSITION. Tina 13th day oY August, 1929, oame on to Finally oonsidored the proposition of John C. Oglesby for an audit of the various Pinano ial books, aooounts and records oY Kerr County, and it is ordered by the Court that said audit be and is hereby postponed until at suoh time 1n the fltura ;when this Court deems same naoeasary. o-o-o-o-o-o ,˘1901, COLLECT20N OF ITELIN4,UENT TAXES. Th ie 13th day oY August, 1929, the County Clerk was authorized and direoted by the :uurt to requ sst the Texas Tax Journal, Box X1094, Austin, Texas, by letter, to submit its proposition for the collection of all delinquent taxes due Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o ˘1902, CEASES OF R. P. HYDE FOR FENCII7G ALONG HIGHIYAY N0. ql. This 13th day oY August, 1929, it appearing that the. fenoe of II. ?. Hyde along Highway I7o. 41 must be re-ma asured in order to asoortain it's oorreat Longth, it is therefore order- ed and the Bounty Clerk is accordingly authorized to pay the claim oP said II. P. Ilyde at the rate of ,"x.200.00 per mile for hie Penoe along said highway, half eaoh out oŁ the R. J: B. Funds of Commissioners' Prsuineta Nos. 1 and 4, upon the verif ioetlon Of Engineer its son oY the survey and measurement of said fenoe line by County Surveyor Starkey. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ;˘1903. A.?PHO4AL OF TAX COLLATOR`S Pd0I7THLY LEPO RTS FOR flay, June and July, 1929. On this 13th day of August, 1929, came on to be examined Ltr. J. T. 1SOO re's monthly Y reports as County Taz Collector covering all state and oounty taxes colleoted and their - disposition, for the months of Liay, June and July, 1929, and 1t appearing to the Court thnt gash and all of said reports are aorreot, game and eaoh oY them ie hereby approved ' in open Court, which reports shall remain on file with the County Clerk of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o REPORT OF A. B. IYILLIA `.SON, County Trea sir er of Kerr County, Texas, of P.e ce lets and Expenditures from Paay let to July 31 at, 1929, ins lus ive: Jury Fund, 19t Class Balance last report, 2,19b.90 To Amount received since last Report, 333.46 By i.mo ant paid out sinoe last Report, Sx. "A", 12.00 By 2 per cent Commission on amount received, 6.66