X 3 ~ to tkie above eYŁeot, sa ifl agreement to be contingent upon obtaining the consent of the City of ::errville, Texas, to the method oP billing to be provided for thorein. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ,1899. APPROPP.IATION FOR Ef'[PLOYIlLw7NT OF COUIPTY FARLS DEI:fONSTRAT OR. This 13th day of August, 1929, came on to be oonaldered the matter o1 obtain ln€ u Farm Demonstration Agent for Kerr County and resuming said work, and it appearing that a large numbor of influential rural citizens and buslnesa men are in favor of the reaumpt ion of said work in Kerr County, therefore, upon motion made by Commissioners F.dena for an a•_propriat SOn oY y1400.00 and modified„by Convnissioner Karger reducing same to w1200.00, and parried by the vote of Commissioners Karger and Edens and County Judge Clalla ce, it is ordered that the sum of $1200.00 be and is hero by appropriated and sat aei de out of the Ad valorem Fund of Kerr County for the resumption and continuance of farm demonstration work Sn Kerr County Por the term of one year. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 1900. AUDITOR JUHN S. OGLESBY'S YROPOSIT ION. "- ~ Thin 13th day of August, 1929, Dame on to Finally ooneidered the proposition oY John S. Oglesby for an audit of the various Yinancial books, accounts and records of Kerr County, and it is orderod by the Court that said audit be and Se hereby po atponed unt 11 at such time Yn the future c+hen this Court. deems same neoeesary. o-o-o-o-o-o ,1901, COLLECTION OF DELINQ,UEIdT TAXES. Th1a 13th day oP Augvat, 1929, the County Clerk was autho rl zed and directed by the Court to re qu ost the Texas Tax Journal, Boz X1094, Austin, Texaa, by letter, to submit its proposition for the collection of all delinquent taxes due Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o #1902, CLAILf OF H. P. HYDE FOR FENCI?dG ALOPiG HIGHNAY N0. '11. This 13th day of August, 19L9, it appearing that the Yenoe oY ??. I'. Hyde along Highway I7o. 41 must be re-measured Sn order to asoartain it's oorreot length, it is therefore order- ed and the County Clerk is accordingly authorized to pay the claim of said FI. P. Ilyde at the rate of .",200,00 per mile for hie fence along said highway, ha1Y each out of the R. g B. funds of Commisslussars' prep inets Noa. 1 and 4, upon the veririoat Son oY Engineer ?,ia son oY the survey and measurement oY said fence line by County Surveyor Starkey. U-O-0-0-0-0-0 $1903. A?PROVAL OF TAX COLLATOR'S dSOIdTHLY T.EPO RTS FOR Zany, June and July, 1929. i On this 13th day of August, 1929, came on to be sxamined Mr. J. T. Efoore's monthly Y pq reports as County Taz Collector covering all state and county taxes collected and their - disposition, for the months of 2aay, June and July, 1929, and it appearing to the Court that each and all of said ra ports are oorreot, same and each of them ie hereby approved .' in open Court, which reports shall remain on file with the County Clerk of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o REPORT OF A. B. l7ILLIAL?SON, County Trensursr of Kerr County, Texas, of Rece Sp is and Expen dilutes Prom Efay 1st to July 31st, 1929, ino lus Sve: Jury Fund, 19t Class °alanoe last report, 2,196.90 To Amo ant received since last Report, 333.46 3y xmo~,Ant paid out since last Report, Ex. "A", 12.00 By 2 pnr cent Commission on amount received, 6.66 By 2 ptYY.~Cant Commission on amount paid out, .24 Amount to Balance, -L511.46 2530.36 2530.36 Balanae, .^~~2511.46 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND, '2nd C1aes. ' 3alance last Report, 24529.43 To Amount received sincs last P.eport, 5448.93 ' By Amount paid oat since last Report, "Ex. B", 11191.61 By 2 per cent Commiasion on amount received, 100.97 Ey 2 per cent Commiasion on a mount paid out, 223.83 Amount to Balanae, 18061.95 29,576.36 295?8.36 Balanoe, X18061.95 GE.'dERAL COUNTY FUND, 3rd Class Balance last P.eport, 5560.91 To Amount received since last Report, 1838.35 Ey Amo~~nt paid out since last Report, 3x. "C", Ey 2 per cent Corsnieeion on amount received, By 2 per cent Commission on amount paid out, Amount to Bala no s, 3036.37 36.76 60.72 4265.41 7399.26 7399.26 Balanae, y.4265.41 COURT HOUSE & JAIZ AVAILABLE Fi7IQD. Bala nos last ..^.eport, 1251.44 To Amount reeaivad sinoe last Report, 16.63 To Amount traasferr^d from other funds sinoe last report error, 51.00 By 2 per cent Commission on amount received, .33 Amount to Balance, 1318.74 1319.07 1319.07 Balance, ROAD DISTRICT No. 3 Available Class. 3alance last Report, 3022.24 To kmount received sinoe lasC Report, 17.20 By 2 per ennt Commission on amount received, ~ .34 Amount to Balance, 3039.10 3039.44 3039.44 3alance, ,^w3u39.10 P''..,RI$ANENT IP+PROVEt:L~TT FUND. Balanoe last Report, To Amount received sinoe last Report, By amount paid out sinoe last Report, Ex. 'TF°, By 2 per cent Commission on amount received, By 2 per cent Commission on aswunt paid out, Amount to Balanoe, Balanoe, 6454.94 305.18 1687.10 6.10 33.74 5033.18 6760.12 6760.12 X5033.18 b 4 ' ROl.D AND BRIDGE FdARRANT SINKING FUND. Balance last Report, 4914.63 To amo ant received sin ca last Report, 10.39 By amount paid out sinco last Report, "^ex. A" 3390.00 Hy 2 per cent Commission on :.mount received, .32 By 2 per cent Conusission on ~unount paid out, 67.80 Amount to Ea la noe, 1472.90 4931.02 4931.02 Balanoe, X1472.90 COURT HOIi SE & JA II. SINKING FUND. Ise la noe last Report, 3012.23 To Amount reoel vad since last Report, 930.24 By Amo~.uit paid out since last Report, Ex. "A^ 375.00 Car. error, By amount tran aPerred to other F~.uids, since last report,,, 51.00 By 2 ,.per cant Commission on amount received, 18.60 By 2 " " " " pa16 out, 7.50 Amount to Balanoe, 3490.37 3942.47 3942.47 Balana e, ~p3490.37 ROAD DISTRICT N0. 1 SINKINF FUND. Balance last Report, 12563.28 :,o Amo,mt reo eived since last Report, 2201.13 By amount paid gut sinoe last Report, Ex. "A" 5357.45 By 2 per cant Commission on amount reoeived, 44.02 By 2 per cunt Cones ission on amount pall out, 107.14 Amount to Balanoe., 9255.80 ++ 14764.41 14764.41 Balance, X9255.80 h . ~ ROAD DISTRICT N0. 2 SINKING FORD. h 5ala nos last Report, 1311.02 To Amount received since last Report, 300.99 By amount paid out since last Report, Ex. "A", 904.45 By 2 per oent Commission on amount received, 6.01 Hy 2 " " " " paid out, 18.08 Amount to Balance, 683.47 k 1612.01 1612.01 Balance, ,^x083.47 RDAD DISTRICT No. 3 SINKING FUND. Balanoe last Report, 293.29 To Amount received ai nee last Re port, L44.47 By 2 per cant Commission on amount received, 4.88 Amount to Balanoe, 532.88 537.76 537.76 Balanoe, $532.88 HIGHWAY X41 ESCROL'! FUND. _ala nce last Report, 7759.38 By amount paid out since last Report, Ex. "G", 1398.95 amosit to BalIInOe, w Balance, RcCAPITULAT I0IP. J airy Fund, Road and Bridge Fund, General County Fund, Court House ~ Jail Fund, Available, Road Distriot ,~3 Fund, Available, Permanent Improvement Fund, _ Highway X41 Fund, Eeorow, Road k Bridge Narrant Fund; Sinking, Court Ho ise do Ja11 Fand, Sinking, Road Distriot fie. 1 Fund, Sinking, Road District No. 2 Fund, Sinking, Road Distriot PIo. 3 'r'ued, Sinking, 6360.43 7759.38 7759.38 x"6360.43 Ba lanes, 2511.46 " 18061.95 " 4265.41 " 1318.74 " 3039.10 " 5033.18 " 6360.43 " 1472.90 " 3490.37 " 9255.80 " 683.47 " 532.88 W56,025.69 The 5t ate oY Texas, 0 Q County of Kerr. ~w BEFORE Zrffi, the undersign ed authority, on this day personally appear A. B. Wi111amaon, County Treasurer oŁ Rerr County, who being by me duly sworn, upon oath, says that the within and foregoing report is true and oorrect. A. B. LYilliameon, Gounty Treasurer. Sworn to and aubscrlbed beŁo re me, this 13th day of August, 1929. Jno. R. Leavell, Clerk, County Court, Kerr County, Texas. (SEAL) By w. A. Loo hte, Deputy. Filed with the vouohers accompanying same, this 13 day of pug., 1929. Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, Kerr County, Teza e. By t9. A. Lo ahte, Deputy. Examined and approved, and Vouchers cancelled in open Commissioners' Court, this 13 day of Aug., 1929. Lee Clallace, Presiding OSŁicer, Comroiasioners' Court, Kerr County, Texas. The State of Texaa, Q In Cuc~missioners' Court, Q County of Kerr. 0 August Term, A. D. 1929. BEFORE 1LE, the undersigned authority, personally appeared the members of the Commis- sioners' Court oP Kerr County, whose names are below subscribed, vrho upon their oaths do say: That the requir•:mants of Art. 867, Chapter 1, Title RRV, of the revised statutes oP Texas, amended by~the regular session of the 25th Legislature have in all things been eom- plied with and that the cash and other assets mentioned in the quarterly report made anfl filed in this Court by A. B. 7Tiilliamson, County Treasurer of said County for the q.tarter ending the 31st day of July, 1929, and held Dy him for said County, have been fully inspect ed and counted by ue at this term of court and tk:at the amount of money and other assets in the hen de of as id Tress ~rer are as follows: Cash in the hands of the County Depository, ~56,0L5.69 Other Aseats, ^Stal X56,025.69 Lee ".7allace, Gounty Judge F. A. Karge r, Commissioner, Preeinot One. H. G. Edens, Commissioner, Precinot Two. y 3 ~' Hugo P7ie denŁeld, Commissioner, Preoinot Three T. J. SSOOre, Commissioner, precinct Four Subscribed and sworn to beŁo re me, this the 13 day of Aug., A. D. 1929. Clor;c, County Court, Eerr County, Te xi,s. (SEAL) o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o w The foregoing minutes on pages 428 to 435 hereof, ins lue ive, were re afl in open Court and found oorreat, and same are hereby in all reapeots npprovad by the Court, Chia the 13th day of August, A. D. 1929. ~/ ~Y, erk Attest: ~ ~ S~ ~" """`'"~'zta By eputy. Dun y u e 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 The State of Tezae, County of Kerr. P BS IT RAImBEABD, ghat on thl^ 9th bay of BsyLsmber, •. D. ,,1929, there was begun and holden a regular term of Lhs CRgmieeioasrs' Court of Kerr County, Tezaa, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, 2e>:as, Jno. R. Leavell By ^1. A. Loohte, Deputy. OfSioers Prsssnt: Hon. Le• Wallsoe, - - - - - - - - - County Tudgs, F. A. Karger, - - - - - - - - - - - Commiesi one r, Preoinot Ao. 1, H. G. Adene, - - - - - - - - - - - Commlealoaor, Preoinot Ao. 2, Hugo WiedenYeld, - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot Ao. 3, T. d. Moore, - - - - - - - - - - - Comma asionsr, Preoinot Ao. 4, J. T. Poore, Sheritf and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, Lhe following prooeedings were had, to-wit; /1904, Payment of Claims and Aooounts. Thin 9th day of Seytember, 1929, OemO On t0 De •samiged the varl0ue olaima and sooouate filed against Kerr County and Ste rsspeotiva Commieeloaare' Preoiaets einoe last Lerm of this Court, all of whioh olaime and agoounte were apprond for payment by the County Clerk is amounts and out of resyoet Svs Scads, ae ehowt Sn Pol. 6, gages d6, 64 and 68, of the Minutes of Aooouate Alloyed tor.Kerrr.County, whioh are Wade a Dart of this order. o-o-O-O+O-O-O+O+O-O /1905, PURCHABS OF CATERPILLAR TRACTOR AND GRADER FOR COMb1ISSI0A&R3' PBECIACT A0. 4. This 9th day of September, 1929, Dame on to be opened and Donal 0.ere6 by the Court the following mentioned bide for the sale of a Caterpillar Traotor and Grader to Ksrr County for Densfit of CommLeioner'a Preoinot Ao. 4, whlnh bide were reasive0. and filed in pureuanoe with the legal advertieemant therefor, to-wit: B. P. Clark Maahineay Co., Caterpillar Traoter and Ruaeell Super Spsoiel Grader oomplete for jii40.b0. (Trsotar ~2T11.00, CradOr ~1459.b0) J. D. 16ame & Company, f10 Adams Leaning wheel Cradsr ;1660.00 and Soarifier ;187.00. And it appearing to the Court that the bid OS said B. P. Clark Maehinery Co, for Traoter and Grader le Lhs lowest sad beat D16 submitted, upon motSOn duly made, aeoonded and adopted said bifl Se hereby aoosptel ios sad on aoaount of Commiesionera' Prooiaot Ho. 4 of Kerr Cowaty, and the yurohaae yr ioe le kureby authorised and 6lreoted to Ds yald by the County~Cl~rk ae follows: =1000.00 Dash within 30 days, by warrant against R. 6 B. /4 Fund, en˘ balance of ;31 TO.b0 payable Teb. lb, 1930 with 6~ late rest, to bs svidsnoed by warrant