~'3' ~ Clerk by warrants brawn against the AQ Valorem Yund, said Reynolds allowanoe to be paid Sa two semi-monthly installments homsver. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o #1913. APPROVAL OF 1929 STATE AND COUNTY TAZ ROLLS. This 10th day of September, 1929, aeme on to be ezamined by the Court the State and County Laz rolls for the year, 19E9, prepared by W. O. Peters oa, County Taz Assessor, and same having been found oorreat, were oertified ae norreaL and approved in open Court ae aho wa by the Court'e oert iYicate of approval duly signed on Form 2 of said rolls. o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1914, PAYMENT OP BALARCH 19 E9 County Taz Aeaeeeor's Commissions. On this 10th day of 9eptsmber, 19E9, it appearing to the Court that W. G. Peterson, balanoe County Tax Assessor is entitled to the follow ing.oommiseions for year, 19E9, to-wit: Prom AQ Valorem fund 567.6E, from BoaQ de Bridge fund 594.87, From Court House d: Jail SSaking tuna 61.96, from Permanent Improvement timid 531.bE and from Jvey fund 548.92, and he Se also further entitled to hie oommiseions from Hoad Dietriots ae follows, from Hoad Dlstriot /1 3lnking fnad SEB6.06, from Ho ad Distriot Ho. 2 9lnkiag Turd 5>IY.4T and from Road Distriot Do. 3 8lnking Tend 531.33. It is therefore orlereQ that said oommieeioas be paid to e. 6. Peterson, by the County Clerk Dy separate warrantsdrawn said respaetlve funds for some above mentioned. o-o-o-o-o-o-o•o-o J].915, HII.IEF FOR MR9. RED AITCHCOCZ. This 10th day of Sept., 1929, it appearing to the Court that Mrs. Hed Hitahoook fie confined to bed affiliated with tuberoulosis in the last stage and Ss is destitute oiroumetanoea, it Se therefore ordered Dy the Court that Yre. 9tant Davis be and is hereby allowed the sum of =40.00 nut of the Ad Valorem fund for taking care oY Yre. Hitohooak for month ending Oot. 14, 19E9, same to bs paid by warrant to be issued Dy the County Clerk. And it is further ordered that the County Clark's aotion in issuing Vouoher Ho. 363E for 520.00 on August 23, 1929 to Yrn. Davis for nursing and taking oars of Mrs. Hitohoook, upon request of the County Judge and Commiesionsr Barger, be and fie hereby ratified and oonfirmed Dy Lhs Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o /1916, APPROVAL OF TAZ COLLECTOR'S MONTHLY REPORT FOH AUOIIST, 1929. This 10th day of September, 19E9, oame on to be ezaminsd J. T. Yoore's monthly report ae County Tnz Collevtor ooveriag all state and oounty Lazes oolleoted and disposed oY, Qur- r ing month of August, 19E9, and it appearing to the Court that said report Se oorreot, same Se hereby approved Dy the Court and shall be YSled by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #1917, APPLICAT20H OF 1413. YITTIS BRIDGES FOR YOTHER'8 PHNS20N. Sept. 10, 1929. The applioation ai Yrs. Yittie Bridges Yor a mother'e pension of 522..00 for her Lhrae minor children fie hereby taken under advisement by the Court until it's aezt term. o-o•o-o-o-o•o /1918, COUNTY CLEBZ'3 QUARTERLY TABULAR 3TATE1IENT. This 10th day of Sep temper, 19 E9, oame oa to be ezamined Dy the Court the tabular statement of County Clerk, Jno. H. Leavell, of indebtedness, ezpenditures and reoeipts for Quarter ending July 31st, 19 E9, which report appears to be oorreot, sad Se hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-d-o