~ ~ 9 ;~I,922, TRANSFER FROM R. k B. ~4 FUND TO R. & H. ~1 FUND. On this 14th day of October, 1929, it appearing to the Court that Ha my Eokateia ~I has performefl one month'a work for Qommiasion ere' Prea inot Ro, 4 at expense oY CommieeL Precinct Ro. 1, it ie therefore ordered that X100.00 be transferred by the County Clerk from the Yunda of said Precinct Ro. 4 to the Yvnda oY said precinct No. 1. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ˘1923. ACCOURR OF R. P. CLARK 27ACHINERY COMPANY OF SAN ANTONIO, PS. COMR'S PRECINCT ~4. Thin Oot. 14th, 1929, Damn on to be considered the eocount oY R. P. Clark Mao hinery Co. against Commiealonera' Precinct Ro. 4 oY Kerr County, in the sum oY $4,266.10 covering Catterpillar Tractor and Grader purchased Sept. 9th, 1929, and St appearing to the Court that aalfl aoaount 1s eorreot and should ba paid according to agreed terms ae follows: E1266.10 in Dash by warrant drawn against the Ro˘fl & Bridge Yund oY said Preciaat Ro. 4, Ha le ace oY $3,000.00 payable on or beYo re Feb. 15, 1930 with 6~ Snterest, Yor whlah the County Clerk Se authorized and directed to issue a warrant ageinet R. & B. f4 fund of Serr County accordingly, which warrant or scrip shall also be signed by County Judge, Lee Wallace The Clerk shall issue and deliver both warrants at hin Yirat oo4venieaoe. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 1924. PETITIONS FOH AND AGAINST 3BD CLASS ROAD FROM CENTER POINT TIIRU CHURCH ENCAb?PMENT TO TURTLE CREEK AND CENTER POINT ROAD. Thie 14th day oY Ootobar, 1929, Dame cn to be considered the petition oY J. B. Rees, et. al. Yor the setabliehment of a third Dines road from Center Point through the Christian Church Encampment to the Center point & Turtle CraekYO ad, also Dame on to be heard the opposing petition oY Southwest Tezas Encampment of Christ inn Churches, et. al., whereupon the petition Yor the establishment oY said rond was reheated and the opposing pet pion granted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o rf1925, PBTITION RY DR. W. R. ECRHARDT, ET. AL. FOR STOCK LAW EL1x TION Sn SUNSET PRECINCT. Thin 14th day oY October, 1929, Dame on to be aoneidered the petition of Dr. Eokhar dt et. al., for a stock law election Dover Sng hoges, sheep and go eta Sn the Sunset preainot, whinh pat pion was passed for further investigation. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~ $1926. ?ETI TION OF MRS. W. A. WORTHINGTON, ET. AL. FOR STOCK, LAW EL AiIT ION IN INGRA},i PREC T. On Chia 14th day of October, 1929, upon cona}dering the pexltion oY L4re, ;VOrthington et. al. Por a stook law election covering horses,mulee, Jagks, ,Je nnete and cattle 1n the Ingram precinct, the Court deferred its action on ea id petition until a future term of the ~ Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ±/1927. CONTRACT SVI TR COUIITY SURVEYOR TO TRANSCRIBE SURVEYOR'S RECO HD Pol. "E". Thie 14th day oY Oo tober, 1929, the proposition of A. L. Starkey, County Surveyor proposing to neatly 0nd oarreatly transcribe County Surveyor's Field Rote Record, Vol. "E" at 15 Dente per 100 words us provided by law, wan ac oepted by the Court and he is authorized to p~,tt'oiiaae ut expense oY gerr County the aeaessary blank record Look therefor. Seid oom- peneatlon to be pall upon completion of the fob and aftor the new record has been entirely proof-read. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1928. TEZ'!f'ORARY ALLOWANCE FOR w. F. MAF1t6Kl; A. J. REYNOLDS AND L1RS. RED III TCHCOCK. Thie 14th day Of October, 1929, it is orflered that W. F. Ma unary be allowed $10.00, A. J. Relbolfle De allowed 30.00 and Mrs. Red Hit ohcook Da allowed $40.00, all out oY the Ad Talo rem fund of Kerr County, ae temporary relief Por Ootobar, wh ioh allowan˘os shall be peid by the County Clerk by warrants against said funds, ne Pollown: In one warrant to Bald 17. F. Mannery, in two warrants for X15.00 eaoh to said A. J. Reneids, one now and the other about the last of this month. One warrant for $40.00 oovering Mra. Hitahaoak'e allo wanoe to be issued and delivered to Mra. Start Dav1a. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1929, PETITION OF N. H. PURR, ET. AL., for CONCRETE SLABS ACROSS NEST SIa CROSSINGS ON NORTH FORC OF THE GUADALUPE RITEH. This 14th day of October, 1929, name on to be oonaidered by the Court the petition of W. H. Fury, et, el., for the emotion of oonorete slabs eoroea the 4th to 9th crossings inolieuve of the North Fork of the Guadalupe fiver, above the town of Hunt, also Dame on to be heard the endorsement of said petition by Mr. J. W. Maury, representing the Seaga interests, and Lhe prupoaition of Mr. Maury wee eooepted and ea id petition granted upon oondition that Kerr County pay 2/3rda of the post of said elaDS and 0. R. Seagravae and ' others pay 1/3rd of ea id ooat. Commisioner Moore be and is hereby authorized and direoted by the Court to have R. J. Lang co ^,struct said slabs whenever Mr. Seagravae is ready to prooesd. Commissioner Moore to oontraot for the ereotlon of eaoh slab separately with Mr. Lang. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The fora going minutes on pages 938 to 440 hereof, inoluaive, were read in open Court and found oorrect, and same are hereby in all respeota approved Dy the Court, this the 14th day of Ootober, A. D. 1929. ptteet: d~ _ --~ //~~ Dun y u e. ~-v~-e~~~ County Clerk puty. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 The State of Tezae, Co~mty of Kerr. ~ HE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 12th day of November, A. D. 1929, there was begun sad holden a regular term of the Commissioners' 6ourt of Kerr County, Te sae, at the Court House thereof, in the town aY Kerrville, Texas, OFFICER3 PRESENT: Hon. Lee liallsoe, - - - - - - - - - - Co~mty Judge, F. A. Karger, - - - - - - - - - - - - Commleeloner, preoinot No. 1, H. 4. Elena, - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, preolnot Ro. 2, Hugo eiedenfelfl, - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Praoinot Ro'. 3, T. J. Moors, e - - - - - - - - - - - -Commieeionar, Praoinot No. 4, d. T. Moore, Sheriff and dno. H. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following pronaedinge were heal, to-wit: #1930, Applioatlon of Oeaer Rowlin, st. el. for Comr's preoin˘t }1 to take ogre of Camp Terd This 12th day of November, 1929, acme on to be oonaidered the personal applloation of 6eoar Nowlin, et. sl., asking that Commleslonere' Praoinot Ho. 1 temporarily malntain the Camp Terde Hoed, and Commissioner Karger is hereby authorised an6 flireatefl to take ohargs of said road, put same in shape anfl temporarily maintain same all at ezpenee of Commieaionere' Praoinot Ro. 1 of Kerr County. Texas, ea brayed for. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o #1931, CONFIRM-TION OF PAYLiSHT OF COURT REPORTER'S EII'ENSE ACCOUNT FOH OCT. TERM DIST. COURT Hd. This 12th bay of November, 1929, it ie ordered by the Court that the payment by the