thq;afore entitled to reoeive the oontraot prloe of $1449.16 from gerr County as provided ~ M 2 by the oontraot, St Se therefore ordered and decreed that said oontraot oleim be sad 1a bare by allowed, and that Bald ^um oT X1449.16 be paid by the County Clerk unto said Tezae Power ~ Light Company is two warrants, to-wit; Ono for $139.88 against the Permanent Improvement Fund and the other Yor $1,309.28 against the Available Court House and Jail fund. O-O-O-O-O-O-O (1937, APPORTIONMENT OF $700.00 H. 6 B. FIINDS. Thin 12th day oY November, 1929, it is ordered by the Court that the smn of j700.00 Road & Bridge funds of gerr County, Tezas, be anfl 1s hereby apportioned as follows: To Commissioners' preoinot No. 1, the sum of $343.00, To " " Bo. Z, " " of ~ 84.00, TO " " 80. 3, " " " ~ 63.00, TO " " NO. 4, rt n rt $210,00. Whioh amounts shall be credited to said re apeotivs preoiaote Dy the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o /1938, APPROVAL OF COUNTY THSASURER'S.QUARTERLY REPORT. On this 12th day of November, 1929, Dams on to be osaminefl the quarterly report of A. B. Williamson, County Treasurer, for quarter ending Oot. 31st, 1929, whioh report was found oorreot and ie hereby approved by the Court attd same shall be spread in the minutes o! the Court Dy the Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o j1939, APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT BY THE DISTRICT CLERg. Thi^ 12th day oT Nov., 1929, Dame on to be examined by the Court the report of duo. R. Leavell, Diatriot Clerk of gerr County, Ts~ces, for quarter endi~ Oat. 31st, 1929, of Fines imposed and oolleoted and Judgments rendered and aolleoted in the County and Dietriot Courts of gerr County, and oT Jury fees oolleeted, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and oorreot and that all moneys eo reported have been turned into the proper funds a1 the County, said report ie in all things approved and ordered filed. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #1940, APPROVAL OF TAE COLLECTOR'S MONTHLY REPORTS FOR SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, 1929. On this 12th flay of November, 1929, Dams on So be ednmined d. T. Yoore'a monthly reports as County Taz Collector covaring all state and oouaty fazes oolleated and their diepoeltlon for She months of September and October, 1829, and it appearing to the Court that said reports are etllreot, same and eaoh of them is haraDy approved in open Court, whioh repo rte shall remain On ti le in the County Glerk'^ office. o-OHO-O-o-O-O-O /].941, TFJtBORARY ALLOWANCE TO PARTI~ IN FINANCIAL DISTRESS. This 12th day oT November, 1929, it Ss orderefl by the Court that oeoh of the following named parties be and is hereby allowed the sum of money out of the Ad Valorem fund of gerr County eaoh month for the mont8s~~tlf November„ December, 1929 and Jamaery, 1930, to-wit: Mrm. Red Hitohaook, - - - - - =40.00, A. J. Reynolds, 30.00, Yrs. Julian Lopez, 12.00, W. F. Ysanery, 10.00, J. B. Clement, 10.00, G. W. Moody, 8.00, Rtta Moody, 8.00, trs. John Story, W. T. Moyer and Jim Tuttle, eaoh X4.00. The alloraaoa of 1tre. Hitchcock shall bs paid Dy the County Clerk to lira. 3taat Davin eaoh month. and all the other allowam ea shall be avid Clerk to eaoh respective part; •aoh month. szoept the Reynolds ellowanee whioh shall be paid in equal semi-aahthlr bavmeate