~ 7 X1944, TRANSFER FROM PERMANENT IMPROVEt:C; NT FUND TO AD VALOREM FUND. This 9th day oP December, 1929, it Se o Mered Dy the Court that the sum of Oas ! ~i Dollars ($1,000.00) be transferred Dy the County Treasurer of Rerr County, Tezae, from the Permanent Improvement Fund to the Ad Ve lorem Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ,/1945. APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OP JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRE'C ~'. #1. This 9th day of Deaember, 1929, Dame on to be examined by the Court the report of E. H. Turner, JuatSoe of the Peace of Preaisof No. 1 of Kerr County, for the month of November, 1929, oovering Criminal Deese filed, and Yinae, ~udgmente end fury fsee..colleoted, entitling him to $123.00 in fees, and SL appearing to the Court that said report Se true and correct, save ie hereby in all things approved, end the County Clerk ie dire ated to issue warrants in favor of said E. H. Turner Sn peyme at of said fees of $123.00 ae follows: One warrant for $90.00 out oP Hoed & Brldge toad and one warrant for $33.00 against Ad Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ,}1946, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLEEE'S QUAHTEflLY TABULAfl STATElg6NT. Thin 9th day of December, 1929, aeme on to De examined by She Court the tabular statement oY County Clerk, Jno. E. Leevell, ao vering Serr ~onnSy'e 1adeDtednsee, expendi- tures and receipts Yor quarter ending Qot. 31st.. 1929, and aeme }uvlmg bean found correct Sn ell respects, be and 1e hereby approved in open Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X1947. APPROVAL OF TAZ COLLECTOR'S MONTHLY REPORTS FOE NOVEMBER, 1929. On this 9th flay of December, 1929, Dame on to be examined by the Court, Taz Collec- tor, J. T. Moore'e monthly report oovering all state and county taxes collected and dis- posed of during the month of November, 1929, and it appearing to the Co urL that ea id report is correct, aeme De and ie hereby approved in open Court, and same shall be Piled in the County Clerk's otYioe ae Lhe L w Qlraote. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ,1948, PURCHASE OF A SAFE FOE TAZ COLLECTOR'S OFFICIAL USE. This 9th day of December, 1929, it appearing to the Court that tax Collector, J. T. Moore should have a strong safe in hie offlae, as it Ss often necessary sad ii not daily during the months of December and January, Yor him to keep in hie possession large. amounts oY State and County tax money Dolls nted after bank closing hours, it Se therefore autho rtaed and directed by the Court that he, said J. T. Moore purahsae s proper eaYe Yor hie off iaisl use not to exceed $190.00 Sn coat to Eery County. V O-O-O-O-O-O-a-O-O Tha Yoregoing minutes on pages 446 sad 447 hereof wave read Sn open aourt and found oorreat, and are hereby is all respects approved by the Court, this the 9th day of December, A. D. 1929. At teat; By Judge, o ~O e _ L B 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0