V~9 /5, APPR09AL OF BONDS OF COUNTY READLIGHT TESTING STATIONS. Thla 13th day of January, 1930, came on to be exa mlaefl Dy the Court the reaps olive ~^ bonds of Kerr County's Readlight TeaLing Stetlone viz; Station No. 1, Cone Car Co „ Kerr- villa, Texas, Station No. 2, Peterson's Garage, Kerrville, Texas, Station Ao. 3, lto sty Garage, Kerrv Slle, Tee, 9t at ion No. 4, T. L. Coz, Center Point, Texas, Station No. 5, 0. S. T. Garage, Ingram, Texas, anfl it appeering to the Court that eaoh and all of ea Sd bonds are good anfl euffioient ea rae are hereby approved in open Court, anfl the Clerk Se dlreoted to forward earl if ied oopiee oY said bonds to the St eta Highw¢y Department. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-O-O-O ~6, Approval of Home Demonstrator's Repo rte. Thle 13th day of Jan., 1930, oame on to be heard the repo rte for November and December, 1929 and annual report Por the year, 1929, filed by Miae Veta Culpepper, Home Demonstration Agent of Kerr County, Texas, whioh reports were aoceptefl by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ¢7, APPLICATION FOR RENT ON ROUSE OCCUPIED BY G. W. and Etta pf00DY. Tan. 13, 1930. i - Came on to be oonaidered the applio nt ion of W. E. Smalley for payment of rent on house occupied by G. W, end &tta E;o ody, end it Se ordered by the Court that W. E. Smalley be and is hereby allowed the sum of $16.00 out of the Ad Valorem Pund of Kerr County, in payment oY house rent for said G. W. bEtta Moody for the months of January to April, 1930, ina lueive at $4,00 par month, for whioh the Clerk Sa fli rooted to deliver proper warrant. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ,~8. Applioatioa OF MRS. S4. J. NOOTr'2.I FOR FINANCIAL AID. This 13th dny of January, 1930, St nppeor ing to the Court that p,~e. N. J. Plo ales is a tuberoular patient at the PSountain View Sanatorium Sn Kerrville, Te xae, and needs financial aseietanoe, it 1e therefore ordered by the Court that Commi se ion er Karger investi- Sate her case, and Lhe Clark shall issue warrant unto her out of the Ad Valorem fund for amount of temporary relief reo ommendefl by Commiseionar Karger. o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 448 and 444 were read in open Court sad Pound oorreot, and same are hereby in all respeota approved by the Court, this the 13th day of Tenuity, A. D. 1930, Attset: ~,O County Clerk ,fie.-c. ~~C_e.~c-e_~~ M oun y e n A.! ~wrnity_ 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 The State of Tezae, Q 1 County oY Kerr. ~ BE IT REMEE~IDEHED, Lhat on this, the 10th day of Pebruary, 1930, there was begun and holden a regular term of the Commissioners' Court of Karr County, Texas, at the Court House thareoP, in the town dC Kerrville, Tezae, OFFICERS PRESENT: Hon Lee Nallaoe, - - - - - - - - - - County Judge, F. A. Karger, - - - - - - -•- - - - -Commissioner, Precinot No. 1, H. G. ;Edens, - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preci not No. 2, M Hugo NS edenfeld, - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Pr ecinot No, 3, T. J. Moore, - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot No. 4,