~~ That polls ahpll be opened for auoh emotion at Suns at Sohool House, Grape Creek Sohool House, Ingram Sohool Rouse, Divide Sohool Rouse, Live Oak Ranoh Rouse, Runt Sohool House and Reaerration Sohool House, in such subdivision; T. J. Parka, N. H. Farr, Earl MnHealy, Barney Blain, Raymond Allen, 91. H. Crider and Ceo. C. Doderstadt, reapeotively, Doing proper persons for auoh pnrpoee~and freeholders sad quelltSed voters of auoh oonnty, are hereby appointed as managers of said eleation, and they shall appoint their ovm olerke. Ho person eba 11 vote at eaoh aleotion unleea he is a freeholder, sad Se also a qualified voter under the ooneLltut ion sad laws of the State of Ta~oee. All votes o2 eaoh aleotion shall De Dy ballot, and voters desiring to prevent the animals designated herein from running at large shell plane upon their ballo to the wo xds, "For the Stook Lew^, and those in favor of allowing auoh animals to run at large, "Against She Stook LaR". Oa or before the tenth day after auoh eleation, the persona holding enah aleotion shall make due returns of ell the votes oast at their reepeotive voting planes for and against ea ld proposition to the County Judge of ea id County. Public no tine of this order shall be given for at least thirty days before the date of eogh eleotioa by publiastioa thareoY Sn The %errvill• Times, a nsweyaper pabliehed is said Coaatl kVitneae the he a6 of the County Judge of %err County, Tema, this the 10th day of February, A. D. 1930. -~__~~ County e, err oua Y, lme. o-o-o-o-o-o-wo-o-o-o ;~13. APPROVAL OF COiTNTY TREA 3URER'S QUARTERLY REPORT. On this, the 10th day of February, 1930, name on to be examined the quarterly report of A. B. Williamson, County Treasurer, for quarter ending January 31st, 1930, whioh report wee found oorreat and ie hereby approved Dy the Court and same shall be entered is the minutes of the Court by the Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~{lA, TEMBORARY ALLOWANCE TO PARTIES IR HEED. Thin 10th bay oY Februe ry, 1930, it Se ordered by the Court that eaoh of the M following named parties be and ie hereby allowed the sum of money out of the Ad valorem funfl of %err County per month net opposite hie or her name, for the months of February, Maroh sad ABril, 1930, to-wit: W. F. Manry, 10.00, A. J. 8eynolde, 30.00, J. B. Clement, 10.00, Mrs. John Story, 4.00, W. T. Moyer, 4.00, Jim Tuttle, 4.00, G. Y~. Moody, 8,00, Etta Moody, 8.00, Mrs. Julian Lopes, 12.00, Mrs. H. J. Eoot9a, ~•~, Sandy Hamburg, $8,00. Eaoh of said sllowaneee shall be paid Dy the County Clerk to eaoh reepeat ive party eaoh month, except the Reynolds allowan oe whioh shell be paid in equal semi-monthly pay~ente. o-o-o-O-0-0-0-0 X15. Ei•3LOYMENT OF COUNTY H~LTH HU$S&. This 10th day of February, 1930, name on to be heard the representatives of the Rotaiq, R1wanle, Ameriosa Hed Cross, Amerioan Legion Auxiliary, parent Teaohere Aaeooiatioa and the Rerrrille Indepemdent Sohool Board favoring the employment by Rerr County of a County Reelth Huree, sad upon motion of Commiselon er Moors, eaoonded Dy Commissioner Edens, duly oarried, the sum of $1,b00.00 De and ie hereby apportioned and set aei ds out of the ed valorem fund oo ve ring %err County's pro-rata of the salary of auoh nurse for one year,