s~s.~ That polls ohs 11 be openefl for auoh emotion at Sena et Sohool House, CrapO Creek Sohool House, Ingram Sohool House, Div Sde Sohool House, Live Oak Ranoh Houae, Heat Sohool Houae and Reservation Sohool House, in auoh eubdiviai on; T. J. Parka, B. H. Furr, Sari MoRealy, Barnes B1ein, Raymond Allen, W. A. Crider and Gao. C. Duderatadt, respeotively, being proper peraone for auoh purpoee..and frseholdere and quelifiefl voters of auoh oowety, are hereby appointed as managers of said eleotion, and they aha11 appoint their own olerke. Ro peraoa shall vote at auoh eleotion unless he ie a ireeholQer, sad Se also a qua11Y1eQ voter under the oonstitut ion and laws of the State of Te>B e. All votes of auoh eleotion anall ba Dy ballot, and voters desiring to prevent the animals designated herein from running at large shall plane upon their ballots the wo rde, "For the Stook Law", and those in favor of allowing auoh animals to run at large, "Against the Stook Lair". On or before the tenth day after auoh eleotion, the peraone holding ennh eleotion shell make due returns of ell the votes oast at their respeotive voting plaoea Yor and against said proposition to the County Judge of ea id County. Publie notioe of thin order shall be Elves for at lenat thirty days before the date of eaoh eleotion by puDlioatioa thereof is The %errv111• Timse, s newspaper pnblleheQ !a ea id County Nitness the head of the County Judge of %err County, femme, this the 10th day of February, A. D. 1930. ~-_~ County e, srr oua y, W>ea, __~' o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o }13. APPROQAL OF COURTY PREASURER'S QUARTEBSY REPORT. On this, the 10th day oY Pebruary, 1930, name on to be emmmined the quarterly report of A. B. w1111amaoa, County Treasurer, for quarter ending January 31st, 1930, whioh report was found oorreat and is hereby approved by the Court and same shall be entered Sn the minutes of the Court Dy the Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ;~14, TEMBORAAY ALLOWANCE TO PARTIES I1Y REED. This 10th day of Februe ry, 1930, it ie ordered by the Court that eaoh oY the Y f following named partlea ba anfl is hereby allowed the sum of money out of the Ad valorem funQ of %err County per month net op-oeite hie or her name, for the months of Fabruarg, Maroh and ABril, 1930, to-wit: W. F. Meary, 10.00, A. J. Reynolds, 30.00, J. B. Clement, 10.00, 2lre. John Story, 4.00, R. T. Moyer, 4.00, Jim Tuttle, 4.00, 0. w. Moody, 8.00, Etta Moody, 8.00, Mrs. Julien Lopes, 12.00, Mra. w. J. Wooten, 20.00, Sandy Hamburg, $8.00. Each of said allowanoea shall be paid by the County Clerk to eaoh reapsative party eaoh month, esoept the Reynolds allowance whioh shall he paid Sa equal semi-monthly pay~ente. o-o-o-0-o-0-O-0 ¢15. EMPIAYMERT OF COUNTY HE9LTH HU@S$. Thi• 10th day of February, 1930, name on Lo be heard the repro eentativae of the Rotary, %iwanie, Amerioan Red Croee, Ameri oan Legion Auziliary, Parent Tesohers Aesoo cation and the %errv111e Indep endant Sohool Board Yavoring the employment by %err County of a County Henlth fturae, and upon motion of Commission er Moore, eeooaded by Commissioner Edens, duly oarried, the sum o2 $1,b00,00 be and is hereby apportioned and net aside out of the Ad valorem fund oo ve ring %err County's pro-rata of the salary of auoh nurse for one year,