R99 County Glerk of Kerr County transfer the sum of x'651.19 from the R. & B. Yunda of ˘ommia- eionera* Prea inat No. 4 to the or edit oŁ the R. ~ B. Yund of Commission era' Precinct No. 1, it being the int entlon of the Commi saionera oY said two pr eoinote to have each preolnot pay one-half oY the concrete slaps rea ant ly Don atruoted in the crossings on North Fork of the Guadalupe River. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #70, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0. One. This 11th day of August, 1930, came oa to be Douai dared by the Court the report of E. H. Tumor, duatloa oY the Peace of Preo snot No. 1 of Kerr County, for the month of Jvly, 1930, oY criminal oases tiled, and Y1nes, Judgments and Jury tees collected, entitling him to X48.00 Sn tees, and it appearing that said report is true and oorreot, same is hereby approved, and the County Clerk ie di rent ed to issue vouch are in payment oY said Yesa in favor of E. H. Turner, as follows: One Yor X11.00 out oP Road and Bridge Yund and one for y37.00 out of Ad Valorem toad. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X71, HOUSE RSNT FOR MR3. S. L. PSNDLSY. This 11th day oP August, 1930, it is ordered by the Court that the sum of X12,00 be and is hereby allowod to A1Yrod Swanson to be paid by the County Clerk out oP the Ad Valorem Łuad in three $4.00 monthly suet al lmenta, Dover ing the rent for house occupied and to be 4aoupied by Mrs. E. L. Pendley for the months of August, September and Ootober,l o-oro-ow-o-o-o-o-o ˘72, APPROVAL OF COUNTY TREES URER'S p,UAHTERLY REPORT. This 11th day oY Ayguat, 1930, came on to be examined by tho Court the report filed by the County Treasurer oov er ing Karr County's rea eipts and di sburaementa for quarter ending July 31st, 1930, which report was duly checked anfl audited by the Court and sound oorreot in every respect, and same ie hereby approved by the Court, and the County Clerk shall recorded same in the minutes of this Court, all ae required by law. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ;~73, APPORTIONMENT OF x`7,000.00 ROAD Bo BRIDGE FUNDS. On this 11th day of August, 1930, it Se ordered by the Covet that the sum of X7,000.00 H. & H. Yunda be and 1e~hereby ap portioned among the Your ComIDieaio sera' Preoinota of Karr County, Teaas, ae follows: To R. & B. Yund of Preo suet No. 1, the sum of w3,500.00, To R. & B. Yvnd oP Pr eo snot No. a, the sum oP :~ 770.00, To R. & B. hind oY preolnot No. 3, the sum oY ~ 630.00, 4 To R. & B. n,,,d of Prea inat No. 4, the sum of j2,100.00. Which soma so apportioned shall ba credited by the County Clerk to the respective precincts. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X74, CHANGE IN COERdI SSIONER'S PRrx INCTS N03. 1 and 2. Thia 11th day oY Augu et, 1930, it ie ordered by the Court that the Bandera xoad from line oY Gommi sa Sonera' Preo suet No. 1 of Kerr County to the Camp Verde Store be and is hereby added to Commleeionere' Precinct No. one oY Kerr County and deducted and taken from ~ ~ Commission ere' Precinct No. two Yor road purposes, and said piece oY road shall hereafter be improved and maintained by Commissioners' Precinct No. One oY Kerr Gounty, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X75, APPROVAL OF TAY COLL FP,TOR'S MONTRLY RSPORT FOR JULY, 1930. On this 11th flay oY August, 1930, came on to be emmined J. T. lio ore's monthly report as State aYFd.County Tax Collector covering all state and county taxes collected and their disposition, Yor the month oY July, 1930, and it appeasing to the Court that said report Ss correct, same is hereby approved and ~,he._County clerk is directed to Yila same in his office. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X76, TE~ORARY ALLOV4INCE TO PARTIES IN FINAiSCIAl DISTRESS. This 11th day oY August, 1930, it ie ordered by the Court that each of the following named parties be and Ss hereby allowed the sum oY money out of the Ad Pa lorem Yund of Karr County, set opposite his or her Hama, for esoh of the months of August, 3aptember and Ootobe 1930, to-wit: A. d. xeynolds, X30.00, J. B. Clamant, 10.00, Nre. John Story, 4.00, Jim Tuttle, 4.00, G. W. Moody, 8.00, Etta Efoody, 8.00 Lary 3rD ploy, 8.00, ifardi s Barton, 8.00, Mrs. E. L. Pendley, 12.00. Same to be paid by proper vouchers to be issued by the GonntY Clerk esoh month, except the ~eynolda allowonce which shall be paid in equal semi-monthly payments. o-o-o-o-o-o-o X77, COIJSOLIDATION OF HUNTF~ AND GRAPE CREEK DOTING PRECINCTS. This 11th day oY Augu at, 1930, upon request oY Commissioner, T. J. IDSOOre, be and it is hereby ordered that Hunt Voting Pr eo inot No. 11 of Kerr County and Grape Creek Voting Precinct No. 5 of Karr County be and are hereby consolidated and all voters residing in sit oY said precincts shall hereafter vote at the Hunt School House, and it is further ordered that the Yield notes or boundaries of said oonaolidated voting precinct to be hereafter kno as Hunt Voting Preainot No. ~S_ of Kerr County shall be entered by the Covnty Surveyyor in the Record oY Election Precincts oY Karr Country g~ o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o X78, APPOffiTHF7 OF ELECTION JUDGE FOR H[ffiT VOTING PHEC IIQCT &0. 11. This 11th day of August, 1930, W. D. Hope was duly appointed Election Judge for Aunt Voting Precinct ~. ~b_ of Kerr County, as shown on page 101, in Vol. 1, Record of Election dodges of Kerr County, to eeree out the unexpired term oY 19m. S. Orr who has moved out of Bald precinct. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o #79, HE: PAYMENT BY KERRVILLE SCHOOL BOARD OF IT'S POHTIQN OF COUNTY HEALTH NURSE. This 11th day of Avgu et, 1830, the Clark oP this Court is requested to ask the Secretary of the Kerrville School Board Yor it's assurance to the Court in writing that it •ill pay its X600.00 pro-rata oY the salary of the County Health nurse's salary Yor year beginning So pt. let, 1930, in 12 regular monthly payments o1 w50.00 ae and when Kerr County is called upon to pay it's monthly paymentaoY X75.00. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #80, APPROVAL OF COIINTY AIID DISTRICT CLEBK'9 QUARTERLY REPORT. This 11th day of August, 1930, Dame o~n to be saamined tho quarterly report oY Jno. R. Leaven, County and District Clerk, oovexing fines, wdgmenta anQ wry tees collea' by him during quarter ending July 31st, 1930, which report was found correct and is hereby approved Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ao