t~8s' Clerk of this Court on Apr, 14,1930, with land own ere' claims Yor flamages attached, ba and is 1t1M'heraby reJaoted by the Court, and eaifl ease Se hereby dismissed and Qroppad from the docket oY this Court. It is further ordered that each oY said Jurors, to-wit: A. L. Starkey, Henry Roll, Jr., J. C. roodward, C. H. Johnson and Gober Ciboon be and are hereby allowed a per fliem of X3.00 Yor one day's service, whioh ahnll be paid by th• County Clerk by vouchers drawn against E. & B. #1 Yund of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o #83, APPROVAL OF EFFORT AND FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACS OF PRECINCT W0. OWE. This 8th day of September, 1930, oame oa to be considered by the Court the report of E. R. Turner, Justice oY the Peae9 of Precinct Wo. 1 of Kerr County, Yor the month of August, 1930, of criminal oases filed, and Yinea, Judgments and Jury teas oollaoted, ant itling him to X51.00 is fees, and it appearing that Bald report is true and oorreot, eama is hereby approved, and the County Clerk Sa directed to issue vouchers Sn payment oP saki fees Sn Yavor oP E. H. Turner, as follows: One Yor X34.00 out of Ad Palorem fund and one for e^17,00 out oY Road and Brl dge toad. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~34,RS-BIDCORDINO AND RENOMSE@IN6 OP ELECTION PEECINC T3 OF K1BS COUNTY, TSZA3. This Sth day oP September, 1930, it Sa ordered by the Court that the present twslve~ voting precincts oY Kerr County, Teass, be and are hereby ~Dered from 1 to 12 Snoluslve, beginning with the Court Houea boa, anfl all of said pr eo lnet• shall bs re-aaeordeQ Sn their nnmerioal order by the County Surveyor in the 8eaord of Sl action Preeinote of Kerr County, Yor whioh the surveyor shall present bill to thieCourt at it's neat term. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~8b, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLE3K'S TABULAR STATElSEIVT OF COIIWTY'S INDEBTEDftffiS, EEPEI,*DITURES AND RECEIPTS FOR QUARTER $[dDIN6 dULY 31 et, 1930. This 8th day of September, 1930, oame on to be ammined the County Clerk's tabular statement pf the County's indeDtednese, ozpanditurea and reoaiBta for quarter an4Sng July 31st, 1930, whioh statement ran approved ae oorreot Sn open Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Y X86. APPEOOAL OF TAZ COLLEOT08'3 MONTHLY EEPOET FOR AUGUST, 1930. On this 8th flay oY September, 1930, oame on to ba ezaminsd J. T. Moore'e monthly report ae State and County Taz Collector covering all state and county fazes oolleated and their disposition, Yor the month oP August, 1930, and it appearing to the Court that said repo r6 ie oorreot, same is hereby approved and same shall be Piled by the County Clerk. O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0 X87. •PER6iIT TO OPERATE TELEPfiONE LINE. TlM• ®th day of September, 1930, oame on to be heard the applioatlon oP E. E. Bushong sad other rasidente an{1 land osaere of Yerr and 8ea1 Counties, Tame, for a permit to opera 11 a paivats telephone line through and along thslr premlaee looats6 in sa16 S.err and Real 7 Counties, and it appearing to the Court that. sai8 bslsyhoae liar has bass bvSlt at the w y ezps~ss of applicants and Se very nsoesaary.Yor that: business.and convenience and that ^ ~ they ehom2d be ~Droteet.ed in the engoyment of ea16 rights. ~~ it Ss'thsrsfors ordered, adJudged and decreed by the Court that said applicants are hs 'by permitteQ to and granted the right to ovm and operate said telephone line where same Sa nor located and said privilege eo granted shall bs sad ie without ezDanae or obligation whatevQr on the part of Barr County. o•e-o•o-o-o