A. c. scxREIIIER G. I~'. SCFIRESN ICR 1. A. SCHREINER l'd. R. SCHR».IIdER TRUSTEES, CHARLES SCHREZNNR ROAD FUND. be, and the same is hereby aoo epted for and in behalf of Kerr County, Texas. PASSED BY THE UNANI3~SOUS AF'ss^IRIfiAT IVE VOTE OF TIIE S:iE2.4BER5 COifP05IidG THE COi:~IISSION ~tS' COURT OF I{ERR COUNTY, TEXAS, this,,,the a! /3l day oP January, 1931. Kerrville, Texas. January 12th, 1931. To tiie Honorable Uounty Judge and Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas. Gentlemen: County Judge, Kerr County, Texas. Commissioner Precinct Yo. 1, Commissioner Precinct IIo. 2, Commissioner Precinct Iio. 3, Commissioner Precinct o. 4. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 IVs agree to furnish to I{err County throtbh its' Commissioners' Court all legal prooa- acre leading; up to, and culminating in the issuance of vrarnants issued against the Road ~, and Brid;;e rand of said County to the amount of x,40,000.00. Vie agree to furnish to the said County the printed warrants, and their annexed coupons :~nd also agree to furnish approving opinion of the Honorable J. ^. Sluder of San Antonio, Texas, vritrout expense to the County. 'I 'de further agree to take up Prom the o~m ers and holders thereof all scrip or warrants ~I to be issued for road and bridge improvements as oovered by Obligation oP the Trustees oP the Chas. Soimeiner Road "rand to :{err County in the amount oP ;40,000. In lieu of all of the above sorip or warrants together with the amount of our fee, ~, aggregat ing L2°o oP the amount of larrants issued, for services rendered, we agree to accept Road and :;ridge Refunding Warrant s, Series of 1931, of Kerr County, Texas, dated January it 15th, 1931, duly and legally issued, bearing interest at the rate of 6' per annum, payable I semi-annually, and maturin,^ serially as follows: w4, ~00.~0 in each of the years 1ii32 to 1941, inclusive. itespeetfully submitted, VAi7 H. HOWALD ,~,Ok1PANY By V. ii. ;inward., Jr. The above o.r.a iore;;o ing proposition oY '!an ii. kin yard Company oP San hnt onio, Texas, has this cay been accepted by the unanimous vote oi'the Crmmi scion er s' Court oP uerr County, Texas Att eat: C~,o~y Cxer7c, uerr nun y, eras. C nun u~ce, err Coun y, eras. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 s/o