/136, ORDER PROVIDING FOR L$GAL OPINION OF CHAPPBAN & CUTLER OF CHICAGO ON ROAD BOND ISSU$. ~ S.Z~ ,. Thie I2th day of January, 1931, it ap~aring to the Court Lhat it is to the benefit sad advantage of Kerr County to obtain and pay far a legal opinion by Chapman & Cutler, national recognized bond attorneys, of Chicago, Illinois, oa it's ~4b0,000.00 Road Bond Isauo, it ie Ip therefore ordered by the Court that 4aa H. Howard Company of San Aritonio, Texas, DO and are N' hereby authorized and directed to obtain said opinion at the expanse of d"p300.00 to Karr Count. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X7.37, ALLOtiJANCE OF CLAI4dS AHD ACCOUNTS. Thie 12th day of 3anuary, A. D. 1931, Dame an to be consiflered by the Court the various alaime and acoounte f11ad against Kerr County and its reapaotive Commiseionera' 7?r eoinota ainoa last term oY this Court, whioh al aims and acoounta were approved and orflared paid by the County Clerk in amounts and out of respaotiva fYlnds, as shown in Yol. 6, pages 126-12?, of tlu 7Sinutos of looounts Allowae for Kerr County, vhiah Se made a part hereof. o-o-o-o-o-o-ow-o #1.38, APPROGAL OF R~ORT AND FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE P$pC$ 08 PRECINCT N0. ONE. This 12th day of January, A. D. 1931, Dame on to ba oonaidered by the Court the report of E. H. Turner, Justice of the Paace of Preoinot No. 1 of Kerr County, Tezas, for ~'~ the month of Daoember, 1930, of Criminal oases filed, and Pines, judgments and aury Peas ~P i 0o11ootad, toSaling 100.10, entitling him to X78.00 in fees, and it appearing that said report ie true and eorraot, same ie hereby approved, anfl the Caunty Clerk ie diraotti ' to issue tvo vonohers in payment of said fees in favor of E. A. Turner, as follows: q One for ~1b.60 out of Road and Bridge Fund and one for $j62.40 out of Ad Palorem fund, i o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o #].39. QUALIFICATION OF L,E'PI SURBER, COidSTABLE JUSTICE'S PRECINCT N0. 2. This 12th day of January, 1931, it appearing to the Court that the offioial bond of Levi Surber, ae Constable oY Juatioa Preoinat Ho. 2 of Kerr County, cleated to tba.t offiot at the last November election, le good and auffialent, and that said oYfioar has taken the proper oath of office ae required by law, it is hereby ordered and decreed that the bonfl of said Lavi Surber ea Constable aforesaid ba and 1e hereby approved and same shall be recorded Dy the County Clark in the proper record oY hie office. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X140, ACC$PTANCE oY Nov. 1430 REPORT OF RUTH JANE MOQR$, COUNTY HEAIIt'H NURSE. Thie 12th day of January, 1931, Dame on to be heard the report of M1sa Ruth Jana 1Soore, as County Health Nurse of Karr County for the month of November, 1930, whioh report is hereby aooepted by the Court and ordered ti10d.Dy the ClerK. o-o-o-a-o-o-,o #141, TF~ORARY AISOWANCE TO J. R. KEBNODLE AND JOHN PATES FOR JANUARY. On t:,ia 12th day of January, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that J. R. Kernodle be and is hereby allowed the sum oY ~y6.00 out of the Ad Yaloram fund of Kerr County and Bohn Yates be and 3a hereby allowed the sum oY X8.00 out of saki fund, as their reapeoti allowances Yor the month oY January, 1931, whioh allowances shall ba Baid unto said parties by the County Clerk by proper vouchers drawn in aooordaaaa with this order. o-.o-o-o-o-o-o ,}142, PURCHASE OF TYPBWRIT$8 FOR DISTRICT CL ffitK BY KERB COUNTY. Tb.ie 12th day of January, 1935, it appearing to the Court that A. A. Hartmann, Diatriot Clerk of Kerr County 1s in nerd of a typewriter for his offioial use, 1t 1e ordered by the Court that ha bt and 1a hereDy authorized to purohsee 8 new tatOet model 12° Undtrwoar