#136, OHDER PR09IDIiVG FOH L$GAL OPINION OF CHAPMAN & CUTLER OF CHICAGO ON ROAD BORSD ISSUE. ~ Sze. ,~, This 12th day of January, 1931, it ap7y+aaring to the Court that it is to the bensYit and advantage of Kerr County to obtain and pay for a legal opinion by Chapman & Cutler, national B reoognized bond attorneys, of Chloago, Illinois, on it's $450,000.00 Ho ad Bond Issue, it is therefore ordered Dy the Court that Yea H. Howard Company of San Antonio, Tem e, he and are hereby authorised and diraoted bo obtain said opinion at the expense oY ,$300.00 to Kerr Coun o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X137, ALLOI'JANCE OF CLAIM3 AND ACCOUNTS. This 12th day oY January, A. D. 1931, Dame on to be considered by the Court the various claims and acoounte Yiled against Karr County and its respective Commissioaeas' Praoinots sines last term oY this Court, whioh olaima and acoounta rare approved and ordered paid by the Cotmty Clerk in amounts and out oY respeotive Yuada, as shows in 901. 6, pages 126-127, oY the 1Clnutee oY Aooount^ Allowed for Kerr County, whioh Ss made a part hereof. o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o #138, APPR09AL OF H~ORT AND FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE P~.CB OF PRECINCT N0. ONE. This 12th day oY January, A. D. 1931, cams on to be oonsidered by the Court the report of E. H. Turner, Juatioa oY the Ponce oY Preoinot No. 1 oY Kerr County, Tams, Yor the month oY December, 1930, oY Criminal cases Piled, and fines, ~udgnente and jury Yeas '~, oolleoted, io;taling 100.10, entitling him to X78,00 in Ease, and it appearing that said report ie tree and correct, same 1s hereby npproved, anfl the County Clerk is directed to issue two voncrhara in payment of said Yeee in favor oY E. A. Turner, as Yollovus: One Yor $Ib.bO out of Road and Bridge Pond and one for X62.40 out oY Ad valorem Yund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o #139. d,UALIFICATION OF LS9I SUHBEH, COidSTABLE JUSTICE'S PRECINCT N0. 2. This 12th day oY January, 1931, it appearing to the Court that the official bond oY Levi Surber, ea Constable oY Justloe Preoinot No. 2 oY Karr County, elsOted to tgs.t oYfios at the last November election, 1a good and aufYiolent, and that said ofYioer has taken the proper oath oY olYioe ae required by law, it is hereby ordered and dearaed that the bond of said Lavi Surber ea Constable aforesaid be and is hereby approved and same shall be raoordad by the County Clark in the proper record oY hie offioa. O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-O-a /140, ACCEPTANCE oY Nov. 1930 BEPORT OF RUTH JANE MOORS, COUNTY HEAIIlH NURSS. This 12th day oY January, 1931, Dame on to ba heard the report oY Miss Ruth Jana goers, ae County Health Nurse oP Kerr County Yor the month oY November, 1930, whioh report ie hereby aaoepted by the Court and ordered Yiled.by the ClerK. o-o-o-o-o~.o X141, TF~ORARY ALL047ANCE TO J. R. KERNODLE AND JOHN YATES FOR JANUARY. On ti,ia 12th day oY January, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that J. R. Kernodle ba and is hereby allowed the sum oY ;6.00 out oY the Ad 9alorem Yund oY Kerr County and John Yates be and ie tg reby allowed the sum oY ~y8,00 out of said Yund, as their respect allowances Yor the month oY January, 1931, whioh allowances shall be paid unto said parties by the County Clark by proper vouohera drawn in accordance with this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o #142, PURCHASE OF TXPEWRITER FOR DISTRICT CLE6.K BY KERR COUNTY. _ T$is 12th day oP January, 1931, it appearing to the Court that A. A, Hartmann, District Clerk oY Kerr County 1s Sn need oY a typewriter Por his oYfioial use, 1t 16 ordered by the Court that he be and 1s hereby authorised to purchase a new latest model 12° Undorwca