#1.36, ORDF~2 PROVIDING FOR L$GAL OPINION OF CHAPA4AN €, CUTLER OF CHICAGO ON ROAD BOND ISSOE. ,S.'« This I2th day of January, 1931, it ap,~earing tp the Coast that it ie t0 the heneYit~and advantage of Rerr County to obtain and pay far a legal opinion by Chapman & Cutler, national h recognized bond attorneys, of Chicago, Illinois, on it's ~4b0,000.00 Ho ad Bond Issue, it ie therefore ordered by trio Court that flan H. Howard Company of San AntOII10, Texas, D¢ 8nd ¢re hereby authorized and diraoted bo obtain said opinion at the expanse of gp300.00 to Kerr Coon o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o X137, ALLOtidANCE OF CLAID6S AND ACCOUNTS. This 12th day of January, A. D. 1931, Dame on to be considered by the Court the various olaime and accounts filed against Rerr County and its respective Commia¢ioneTS' Precincts since last terra oY this Court, whioh olaime and sooounta ware approved and orderafl paid by the County Clerk Sn amount^ and out oY respective fun d¢, as shown in 401. 6, pages 126-127, oY the Yinutos of Aooount• Allowed for Kerr County, whioh ie made a part hereof. o-•-¢-¢-o-o-ow-o #138, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF dOSTICE OF THE PStCS OF PRECINCT H0. ONE. This 12th day oY January, A. D. 1931, Dams on to be oonaldered by trio Court the report of E. H. Turnor, Juatioe oY the Peaoo of Precinct NO. 1 of Rerr County, Texas, for the month of December, 1930, oY Criminal oa¢ee filed, and fin ea, judgments and jury fees collected, toSsling 100.10, entitling him to X78.00 in fees, and it appearSng that said report ie tree and correct, same 1e hereby approved, and trie County Clerk is diraotsl to issue two vouchers in payment of said fees in favor of E. R. Turaer, as follows: Ona for $1b.b0 out of Road and Bridge Fund and one for b6Z.4O out of Ad Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o #139. @UALIFZCATION OF LEPI SURBEH, CONSTABLE JUSTICE'S PHF6INCT N0. 2. This 12th day of danuary, 1931, it e~pearing to the Court that the official bond oY Levi Surber, ea Constable of Justioa Praoinot No. 2 of Kerr County, cleated to that offioei at the last November election, 1e good and sufficient, and that said offioar rise taken the proper oath of office ae required by law, it ie hereby ordered and daoreed that the bond of said Levi Surber as Constable aforesaid be and ie hereby approved and servo shall be recorded by the County Clerk in the proB~ record oY hia office. o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o-o #140, ACCEPTANCS oY Nov. 1930 RSPORT CF RUTH JANS }d09RS, COUNTY HSALPH NCRSS. This 12th day of January, 1931, Dame on to be heard the report of Misa Ruth Jana ]toots, ea County Health Nurse of Kerr County Yor the month of November, 1930, whioh report is hereby aooeptad by the Court and ordered filefl.Dy the C1erK. O-0-0-0-0-0-0 X141, T~SPORARY ALLOWANCE TO J. R, KSRNODLS AND JOHN YATES FOR JANUARY. On t:~ia 12th day oY January, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that J. R. Kernodle be and is hereby allowed the sum oY ~y6.00 out oY the Ad Valorem 3und of Karr County end Sohn Yates be and is hereby allowed the sum of ~y8.00 out of Bald Yund, ae their respect allowances Yor the month oY January, 1931, whioh alloevancas anall bo paid unto said parties by the County Clerk by proper vouohara drawn in accordance with this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ,f142, PURCHASS OF TYPSWRITSH FQR DISTRICT CL ERR BY KE1?H COUNTY. Tbic 12th day of daauary, 1931, it appaaring to the Court that A. A. Hartmann, District Clerk of Kerr County 1e in need of a typewriter for hia official uea, it 18 ordered by the Court that ha bo and. 1a hereby authorized to purchase a new latest modal 1Z° IInd¢rwQOd