S 3T X183 THE STATIS OF TFZAS, COU!}f7C 08 KIiRA, ~ Oa this, the 10th day of February, 1931, the Coamtie siomrs~ Court of $srr CoIIaty, ~Tezae, oonvened in regular sea ai oa, at a regular term of said Court, at the regular meeting place thereof in the Courthouse in Kerrville, Teze.s, rich all members tffire- of being present, namely: Chas. Real, County Judge, F, •,~3arger, Commissioner Preoinot No. 1, Virgil Storms, C~isai oner Prea inct Ro. 2, ' - Am. Barger, CcoIDiie aioaer Preeinot No. 3, T. J. Moore, Ca~lss inner Preoinat No, 4, Jno. R, Leave ll, County Clerk, the follgw ing pr oe eedings, among atSera, were had, to-wit: Af~E6.S, there oar on to be ooneidered the proposal of V, H, Howard, Jr., which is in"*ords sad fi gores as follows;, To the Honorable County Judge and Commissdsners~ Court of $srr County, Tezea. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your Notice of Sale of $250,000.00 Esra County Road Bonds, Series 1931, dated February 10th, 1951, bearing interest at flat ra to .d 3{ pen annum, with interest payable February 10th, 1932, affi semi-annually tharonfter on August 10th sad February 10th of sash year, and maturing sari ally tram 1934 to 1961, inslueive, I agree to r8are for the Cenmlty, n bona fide pu~ohaaer of said bonds at a prise of not leas than par and accruefl interest to date of pa,mant of said bonds by saidpurahnasr. ,c For aervio ea rendered Dy ~ in finding said purehaear tlu County of $srr agrees to pay~aeAtht sum of $4,2D0.e0, which said amount shall be pain to me by gon simultaneously and aSbthe time the bonds are delivered to and paid far by~said purchaser. i, Respectfully •ubmitte6, v. H. Howard, Sr. and IT APPEARING TO THE COIIF@, after due poasl deration tffit the above proposal Ss entirely sell afaatary, and it would be to the beat iIIt ere at of $srr County to aooept said propeeal, it ass moved Dy Commis al on er F. A. %arger, and saoonded Dy Commissioner Moore that the same be acoepted; the motion being then put, it was passed by the unanimous vote of said Court. set PASSED AIiD LPPROVED, this, the 10th day of February, 19ffi. . , ASTEYT: A,d,. (,~,.~. _ ... o ~ Coun'Ey J ge, err Lrous y, m~ ~ rr oua~'y, Tezas. M. //164 Tf~o6m{0.7i OF TSYAS, ~IIBTY OF YERR. ( On this, the 10th day of Yebruary, 1931, the Commisai onera~ Court pIIc*Rra'4ueaty, Tazea, oonvened in regular seeaioa, at a regular term of said Court, at thgalar meeting pleas thereof in the 6ourthouw is $errville, Texas, with all members Lhe2fek#' being present, namely: _ -Chas. Axel, County Jladge, -~ F. A. Barger, Comodasioner Praoinet Ho. 1, Virgil Storms, Commi scion er Pre of nat No. 2, Ym. $arger, Coffiie si on er Precl not No. 3, T. J. Poore, .Co®isai oner Preci net No. 4, Jno. R. Lsavell, County Clark, sad--Rhe following praseadings, among others, were had, to-wit: WHEREA6, pursuant to the oPfioial notice of sale thereof, a proposition hA'eis~ been submitted to the Court, there aemo on to bo oonaidered said proposit~lon which provided for the sale of $250,000,00 of Kerr County Road Bonds, Series 1931, dated Fabruary~ 10th, 1931, bearing interest at the rate of five par oentum (3~) par annum, aafl maturing,perielly on February 10th in eaoh of the following ya era: $4000 - 1934 $7000 - 1941 4000 - 1935 7000 - 1942 4000 - 1936 7000 - 1943 8000 - 1937 7000 ~ 1944 6000 - 1938 ' 8000 - 1913 6000 - 1939 8000 - 1946 7000 - 1940 $060 - 1949 affi, $&000 - 1948 9000,- 1949 9000,`,- 19$0 d 10,000 ~+- 1951 10,000 - 1952 10-000 - 1953 10,000 - 1954 $11,000 - 1955 12,000 - 1956 13,000 - 1959 14,000 - 1958 14,000 - 1958 15,000 - 1980 15,000 - 1961, WI432EAS, it 1s the opinion of this Court that said proposition to pay the sum of $250,000.00 plus soarued interest thorepn for said bonds ie a satiafaotory one, and it is to the beat intersst o; Kerr'Oounty to aooept acid proposition; THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED APID DECLARED TiIAT THE BID OF B. F. DZTTMAR 00ffiPANY, San Antonio, Texas, for the purchase of said bonds which is in words and figures as follows: PROPOSAL FOA SIDS NO BIDS WILL BE CONSIDERED E%CEPT THOSE S[TBMITTED ON TFIIS FORM. To the Honorable County Judge and Conmi.asioaose~ Oourt of %arr Coeaty, Tezea. Gentlemen:- We are pleased to submit yon the fellowia8 propoanl: For your $250t000.00 of legally and regularly issued Aoad Honda, 6ariea 1931, dated February 10th, 1931, bearing interest aS the rata of five pmS oentnm (5~) par annum, interest payable February 10th, 199E, and semi-annually thereafter on August 10th and February 10th of eaoh year, both principal and interest payable at the Guaranty Trust Company, New York, New York, end maturing aerially oa February 10th of ouch year, sa follows: $4000 - 1934 $7000 - 1941 ~ $9,000 - 1946 $11,000 - 1955 4000 - 1935 7000 - 1942 9,000 - 1949 12,000 - 1958 4000 - 1936 7000 - 1949 9,000 - 1950 13,000 - 1959 8000 - 1939 9000 - 1944 10.000 - 1951 14,000 - 1958 "8000 - 1998 8000 - 1945 10,000 - 1958 14,000 - 1959 8000 - 1939 8000 + 1948 10,000 - 1953 15,000 . 1980 9000 - 1940 8000 - 1947 10,000 - 1454 15,000 - 1981 WE WILL PAY THE SOM OF $250,000.00 FOR SAID BONAB, plus the eacrued interest accumulated thereon to date of payment by us, and will melee payment for eaifl bonds at Front National Bank, of San Antonio, Tezea, within five (S) days aster receiving no tics that said Donds and the final approving opinion of Messrs, Chapman and Cutler have been deposited rich said bank. Zt is undwratood that th• County rill furnish to ua, without cost, a aomglste transcript of proceedings covering these-bonds aitd the approval of the Attorney Oeaeizrl of the State of Tesae ani leesars. Chapman and Cutler of Chicago, Illinois, and that m condition will be aaoepted by Karr Coaaty. We are anolosing oortiPied oheok for $b,000.00 payable to Lhe order of Chefs. Heal, County Judge, of Kerr County, Tssas, Doing 2yi of the par vniw of said bonds bid for, said oheok to be retained by the County of %err as and for liquidntsd damages in ones we fail to take up and pay for Bald bonds in aooordanoa with tho terms o! this bid; and to De' returned to us immediately when we knee ocmpliod rith the terms. hereof, or if this bid is not aaoepted. Hsrtpoetfully enrbmittsd, B. F. DITTM/.R COMPANY, By S. L. Austin S3f ~ba, and the aam• i• hereby eoaepted; end the County Judge of said Coun#y ie heraby~autho- rized and direeted to antor ihto n written contract rith said syndicate, in Bonformity 53 S vi th said Did... - The above order being read, it vas moved Dy Caemiis ai oner Moore and seooaded by Commissioner F, A. $arger, that the same do pnsa; th erenpoa, the gneati on being oalled for, the following voted 6YE: Commisaioaera F, A, $arger, Virgil Storms, lfm. Karger, ea6 T. J. Moore, and NONE voted N0. ~~ PA35ED AND APPROVED, thi:, the 10th day of February, 1931. ATTEST: Dun y er err onn Mezas. Coun y ge, ••r oua ezac. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 165, ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This 10th day of Febrnarp, •, D. 1931, came on to be oonaidored by the Court the various olaima and aooounta filed against $arr County and its respective Commisaioaera~ Precinota aino• last term of this Court, ~ioh olaima and aooounta were apgr owed and ordered paid by the County Clerk is amoun to and out of re speotlve fande, as shown Sn Vol. 6, pages 129 and 130, of She MiIIUtea of AooouIIW Allowed for $arr County, which ie made a part hereof. o-o-o-o-o+-o-o-o No. 166, APPROVAL OF CO. k DIST. CLERB~S gUART$RJ.Y REPORT. Thie-10th day of February, 1931, Dame on to De considered the quarterly report of Bohn R. Leavell, Co. & District Clerk for quarter ending January 31 et, 1931, of fines impo aed affi col leoted and judgments rendered cad collected, which report wee found aorreot eafl is hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 187, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLER$'S gUARTERLY TABULAR STATEMENT, Thie 10th day of January, 1931, Dame on to be ezamined the quarterly tabular statement flied Dy Joha R. Leavell, County C1eFk covering the indebtedness, ezpenditu ree, and receipts of $arr County for quarter ending January 31st, 1931, said report having been found oorreat, is hereby approved by She Court. o-o-o-o-o-o Y NO. 189, APPROVAL OF REPORT ADID FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0. ONE, Thie 10th day of February, 1931, Dams on to be oonai dared by the Court the report of vouahera in payment of said fees in favor of E. H. Turner, one for $14.50 out of R. & B. E. H. Turner, Jastio• of the Peace of Precinct No. 1 of $arr County, Tezaa, for the month of January, 1931, of criminal oases filed, and fines, judgments and jury fees Doll acted, totaling X114.95, entitling him to $87.00 in fees, and it appearing that said report is true and oorree t, same is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is di rooted to Aasue two .~ fund and the other for $72.50 out of Ad Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o go..lBA~ ACCEPTANCE OF JAN. REPORT OF HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT. This 10th day of Feb., 1931, came on to be heard the report of Miea Veta Culyepper, Cypnty:H~yoe Demonatratioa Agent, for the month of January, 1931, which report is hereby aesepted by the Court and the Clerk ie directed to file ss~ms. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 170, TEMPOARARY ALLOWADACE TO PARTIES IN FI NATiCIAL DISTRESS. This 10th day of February, 1931, it is ordered by the Court that each of the follow- ing named parties be sad is hereby alloyed the sum of money out of the Ad Valorem fnad of Kerr County, set oppoei to his or her Hama, for each of the months designated, to-wit: